


Abstract Number 10528

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1665 john waldron town lambourn brk archd berks will acc bond 10528
will and account of john waldron
1) will of john waldron the younger of chipping lamborn, gent
dated 6 february 1665, in good health
all my lands, tenemants etc in chipping lamborn, lamborn woodlands, bockhampton or elsewhere to my second son juriel waldron and his heirs and in default of heirs male of his body to my youngest son william waldron and in deafult [etc etc] to my eldest son john waldron and in default to my daughter joanna wareham wife of edward wareham gent, and in default [etc] to my daughter mary waldron [etc], my daughter damaris waldron etc my daughter persis waldron etc, my daughter emma etc, charged however with payments etc made by indenture between me john wadlron the younger on the one part and anthony stroud of baydon yeoman, bartholomew malyn of lamborn woodlands yeoman, henry paty of chipping lamborne and ellis stiff of chipping lamborn weaver on the other part
the residue to my daughters persis and emma waldron who are joint executors (when they are 21)
my wife to be barred from executorship
overseers: [as in the indenture above]
signed: jo: waldron
witnesses: samuell dabbe, thomas stiffe, anth rider
probate: not approved because executrixes are minors 17 march 1665
admons: with will annexed to johanna waldron vid natural mother of persis and emma waldron
sum inventory: £195-2s

2) account of administratrix
the inventory of goods etc £195-2s
charges and expenses are as follows [mainly debts]
[including] paid to william edden 5s
to catherine waldron upon single bond £6-10s
funeral expenses £7
catherine waldron 5s
thomas bacon 3s
john waldron £10
sum £208-3s-3d
utltra vires inventory £13-1-3 approbamus hunc comput' ___ restat quieta.
3) bond: joanna waldron vidus and thomas stiffe of church lamborn cordwainer [both sign]

Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]