


Abstract Number 10017

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1536 thomas hall haywood chilton foliat brk PCC will 10017
Will of thomas hall of haywood, berks. Dated 1 jan 1535. Sick in body. Soul to almighty god, to our lady st mary and all the blessed company of heaven, and body to be buried under the herse within the parish church of chilton. And for my burial there to be had and the place repaired again i give and bequeath to the said church of chilton 5s. To the mother church of sarum 4d. To the high alter within the said church of chilton for tithes forgotten 4d. To the herse light within the said church 8d. To every of my godchildren which shall come to my burial one sheep. To every one of my tenants 1 half quarter of barley. To either of my daughters £5. To john hall my son 15 marks in money's worth and all my title and lease which i have in the farm of leverton which i have by lease of indenture of the Queen's grace that now is, and in case my said son john hall happened to be dead or else to be gone where no man can tell of him and that he do not personally appear before my executors and overseers, then i will all the said legacy to him bequeathed shall remain and equally to be divided betwixt joane hall my well beloved wife and edmonde hall my son by the discretion of sir anthony hungerford, knight and john smith, gent surveyor to the Queen's grace that now is. To john hall my son all my lands and tenements in hungerford for term of his life and to the heirs male of his body lawfullie. And for lack of such heirs to edmonde hall my son and to his heirs [etc]. To edward hall my son 20 marks in money or moneyworth, 5 marks to be delivered when he cometh out of his prenticeship and be at his full age, to buy him such neccessaries as appertaineth and belongeth to his occupation and if he diligently apply his occupation making no inordinate and riotous waste of the said 5 marks of the legacy so to him bequest. The i will that my executors deliver him the other £10 [etc]. And in case he should inordinately waste or riot away his first 5 marks i will that the other £10 shall remain in the custody of my executors and they equally to divide it amongst my other children by the discretion of the overseers. To margaret harrolde my servant £6-13s-4d. To thomas greene 20s and one cow. To william hall the son of my son robert hall 10 sheep. 1 cow, a heifer and 20s in money. The child and the stock to be in the keeping of my wife until the child come to his lawful age. To every one of my servants besides their wages 20d. To thomas kempe and joane my daughter's children every one of them a bullock. My overseers to distribute 10 quarters of breadcorn amongst the poor householders in chilton, leverton, solley, hungerford and charleham street where they see most need and poverty. To each overseer 4 marks. They are to have the keeping of all the deeds of land and copies and indentures. I will that johane hall my wife and edmonde hall my son occupy together my farm of haywood during the time of my indenture, if my wife marry then the said farm shall wholly remain to edmond. All other my goods to my wife joane hall and edmond my son equally whom i make my executors.
Wit: william boner, robert preston, william hedache, john whitehorn and others
[testator signs]
Probate: probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum coram prefato magistro willmo petre legum doctore commissario ante dco xiii die in mensis mai a d 1536. Juramento roger hunt, procuratoris executorum in huis testamento nominal.
Administration given the 13th day of June

Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]