


Abstract Number 10130

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1695 thomas gifford baydon wil dean of sarum will inv 10130
1) the will of thomas gifford of baydon. dated 18 may 1694.
to my daughter mary wife of thomas hiddin my son in law all my right title and interest of my lease of tithes [of] one yardland in baden, in as full and ample manner as i myself ought to enjoy.
to thomas son of john peirce of ogbourne £10
to mary the wife of john peirce of ogbourn £5
to jone wife of thomas stiles of wantage £10
to my sister an lambe 10s
the residue to my daughter mary the wife of thomas hiddin whom i make sole executor.
signed: thomas (x) gifford
witnesses: john rowland, john harden, john (x) plommer
inventory: taken by edward hidding and john finch. 6 june 1694
[the inventory seems to be written in the hand of john finch including the 'signature' of edward hidding at the end. there is however an addendum in a different hand signed edward hidding which was probably written by the latter]
added to this inventory
a lease of tithes £10
8 stocks of bees £3
owing in money £40
edward hidding
probate 1695

Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]