


Abstract Number 10189

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1605 joan grove town hungerford brk dean of sarum will inv 10189
will of joan grove widow of hungerford town
dated 1 december 3 & (?)eliz
to be buried in hungerford churchyard
to james the son of james blackman my son in law 20s
to joan blackman daughter of the said james blackman 20s
to elizabeth blackman daughter of the said james blackman 20s
to joan blackman the wife of john blackman my daughter
to avyce(?) younge the wife of anthonie younge my other daughter
household stuff to be divided between my two daughters. If they cannot agree my honest and loving neigbours humphrey batt of the same town clot[h?] worker and thomas carpenter of the same towne dyer shall help them decide
my executrix joan blackman my daughter
if james blackman my son in law be contented to keep the house in his possesion and his heirs forever then anthony younge my other son in law to have the whole plot of ground, garden and acre of arable in everlange and james blackman to pay him 20 marks of money and give him timber to put up a tenement of the plot
overseers humphrey batt & thomas carpenter.
[mark of the testator]
witnesses: willm bronker clark vicar of hungerford, humphrey batt, thomas carpenter
probate 9 april 1605
2) inventory of joane grove of hungerford, widowe 11 june 1604 by john wirrall, clarke, thomas carpenter, john bacon yeomen and john bordman yeoman.
[household effects, weights and scales]
sum £15-13s-8d
exhibited 9 april 1605

Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]