


County Waterford


Waterford, a county of Ireland, province of Munster, bounded N by Kilkenny and Tipperary, E by Wexford, S by the sea, and W by Cork, 42 m. long E to W, and 8 to 22 broad. Area, 425,692 acres, divided into 74 parishes. It presents a diversity of soil and prospect, but in general is pleasant and fertile, yet in many parts mountainous and rocky; even on the sides of the mountains, however, there is good pasture for cattle. It sends 2 members to the imperial parliament. Pop. 127,679. [From The New London Gazetteer (1826)]

"COUNTY WATERFORD, a maritime county in the province of Munster, Ireland, is bounded on the N. by the counties of Tipperary and Kilkenny, E. by the county of Wexford, S. by the Atlantic Ocean, and W. by the county of Cork. It lies between 51° 56' and 52° 20' N. lat., and 6° 58' and 8° 8' W. long. Its greatest length from E. to W. is 52 miles, and from N. to S. 28 miles. Its area is 721 square miles, or 461,553 acres, of which 325,315 are arable, 105,496 uncultivated, 23,408 under plantations, 1,525 in towns and villages, and 5,779 under water. The population in 1841, including the city of Waterford, was 196,187; in 1851 it had decreased to 164,035; and in 1861 to 134,242. The number of inhabited houses in 1861 was 21,492, 1,026 were uninhabited, and 53 were in course of building. The poor-law valuation in 1851 was £326,979, and the general valuation in 1861 was £315,610. The number of persons from this county who emigrated from Irish ports with the expressed intention of not returning, between May, 1851, and December, 1865, was 49,525, or 30 per cent. of the population at the former date......More"  [Description from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]

"WATERFORD, a county, of the province of MUNSTER, bounded on the west by that of Cork; on the north, by those of Tipperary and Kilkenny; on the east, by that of Wexford; and on the south, by St. George's Channel. It extends from 51° 54' to 52° 19' (N. Lat.); and from 6° 57' to 8° 8' (W. Lon.); comprising an extent, according to the Ordnance survey, of 461,598 statute acres, of which 343,564 acres are cultivated land, and 118,034 are unimproved mountain and bog. The population, in 1821, exclusively of the city of Waterford, which forms a county of itself, was 127,842; and, in 1831, 148,233....More" [Transcription from A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland - Samuel Lewis - 1837 Mel Lockie ©2013]



Waterford Cemetery Records - on IGP

Waterford Headstone Photos - on IGP

Burial Records in Waterford - at Waterford Libraries



1821 Census - County of Waterford - on IGP

Waterford Census Records (assorted streets & baronies) - on IGP


Church Records

Waterford Church Records - on IGP

Waterford Roman Catholic records - on Irish Ancestors

County Waterford; Roman Catholic Records - on fianna


Civil Registration

Waterford Vital Records (BMD) - on IGP


Court Records

Court, Gaol and Police Records at Waterford Libraries


Description & Travel

"The Waterford and Kilkenny railway opens direct communication with Dublin and the N., and the Waterford and Limerick line with the W. There is a short line of 8 miles from the city of Waterford to the bathing-place of Tramore. It is intended to make a railway to Wexford, and there join the Dublin, Wicklow, and Wexford line. The principal roads are from Waterford to Cork, passing Cappoquin and Youghal; from Dungarvon to Clonmel; and two from Dungarvon to Youghal. " [Description from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]

County Waterford - on wikipedia



Waterford City and County Library Service have made the following Trade Directories available online as a searchable database:

  • Piggott, 1824
  • Shearman, 1839
  • Slater, 1846, 1956 and 1881
  • Harvey, 1877
  • Egan, 1894
  • Thoms, 1909-1910

Emigration & Immigration

Emigration at Waterford Libraries



The transcription for this county from the National Gazetteer (1868), provided by Colin Hinson.

The transcription for this county from the 1837 Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of Ireland [Mel Lockie ©2013]



The Ireland Genealogy Project's County Waterford page, and its listing of the Project's available Waterford Records.

The Irish Ancestors website (subscription) has the following types of records: State Registration of Births, Marriages & Deaths, Census returns, Land records, Church records, Genealogical Office records, Gravestone inscriptions, Directories, Newspapers, Wills, Deeds, and Occupations.

Irish Ancestors' extensive County Waterford website.

The LDS FamilySearch Wiki's Ireland Online Genealogy Records.

The Fianna website's pages for County Waterford provide important addresses and extensive information about online and other genealogy resources.

Roots Ireland (subscription) "offers access to a unique database of more than 20 million Irish records". Its Waterford coverage includes Baptismal/Birth Records, Marriage Records, Burial/Death Records and Griffith's Valuation (Free Access).

Sources for Family History in County Waterford at Waterford County Council


Historical Geography

"The county is divided for civil purposes into eight baronies -Coslimore and Coshbride, Decies within Drum, Decies without Drum, Gaultier, Glenahiry, Kilculliheen, Middlethird, and Upperthird, and contains 82 parishes.........Fairs are held at 32 places, and there are 5 market towns. " [Descriptions from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]

Waterford civil parishes - on Irish Ancestors

See the county Waterford page on logainm.ie which has links to its civil parish pages

    "The Placenames Database of Ireland was created by Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge in collaboration with The Placenames Branch (Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht). This is a comprehensive management system for data, archival records and placenames research conducted by the State. It is a public resource for Irish people at home and abroad, and for all those who appreciate the rich heritage of Irish placenames."



WATERFORD, Oaths of Allegiance 1775 - on IGP


Land & Property

Waterford Land Records - on IGP

Various census substitutes - on IGP

  • Registered Freeholders who voted for Marshal Sir William Beresford - 1812  
  • 1826 Freeholders Tramore Area
  • Waterford Tenants Polled for & against Lord G A Beresford out of Lord Doneraile's Estate - 1830 
  • Return of Tenants on Hill Quarter of Tramore 1830’s  
  • Persons under licence at present in Tramore Town 1831 
  • A list of Tramore leases in the County of Waterford - 1831  
  • Lord Doneraile’s Rentals in Tramore 1848-49  
  • Landowners 1870's

Griffiths Valuation 1847/64 on the Ask about Ireland site. Use the search box to bring up entries showing Barony/Parish/Townlands and lists of Occupants

Tithe Applotment Books for county Waterford and its  parishes are available online on the National Archives of Ireland website (free).

  • The Tithe Applotment Books were compiled between 1823 and 1838 as a survey of land in each civil parish to determine the payment of tithes (a religious tax). Unlike Griffith's Valuation they do not cover cities or towns.

Tithe Applotment Books for county Waterford and its  parishes are available online on the National Archives of Ireland website .


Law & Legislation

WATERFORD - Proclamations 1661-1827 - on IGP


Military Records

Waterford Military & Constabulary (Irish Constabulary with native county of Waterford 1840) - on IGP


Monumental Inscriptions

Waterford Headstone Photos - on IGP


Names, Personal

Surnames County Waterford 1100 thru 1600 - on IGP



Munster Express - Online Edition

Nespapers  - on IGP   (Selection, other dates there)

  • Dublin Gazette 4 Dec 1739, Fugitives for debt - Waterford Session  
  • Freemans Journal, 10 Oct 1840    

Local Historical Newspapers online at Waterford Libraries

  • Dungarvan Leader 1943+
  • Dungarvan Observer 1918+
  • Waterford Chronicle 1811+
  • Waterford Mail 1825+




Waterford Memorial Cards - on IGP

Waterford Obituaries - on IGP



"There is an extensive copper mine at Knockmahon, from which 682 tons of ore, of the value of £25,657, were sold in Swansea during the year 1863. Lead and iron mines have also been worked, and silver has been got at Carysfort and Bonmahon."

"In 1866 there were 104,206 acres under crops, of which 18,786 acres were of wheat, 31,158 acres of oats, 1,799 acres of barley, here, and rye, 20,713 acres of potatoes, 10,904 acres of green crops, 153 acres of flax, and 20,693 acres of meadow and clover. Dairy farming is extensively carried on, and large quantities of butter and bacon are exported. A cotton factory has been established at Portlaw, containing 30,292 spindles and 940 looms, and driven by steam and water power; it employs 1,412 persons. There are also four woollen factories, with 2,760 spindles and 49 looms, and employing 93 persons. "

"The fishery district of Waterford extends from Bannow to Ballyvoile Bridge, embracing 76 miles of sea-coast, and trawling is practised to a considerable extent. The number of vessels and boats engaged at the fishery in 1864 was 336, employing 1,269 men and boys. There is a small bank in the estuary of the Suir producing oysters. "

[Descriptions from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]



From Fianna:

Decies: Journal of the Old Waterford Society (quarterly)
Mr. F. Dillon, Trespon, The Folly, Waterford

Poor Houses, Poor Law

"The poor-law unions are Dungarvan, Kilmacthomas, Lismore, and Waterford, containing 16 dispensary districts. " [Descriptions from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]


Probate Records

Waterford Wills - on IGP


Religion & Religious Life

"Of the population in 1861, 5,197, or 3.9 per cent., were members of the Established Church, 127,654, or 95.1 per cent., were Roman Catholics, and 1,401, or 1 per cent., belonged to other denominations, or were unspecified." [Descriptions from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]

WATERFORD/TIPPERARY -  Recanters from the Popish Religion 1713-1794. - on IGP

Principal Roman Catholics of Town & Parish of Dungarvan - 1792 - on IGP