Abstract Number 7515
1558 richard bridges shefford west brk PCC will 7515
the will of richard bridges of west shefford
dated 24 june 1558 richard bridges of west shefford, berks knight, sick and weak in body. soul to almighty god, the blessed lady st mary and to all the holy company of heaven.
to the mother church of sarum 2s
to my son edmond bridges and his heirs forever all my monour of bradley in somersetshire with all it's appurtenances.
to my daughters jane bridges and fraunces bridges 500 marks each on the day of their marriage if my debts be fully paid afore that time. otherwise my legacies to be paid when the debts have been satisfied.
my executrix to have all the profits from my manor and lands hereafter following vis. my manor of leybroke in ringwood in co south, my manor of faney(?) in co berks, the manor of asshton gyfford my lands donarde bettisborough and stratton st margaret in co wilts until enough money has been received to pay my debts and accomplish the said legacies given to my said two daughters. if one of my daughters die before she be married the other daughter to have an extra 200 marks. if both die before they are married then their legacies to be equally divided between jane my wife and anthony bridges my son and heir when he reaches the age of 21 years.
if anthony my son die before the age of 21 years then edward my son to have the said moity of the said legacies.
if jane my wife or anthony my son and heir die before my 2 daughters are married or before they receive their legacies as aforesaid then i will that the surviver of them viz. of jane or anthony to have all the said legacies bequeathed to my said two daughters.
also i bequeath to anthony my son all my implements of house and household stuff that at the time of my decease are in my house of shefford. to anthony at the age of 21 the 'coytie of the same plate'.
to anthony at 21 years one half of all my beasts and cattalles whatsoever.
my wife to have the profits of all the same cattal' during the time of the 'nonage' of anthony my son.
to anthony my armory and all my harness and weapons thereto belonging. to anthony my chain of gold if it be saved and reserved without sale thereof towards the payment of my debts and legacies, and not otherwise. all which gifts legacies and bequests to anthony are on condition that he shall suffer edmond his brother to have hold use occupy and enjoy my foresaid lordship or manor of bradley in somersetshire with appurtences without let or hinderence.
if anthony die before reaching the age of 21 years then all the gifts legacies and bequest to him are to go to edmond my son.
my household at shefford to be maintained and kept by my executrix for 3 months after my decease during which time my household servants both men and women to have meat , drink, and lodging and their usual wages. At the end of the 3 months each servant to receive a half years wages 'for the good which i bear them and there service heretofore done to me'.
to william hutton [hyntton, lyntton ?], clerk parson of letcombe basset my best gelding.
the residue of all my goods and cattelles, plate, leases and jewels to jane my wife who is to be sole executrix to the intent and consideration that she find meat drink lodging etc for my son edmond and my daughters jane and fraunces till the day of my daughters marriage and my son edmond 'to be well brought up in learning, good manners and virtue' until he comes to the age of 21 years. and if it should fortune as god forbid that my said wife and and executrix depart out of this world before my daughters are married or my son edmond reaches 21 years, then i will that she shall make adaquate provision for them.
overseers: sir anthony hungerford and sir richard becksall, knights who are to have £4 each for their pains.
If my wife remarries then he that shall so marry her be bound with good and sufficient surities for the sure performance of this my will.
in witness whereunto i have set my seal and signed my name with my own hand the day and year above written. richarde bridges knight.
witnesses: william deckon(?) priest, parson of ludgershall, robt -------, henry monday, bartholemew downe and others.
probate: london 1 september 1558 to proctor for jane relict and executrix named in the will.
[is edward an error for edmond?]
Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]