


Abstract Number 7375

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1706 john alder drayton brk archd berks will 7375
nuncupative will of john aldworth alias alder of drayton, yeoman, [original document, also in register 19] Spoken 4 aug 1706
to nicholas aldworth alias alder his brother £5
to john the son of the said nicholas £10
to his brother joseph aldworth 1s
to his brother william aldworth alias alder 1s
to his brother thomas aldworth alias alder 1s
to his brother edward aldworth alias alder 1s
to his sister katherin the wife of john chear of drayton, yeoman 1s
to his brother robert aldworth alias alder all the residue of his estate and to be his sole executor
which john aldworth alias alder did depart from this life on 7 august
dated 9 august 1706
witnesses: thomas higgins, richard (X) clisdell, william hobbs, in the presense of mary pretty, john pretty jnr
[no inventory]
probate: oxon 17 august 1706 on oath of robert aldworth alias alder brother of the deceased and executer named in the will who was granted a commision to execute, oaths of thomas higgins, rich clisdell, wm hobbs

Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]