


Abstract Number 10240

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1653 roger knight newbury? brk PCC nunc will 10240
nuncupative will of roger knight esq 26 0ctober 1653 weak in body, caused all others besides timothy dewell clerk and william hall clerk to go out of the chamber.
to them he said concerning yourselves that married my daughters for the portion i promised one it is wholly paid for, for the other i have secured it unto him, i have made a will and left blanks in it and hoped i should have lived to have filled them up myself which now i am not like to do.
i conceive there is £1000 is very good debts, this is to be divided equally amongst my younger children except frances and rachell, frances need not have so much in regard that other provision is made for him. and as for rachel, she has been disobedient and therefore i leave these 2 to their mother to hand out of that estate i give my children etc.
it was asked him whether our sister martha being his eldest daughter were reckoned in the number of his younger children, it was true that she had been a very dutiful and loving child etc but must take her part or divident with the rest.
their mother to pay them as they are settled and married.
as for tom paythee his time is almost out and he will want it about his trade and he is to be paid at that time.
as for my wife i have left her enough (£200) per annum to live plentifully on.
my wife is to be sole executrix, the household goods to my wife to dispose of as she wish. rogers mother in law mistress webb had of me £200 which is to be paid back in case he died and his wife not have any issue by him, which if it be paid i would have divided among my children that are to be provided for.
overseers: his brother robert long and his sonne burdett.
witnesses: 27 october 1653 timothy denell, william hall.
probate nunc will 7 march by martha knight relict and sole executrix.

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