


Abstract Number 10532

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1603 john waldron uplambourn lambourn brk archd berks will inv 10532
will and inventory of john waldron
1) will of john waldron of upper lamborn, yeoman [original will]
dated 24 august 1603, sick in body
to my brother thomas waldron 80 sheep, 20 to be divided between his children and all my corn which is being threshed
to will hopkins my sisters son 5 sheep
to robert hopkins 5 sheep and to every one of his children 1 sheep
to steven hopkins 2 sheep
to each of my sister's daughters 2 sheep and 2 bushels of barley each
to joan waldron my brother will's daughter - household effects
to my sister
to agnes waldron my brother thomas's daughter
to elizabeth waldron my brother will's daughter
to su[s?]an waldron my brother's daughter
to richard waldron my brother's son
to richard waldorn my brothers son
to thomas, will , robert, and roger my brother will's sons the bond which is forfeited unto my hands by richard mills
to robert hopkins my sister's son
the residue to my brother will who is sole executor
overseers: edward fairthorne and thomas payne
[testator makes his mark]
witnesses: richard streat, william paradice
probate: 3 november 1603

2) inventory:
taken by edward fayrethorne, thomas payne, richard streate and william paradice
12 september 1jas1
175 sheep and 47 lambs £52
barly, wheat, peason, dredge in the barn £18
12 tods of wool £16
household effects
1 bond of richard milles gent £120 for the payment of £56-13-4d
total £103-1s-4d

Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]