Abstract Number 6410
1815 thomas hedden lambourn brk archd berks will 6410
thomas hedden yeoman of chipping lambourne
trustees john fortescue yeoman of chipping lambourne and william chouls yeoman of chipping lambourne. Property etc in trust until children reach the following ages (viz orchard 25, john and james 21, maria and mary 21). To my eldest son thomas hedden my messuage or dwelling house ( now used as 2 tenements) barn stable cart-house yard etc situate in chipping lambourne and formerly called the swan inn, also 30 acres of arable in francomb bottom near francomb chipping lambourne. also 25 acres of freehold down land adjoining francomb bottom called csrub hill otherwise coppington hill subject to an annuity of £30 per annum to my dear wife elizabeth hedden ( all of which were formerly the property of my late brother orchard hedden). also to thomas hedden a legacy of £700 to be paid out of my personal estate. To my son charles hedden my half part of 12 acres of arable in francomb bottom being part of certain lands called rambarrow. Also my half part of 6 acres of down land called coppington adjoining thr last mentioned lands. Also my halp part of 7 acres on francomb down lately converted into tillage ( all of which siad lands were jointly holden by me and my late brother richard hedden who in his last will devised his half part unto my son richard hedden) Also to charles a legacy of £200. Also to my son charles and my son john my 5 freehold messuages or tenements gardens and premises etc situate in eastbury co berks as tenants in common.
To my son john 21 1/2 acres af arable freehold in francomb bottom which i purchasred from the late philip godwin and a legacy of £100. To my son orchard my freehold meadows and woodlands called runnells lease situate in the tything of hadley in lambourne woodlands containing 8 acres approx together with the timber trees growing thereon and hayhouse erected thereon. Also 9 acres of freehold arable lying west of rambarrow in francomb bottom and extending from marlborough road to coppington hill and 9 acres of freehold arable situate on francomb down and extending across francomb bottom to common plot road. Together with 2 1/2 acres of freehold arable called tuthill situate in thr tything of bockhampton co berks. Also to orchard my freehold messuage or tenement barn and threshing machine affixed therein stable cart-house yard and premises etc situate in newbury streer chipping lambourne which i have lately purchased of thomas price esq subject to the payment of £350 part of a legacy of £500 bequeathed to me by my daughter maria.
Also to richard my half part of 20 acres of freehold part arable and part meadow called hadley situate in lambourne woodlands and barn ( jointly held by me and my late brother richard who devised his half part to my son richard). To richard the freehold messuage or tenement garden etc situate in the tything of hadley in lambourn woodlands and now in the occupation of william berry. Also to richard a legacy of £200. To my son james a legacy of £1000. To my dau maria $500. To my dau mary £500. To my wife elizabeth £30 per annum. Stock and implements to be divided equally between my sons thomas, charles, orchard, richard and john.
In trust until orchard reaches 25 years, john and james 21 years, maria and mary 21 years. Thomas to farm with elizabeth until the others reach their majority. Signed Thomas hedden 23 feb 1815 Wit: richard huggins, joseph davis, john wait all of chipping lambourn
Proved at oxford 9 aug 1815. Admons to william choules
Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]