


Probate Records information for Wuerdle and Wardle and places above it in the hierarchy

Wuerdle and Wardle

For probate purposes prior to 1858, Wardle was in the Archdeaconry of Chester, in the Diocese of Chester. The original Lancashire wills for the Archdeaconry of Chester are held at the Lancashire Record Office.


When a person dies, probate is the act of proving a will, or if none has been made, deciding who will adminster the deceased's estate. The Lancashire Probate records, require a little knowledge of geography to find the ones that may help you in your research.


UK and Ireland

  • Post-1858 wills: copies can be ordered from the Probate Service or from UKDocuments for a  fee.
  • Pre-1858 Wills: administrations and other probate records will be found in the Record Office holding the documents of the ecclesiastical (church) court where the will was proved.
  • For English and Welsh records see TNA Leaflet: Will and Probate Records. Scottish testamentary records are held at the National Archives of Scotland in Edinburgh.
  • Copies of wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury can be obtained for a fee from the National Archives via their Wills 1384-1858 page.
  • Official search facility for finding the will of a soldier who died while serving in the British armed forces between 1850 and 1986.
  • Tom's Wills - the index to UK wills 1931-1949.