Abstract Number 10164
1524 robert hayward town hungerford brk PCC will 10164
will of robert heywarde of hungerford
the last day of june 1523, robert heywarde of the towne of hungerford. soul to [inter alia] the blessed virgin mary and all [gods] saints in heaven. my body to be buried in the churchyard of hungerford beside my wife agnes,
to the mother church of sarum 4d. to the high alter of my parish church of hungerford 12d. to the said church 6s-8d towards a cross to be bought to the church of silver and gilt and to no other use.
to our lady light one pound of wax. to the rood light one pound of wax.
to saint katherine light one pound of wax.
to thomas carpynter of hungerford 6s-8d.
to robert helgare of kintbury 6s-8d
to the vicar of hungerford my count(?) for forgotten tithes 12d.
to every godchild of mine 4d.
i bequeath my 3 houses set in hungerford with the lands pastures and meadows belonging to them to my son william and his heirs forever.
also to my son william my 3 acres of arable land lying in charnam field by standgrove.
to my son william and to 'other them to whom my said houses and lands cometh or shall come hereafter' to cause to be kept my obit 'two in the yere' at which obits i will spend for my soules health 6s 8d i.e at every obit 3s-4d. to the vicar of hungerford for the time being 6d, also for the light of the said vicar to be founf upon my hearse 2d.
also for offering at the mass 1d. also the every chantry priest at my dirige and mass of requiem 4d. also to my children reading lessons and singing verses at my dirige in the said obits to each 1d. also to the clerk 4d. also to the belman for his labour 2d.
to loore my wife all my woolen drapery, cloth in my shop, also in case my son william or those to who my house descend do not keep my obits in the manner aforesaid then it shall be lawful for the said vicar and chaplains to enter my said houses and distrain goods etc until my obits i.e. my dirige and masses and other suffrages of christs church be sung and said after the custom of my parish church.
to my son william 3 score wethers of the best, also to my son william all my linen shop with the coffers therewith with the weights and measures belonging to the same. also to william my horses my carts with apparell belonging, also 6 of my best brass pots, also 6 of my best pans, 2 of my 'cawdrens', 4 latten basens, 1 of my great kettle, 2 of my best 'meshing fattes', 6 of my best candlesticks, also my great 'meshing hony fate' with the press and the lethern tagges to the same belonging.
also half 'a garmysshe' of pewter vessels that is to say 6 plates, 6 poringers and 6 saucers. Also my best bed with apparell i.e the best bolster, the best pillow, the best testor or sparver, the best blankets and the best coverlet. Also 4 pairs of sheets. Also 1 dozen silver spoons. Also my salt of silver. also the right and title to my indenture which i have to the farm of tithings belonging to the chapel of st. faith within the parish of hungerford.
also to loore my wife and william my son all my crops this year growing upon my land to be divided equally between them.
also loore my wife to have half the house to dwell in with my son william and half the lands pertaining to the same during her life and after her death wholly to remain to my son wiliam and his heirs.
the residue to loore my wife and william who are joint executors to dispose for the health of my soul as they think best.
witnesses: john lovelake, master john hakett vicar, thomas burton, thomas mason, january kyrton, geffrey gusset; 28 may 1524.
also i make and constitute my well beloved friend john hyden supervisor of this my last will and for this labour i bequeath to him 6s 8d.
probate st pauls cathedral, london ___ die november 1524, to the executors named in the will
Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]