


Abstract Number 10340

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1700 edward playstead hungerford brk dean of sarum will 10340
will of edward plaisted of hungerford shoemaker dated 24 april 1700.
to ann my beloved wife my 1 acre of arable in pidden the land of john toe lying on the north and the land of john boone lying on the south and also my one half acre of arable in westbrooke abutting north and south the land of william rawlins lying on the west and the land now or late of raphe mackerell on the east thereof, also my one half acre of arable in a field called hawkers path abutting the land of thomas robinson on the west and the land of john cannon on the east for her life and after her decease to my son edward plaisted and his heirs forever.
ann sole executrix
[testator signs and affixes his seal]
witnesses: alex thistlethwayte, thomas mundy, samuel body
probate to anna plaisted relict et executrix [ no date] [date according to index is 1700]
Inventory of the goods of edward plaisted, yeoman dated [sic] 6 may 1704
in the chamber over the hall, in the inner chamber [etc]
total £6-1s-0d
signed: thomas lewes, john paty

Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]