Abstract Number 10509
1625 richard waldron uplambourn lambourn brk archd berks will inv 10509
will and inventory of richard waldron
1) will: of richard waldron of uplamborn, yeoman. dated the last day of july 1625, weak in body, to be buried in the church or churchyard of chipping lamborn. [original will]
to my wife elizabeth waldron 2 acres of arable lately purchased of john spinedge for her life and after to my heirs and if i have no heirs of my own body to remain to roger waldron my brother and his heirs
to my brother john waldron £5
to my brother william waldron £5
to be brother robert waldron £5
to my brother roger waldron 10 sheep
to my sister elizabeth cledgdell alias heeden my black tagged cow and 1 quarter of barley and to her 3 children 20s each
to my sister johan bacon 20s and to her 3 children 20s each
to my sister susan chainey my red tagged cow and to her 2 chilren 30s each
all to be paid within 1 year after my decease anf the cattle to be delivered within 1 month after my decease
to each of my godchilren 6d
to the poor of uplamborn 6s-8d
to my servant john tyler 12d
to my child if god send me any £20 at the age of 12 years
the resdue to elizabeth my wife who is sole executrix
overseers: thomas chainey and john cledgdell alias heeden
[testator signs] richard waldron
witnesses: john cadbery, thomas cheyney, the mark of john (X) cledgell
probate: oxon 9 february 1625 to elizabeth waldron widow and relict etc
2) inventory
taken 1 february 1625 by thomas payne, david keate, henry wodam [all sign], thomas chainy [no signature] john cledgdell (x) ,and john cadberry [signs]
six score and 12 sheepe with the folds and cages £45
5 beastes £7
3 pigs 14s
3 halves of wheat on the ground 26s-8d
grain of all sorts £25
also household effects and farm implements etc
debts of specialty due to him £5
debt without specialty £3-9s
sum total £129-7-6
Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]