


Abstract Number 6409

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1838 william hidden stockcross speen brk archd berks will 6409
william hidden of stockcross yeoman. trustee thomas boult of bullbrook farm in the parish of m(?)arfield co berks. All my freehold property and effects in trust to my dear and beloved wife martha for her use and service save and except the best bed and bedclothes and furniture. After her decease in four equal parts to my four children letitia boult wife of thomas boult (my eldest dau) second dau jane hidden, third dau sarah hidden, fourth share to my son henry hidden. henry hidden to have 40s of good and lawful money. I do wish my trustee to be paid his expenses and that he will to the utmost of his judgement execute it for the good and benefit of my dear wife and four dear children. Mark of william hidden. 12 dec 1837 Wit: thomas partridge, hannah moore, thomas hidden
Proved at oxford 26 july 1838 by oath of thomas boult the universal lagatee in trust and the executor according to the tenor therein named to whom admons granted.
Sworn under £200

Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]