


Abstract Number 10436

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1575 maud smith kintbury brk archd berks will inv 10436
Estate of maud smith of kintbury
1) will of maud smith widow of kintbury dated 2 june 17 eliz [probate copy also in register G]
sick in body, soul to almighty god and jesus christ my redeemer
to be buried in kintbury churchyard
to the mother church of sarum 4d
to the poor mens box of kintbury 4d
to john jesset 2 kine, a white pan, a basin of tin, a charger of pewter etc etc
to jone smith a cow, a broad brimmer platter etc
to thomas smith 1 great cauldron that is there already
to mary hore 1 white pan
to john smith a brass pot that was his grandsires
to ellen crippes 1 cow, a cauldron of red brass that came for farnborow etc
to john crippes a brode [broad ?] chest
to agnes fenor a russet frock etc
to john jesset a cow
to maude jesset a cow, a brasspot etc
to walter jesset a 'tynnen' basin etc
to richard jesset a cow that he hath already
to peter jesset a brode pottinger etc
to elizabeth jesset a platter
to thomas jesset an old brass pot
to everyone of my godchildren 4d
the residue to richard jesset my son who is sole executor
witnesses: john mawkes, john hidden, richard knight, john morley and others
probate: newbury 13 october 1575 commision to executor named in the will
2) inventory: [imperfect] prysed by john mawkes, thomas ____
household effects and :-
7 kine £8
summa totalis £17-0-12

Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]