


County Limerick


"LIMERICK, a county of Ireland, province of Munster, bounded N by the Shannon which separates it from Clare, S by Cork, NE and E by Tipperary, and W by Kerry, 51 m. long and 32 broad. The surface of this county, though diversified by small hills, is not, generally speaking, mountainous, excepting on the SE, where it is bounded by the Galtees, a lofty ridge which extends into Tipperary, and on the borders of Kerry, where the land rises, and forms a grand amphitheatre of low but steep mountains, which extend in a wide area from Loghill to Drumcolloher. The land is generally fertile. The principal rivers are the Maig, Feale, Gale, and Blackwater. It sends 2 members to parliament. The climate is wet. Pop. 214,286."
[From The New London Gazetteer (1826)]

"COUNTY LIMERICK, a maritime county in the province of Munster, Ireland, bounded on the N. by the estuary of the Shannon and the counties Clare and Tipperary, on the E. by Tipperary, on the S. by Cork, and on the W. by Kerry. Its greatest length N. and S. is 35 miles, and its greatest breadth E. and W. 54 miles, extending from 52° 17' to 62° 45' N. lat., and from 8° 6' to 9° 15' W. long. It comprises 1,061 square miles, or 680,842 acres, of which 526,876 are arable and pasture, 121,101 uncultivated, 11,575 in plantations, 2,759 occupied by towns and roads, and 18,531 under water. In circuit it measures 175 miles, of which 35 are washed by the Shannon, having here from 2 to 20 fathoms water, and on whose bank is situated the county town of Limerick, with Tervoe coastguard station and Tarbert lighthouse. ...More"
[Description from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]

"LIMERICK, a county, in the province of MUNSTER, bounded on the north by the estuary of the Shannon and the county of Tipperary; on the east by the same county; on the south by that of Cork, and on the west by that of Kerry: it extends from 52° 17' to 52° 45' (N. Lat.), and from 8° 6' to 9° 15' (W. Lon.); and comprises an area, according to the Ordnance survey, of 640,621 statute acres, of which 548,640 are cultivated land, and 91,981 are occupied by unimproved mountain and bog. The population, in 1821, was 218,432; and in 1831, 248,201.  ....More 
[Transcription from A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland - Samuel Lewis - 1837 Mel Lockie ©2013]


Archives & Libraries

  • Limerick Archives
  • Tipperary Heritage Unit -  (now part of Tipperary Excel) records cover all 46 parishes of the Archdiocese of Cashel & Emly.
  • Land Valuation Office - holds a list of occupiers of property for the 26 Counties in the Republic of Ireland which is broken down into Townlands within Rural Districts and into Rural Districts within Counties. The records go back to 1846.
  • National Library of Ireland - microfilms of Catholic parish registers, copies of the important nineteenth century land valuations (the Tithe Applotment Books and Griffith's Valuation), trade and social directories, estate records and newspapers
  • Public Records Office of Ireland.  Four Courts, Dublin 7, Ireland.  Tithe Applotment Books, estate records, court records, etc.
  • Genealogical Office.  2 Kildare Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.  Includes a variety of materials on Irish famililies, now a part of the National Library.
  • Registrars General's Office.  8-11 Lombard St, Dublin 2, Ireland.  The official birth, death and marriage records of Ireland from 1864 onwards.
  • Registry of Deeds.  Henrietta Street, Dublin 1, Ireland.  Property transactions since 1608


  • Families of County Limerick.  Volume V of the Book of Irish Families, great & small.  By Michael C. O'Laughlin, 1997
  • Exploring Limerick's Past, An Historical Geography of Urban Development in County and City.  By Patrick J. O'Connor, 1987.
  • A Pauper Warren, West Limerick 1845-49.  By Gerard Curtin, 2000.
  • Lough Gur & District, Historical Society Journal 2000, Vol. No. 11.
  • The Old Limerick Journal, Famine Edition. Number 32, Winter, 1995.
  • Cappamore, A Parish History.  Cappamore Historical Society, 1992.
  • Index to the Townlands, and Towns, Parrishes and Baronies of Ireland. Based on the census of 1851.
  • A New Genealogical Atlas of Ireland, 2nd Edition.  By Brian Mitchell, 2002.
  • A Guide to Irish Parish Registers.  By Brian Mitchell, 1988.
  • Irish Records and Sources:  For Family and Local History.  By James G. Ryan, 1997.
  • Tracing Your Irish Ancesters, Second Edition.  By John Grenham, 1999.

Business & Commerce Records

Business Collections at Limerick Archives





  • 'Pender's Census' with number of English and Irish living in each townland and principal Irish names in each barony (edited by Seamus Pender in 1939) available for the following baronies: Connologh
  • 1766 Religious Census Catholic Families in the Parishes of Tuogh & Clonkeen - on IGP
  • 1766 Religious Census Protestant & Catholic Families - Abbington, Tuogh & Clonkeen Parishes - on IGP
  • 1901 Census  for many townlands - on IGP
  • 1901 & 1911 Census Householder Listings - at Local Studies Dept. Limerick City Council

Church History


Church Records

  • Civil Parishes - with Catholic, Church of Ireland and other church parishes, first available records, where they are available
  • Limerick Church Records - on IGP
  • Limerick Roman Catholic records - on Irish Ancestors

Civil Registration

Limerick Vital Records - BMD - on IGP


Description & Travel

County Limerick - on wikipedia

"The principal towns are Limerick city, the county and assize town, Rathkeale, Newcastle, and Askeaton, besides the market towns of Bruff, Kilfinane, Ballingarry, Glin, and Pallaskenry."

"The county is traversed by about 20 miles of the Great Southern and Western railway of Ireland, which enters from Tipperary by Oolla and Pallasgrean to Limerick. The roads are numerous and remarkably good, the principal lines radiating from Limerick to Dublin, through Annacott and Nenagh; to Galway, through Bunratty; to Tralee, through Adare and Rathkeale; to Mallow and Cork, through Bruff and Kilmallock; to Tipperary and Cashel, through Pallasgrean and Oolla; and to Pallaskenry, down the Shannon."

[Description from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]



Directories - on IGP

  • Directory of Castle Connell & O'Brien's Bridge, 1856 
  • Directory of Croom, 1856     11K  
  • Directory of Rathkeale, 1824   
  • Directory of Rathkeale, 1846
  • Directory of Rathkeale, 1881   
  • Directory of Askeaton, 1881  
  • Ferrar's Directory of 1769 - 15 Corporations

Emigration & Immigration

 Limerick Emigration Records - on IGP





  • The Ireland Genealogy Project's County Limerick page, and its listing of the Project's available Limerick Records.
  • The Irish Ancestors website (subscription) has the following types of records: State Registration of Births, Marriages & Deaths, Census returns, Land records, Church records, Genealogical Office records, Gravestone inscriptions, Directories, Newspapers, Wills, Deeds, and Occupations.
  • Irish Ancestors' extensive County Limerick website.
  • The LDS FamilySearch Wiki's Ireland Online Genealogy Records.
  • The Fianna website's pages for County Limerick provide important addresses and extensive information about online and other genealogy resources.
  • Roots Ireland (subscription) "offers access to a unique database of more than 20 million Irish records". Its Limerick coverage includes Baptismal/Birth Records, Marriage Records, Burial/Death Records, Census Records and Griffith's Valuation (Free Access).
  • Tipperary Heritage Unit -  (now part of Tipperary Excel) records cover all 46 parishes of the Archdiocese of Cashel & Emly.
  • Limerick Photographs (people) - on IGP

Historical Geography

"For civil purposes the county is divided into 13 baronies. Clan-william, Connello Lower and Upper, Coonagh, Coshlea, Coshma, Glenquin, Kenry, Kilmallock Liberties, North Liberty, Owneybeg, Pubblebrien, Shanid, and Small County, and contains 131 parishes and parts of parishes. The baronies of Glenquin, North Liberty, and Shanid have been recently constituted; and that part of the county of the city without the new municipal boundary has been apportioned between Clanwilliam and Pubblebrien baronies, with the exception of the portion N. of the Shannon, which has been made a distinct barony."[Description from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]

Limerick civil parishes - on Irish Ancestors

Limerick townlands beginning with 'A'



"Towards the commencement of the 18th century Lord Southwell brought over a number of German Protestants, or Palatines, whom he settled in the country around Adare and Rathkeale, who by their industry and skill have greatly conduced to the advancement of agriculture and the wealth of the country, but were originally looked upon with great jealousy by the native population. In the year 1762 a most alarming spirit of insurrection showed itself in this part of the country; the peasantry assembled in great numbers, chiefly by night, dug up cornfields, houghed or killed the cattle of the gentry, and murdered many who were obnoxious to them from their harsh mode of collecting the tithes and taxes. From their practice of wearing shirts over their clothes to distinguish each other at night they were called Whiteboys, and kept the country in a continual state of agitation for near sixty years, till the great rebellion of 1820, when they burnt the churches of Athlacca, Ballybrook, and Kilkeedy, besides numerous gentlemen's houses, committing their devastations often in the open day. Several wealthy and influential persons were murdered, amongst whom was a Roman Catholic clergyman, who rashly attempted to exhort them to submission to the laws; and it was only under the application of the Insurrection Act, and the most vigorous exertions of the magistracy, that the spirit of violence was at length suppressed. Through the uncertainty of life and property prevailing in this part of the country, a great check was given to enterprise, which it has not yet entirely recovered." [Description from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]

The Cromwellian Settlement of the County of Limerick (1653)  - on IGP

Petition regarding Limerick men named in the Insurrection Act, June 1822 - on IGP


Land & Property

  • Irish Flax Growers, 1796 for County Limerick.  Individuals who planted one or more acres of flax.
  • 1826 Tithe Applotment for Cappamore Catholic Parish.  List of head of household property leasers.
  • 1826 Tithe Applotment for Gortavalla, including Moher and Cottage. 
  • Tithe Applotments for County Limerick, 1820s & 1830s
  • Tithe Applotment Books for county Limerick and its  parishes are available online on the National Archives of Ireland website
  • Locate the land divisions of County Limerick:  Baronies, Poor Law Unions, Civil Parishes, dioceses, Catholic Parishes, townlands
  • The Tithe Applotment Books, 1823-1838 listed each landholder along with details such as townland, size of holding, land quality and types of crops for all of Ireland.  The LDS Family History Library has filmed these records and are listed in their catalog by townlands. 
  • Property Registration Authority. Information concerning the Registries and some of the services provided by the PRA (Formerly the Land Registry):
    • Indexes to Transcripts, for all of Ireland by townland.  Use these Indexes to Locate the Volume, Page and Memorial Number of Interest
    • Grantors' Index.  A Grantor is the name the name of the person selling, giving or otherwise disposing of land or some other asset.
    • Registry of Deeds, 1708 to 1929.  This repository (the Registry of Deeds, Dublin) now offers one of the most certain sources of genealogical information concerning families in a wide range of social station and material wealth. Records of tenants in modest circumstances, comfortably established gentry and great landlords are all represented here.
  • 1654 Civil Survey, Cuonagh & Owneybeg Baronies.  A record of land ownership. Includes name and townlands.
  • Griffith's Valuation Index for County Limerick, 1850-52
  • 1851 Griffiths Valuation for Doon Civil Parish.  List of head of household property leasers.
  • Cancelled Books (Valuations) Kilmacow Townland 1860+ - on IGP
  • Limerick City Landowners - 1870's & List of Landowners in 1870's - on IGP
  • List of Claims - For the County of Limerick -1700 - on IGP
  • Limerick Land Records - on IGP
  • Landed Estate Collections at Limerick Archives
  • 1829 Freeholders in Limerick City and environs (the County of the City of Limerick) - at Local Studies Dept, Limerick City Council

Law & Legislation

Return of the Names of Persons, Places and Nature of Outrages,reported to the Constabulary Office, as occurring within the Barony of Owneybeg, in the County of Limerick, from the 1st Day of January 1845 to the Termination of the Spring Assizes in 1846 - on IGP



  • The Civil Parishes of County Limerick, there are 130.
  • The Poor Law Unions of County Limerick.  Glin, Newcastle, Croom, Kilmallock, Michelstown, Tipperary, Limerick and Rathkeale.
  • The Roman Catholic Parishes of County Limerick.  There are 65 in the dioceses of Limerick, Killaloe, Cloyne and Cashel & Emly.
  • The Baronies of County Limerick.  Connello Lower, Kenry, Pubblebrien, Limerick City, Clanwilliam, Owneybeg, Coonagh, Small County, Kilmallock, Coshma, Connello Upper, Glenquin, Shanid, Coshlea.
  • The parish map of the Limerick Catholic Diocese.
  • Townland map for Cappamore Catholic parish.

Medical Records

Health and Hospital Collections at Limerick Archives


Military History

Armorial Bearings, 1884 - on IGP


Military Records

  • Limerick Military & Constabulary Records (Irish Constabulary with native county of Limerick Apr 1833+) - on IGP
  • Military and Policing Collections at Limerick Archives

Monumental Inscriptions


Names, Personal

List your surname in the County Limerick Surname Roster and find connections.me.

The "Index of Surnames" or "Householders Index" records the occurrence of household of a particular surname in each of the civil parishes of a county, giving the exact number of households in the case of Griffith's Valuation (1851) and the presence a surname in the Tithe Applotment Books (1826).

Surnames of Limerick 1100-1600 - on IGP



The Limerick Post Newspaper

The Limerick Leader

Complete listing of newspapers and/or periodicals published in the past, with dates published and dates indexed.

A selection of newspaper extracts viewable on IGP

Rent Roll County Limerick - 1750   
Clonmel Gazette - Limerick, May 26 - 1785  
London Times - Various Limerick Abstracts  
Freeman's Journal April 2, 1817   
Limerick Chronicle, March 1822 - Special Sessions under the Insurrection Act  
Dublin Gazette - Limerick Insolvents 1836  
Breach of Promise. London Times. 1859 (DWYER/DILLON) 
The Limerick Leader - Garryowen V. Rockwell College 1895


  • Limerick Memorial Cards - on IGP
  • Limerick Obituaries - on IGP
  • Obituaries, death notices, etc. from the Limerick Chronicle - at Local Studies Dept, Limerick City Council


"The morasses or low meadow lands which extend from the Maigue along the Shannon to Limerick, though not included in the Golden Vale, can scarcely be surpassed in the abundance and richness of their herbage. In several of the lower lands are small detached portions of bog, which supply the greater part of the inhabitants with fuel, and are in consequence extremely valuable, letting sometimes for as much as £1 per rood; when reclaimed, these bog lands are peculiarly adapted to the culture of hemp. "

"The occupations are chiefly agricultural, and large quantities of produce are exported. Pasture and dairy farming are most cultivated, tillage being still in a backward condition, notwithstanding the extraordinary capabilities of the soil............... The tillage, except on large farms, which are mostly in the hands of gentlemen, is generally conducted in a slovenly manner, and even the wealthier landholders are not exempt from the charge of negligence;.............. The estates are in general large. In some parts the land is much divided, and wretchedly exhausted by the impoverishing system of sub-letting. The condition of the larger farmers is generally good, and the cottages of the peasantry neat and well-kept. The chief crops are oats, wheat, barley, rye, potatoes, turnips, clover, peas, mangold-wurzel, carrots, &c. The only manufactures are friezes, coarse woollens, paper, gloves, lace, flour, and meal"

[Description from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]

Limerick City Tradesmen Guild Members - 1840 - on IGP



From Fianna:

Annual Observer (annual), Mr. J. Cussan,
Newcastlewest Historical Society, Newcastlewest, Co. Limerick

Crom Abu (annual),
Mr. M. Spillane, Toureen, Croom, Co. Limerick

Old Limerick Journal (One per year - December issue),
Mr. Larry Walsh, Limerick City Museum, Limerick Museum, Castle Lane, Nicholas Street, Limerick City
Tel +353 61 417826, Fax +353 61 415266


Politics & Government

"The county returns four members to parliament-two for the county at large, constituency in 1859, 6,481; and two for Limerick city, constituency 2,013."[Description from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]

Index of Freemen of Limerick, 1746-1836 - on IGP



"The population has for the last quarter of a century been on the decrease in 1851 it was 262,136, and in 1861, 217,277." [Description from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]


Probate Records

  • Index to Prerogative Wills of Ireland, Limerick Abstracts 1536-1810 - Surnames A - B - on IGP
  •  Limerick Wills - on IGP

Public Records

The General Register Office (Oifig An Ard-Chláraitheora) is the central repository for records relating to Births, Deaths and Marriages in the Republic of Ireland. It is concerned with civil registration matters only, and does not engage in genealogical research. Records of marriages other than Roman Catholic marriages date back to 1st April 1845. Records of Births, Deaths and Roman Catholic Marriages date to 1st January, 1864.


Religion & Religious Life

  • 1766 Religious Census of Limerick - on IGP
  • LIMERICK, Meeting of Roman Catholics - 1792 - on IGP
  • Religious Collections at Limerick Archives


  • "In 1850 there were 103 National schools, attended by 16,975 children." [Description from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]

  • Christian Brothers Schools Limerick, 1856-1925 at Limerick Archives


Genealogical Society of Victoria.  The GSV is the second largest family history/genealogical society within Australia with approximately 7000 members. The GSV has three member services groups - Irish Ancestry Group, Scottist Ancestry Group and the International Settlers Group. These groups are very active, hold regular meetings and have quarterly newsletters.


Voting Records

Electors and Voters polled, Limerick 1836 - on IGP