Abstract Number 10371
1683 henry hunt inkpen brk PCC will 10371
will of henry robinson als hunt 2 march 1680, of inkpen victualler.
to my daughter mary bartlett £5 and mary her daughter £10 and henry her son £5.
to mary robinson als hunt my grandchild £10, to william her brother £4
to anne thurman my grandchild 50s and to mary her daughter 50s
unto my daughter anne hidden £10 and to every one of her children 40s apeece
to my son henry £40 and to each of his 4 children abigail nicholas, john and henry 50s apeece
to the child that my said son henry's wife goeth now withall £5 at the age of 21 years
to my daughter abigail kingsmill £10 and to her two children christopher and mary £5 each.
to my loving wife anne robinson als hunt the use and occupation of my dwelling house in inkpen with all the lands and appurtences for her life paying to my grandson william robinson als hunt the son of my deceased son nicholas robinson als hunt £4 p.a.
to revert to grandson william after wife's decease or if he is not alive to my grandson henry robinson als hunt son of my son henry.
wife to have all household goods in the room called the parlour for her life
residue to wife who is sole executrix. [makes mark.]
witnesses: edmund stevens the elder, jehosphat stevens, john stevens, and richard stevens.
probate to anna robinson als hunt relict. 1683
pro: prob 11|---| £51
Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]