Abstract Number 7514
1648 john brickenden inkpen brk PCC will 7514
will of john brickenden doctor in divinity and parson of inkpen
to be buried in inkpen church near my wife if i die in inkpen otherwise in the parish where i die
to my eldest daughter bridgett that £200 which is in the hands of mr daniell hollingworth woollen draper of london
my household stuff and books to be divided equally between my seven younger children
my inheritance of blunt to be sold and likewise given to my 7 children
my other money (owing to me etc) to my 3 younger sons and 3 younger daughters
if my daughter bridgett dies the £200 to be given to my 6 younger children thomas, benjamin, richard, elizabeth, alice, and marie to be divided
and as for my eldest son i am careless of him as he hath been of me, yet he shall have a childs portion and i give him the £100 which martin and joseph alexander oweth me
also i give him all saint austins work etc
all my cattle and swine to my 7 younger children to be divided between them equally
my 7 younger children to be executors
overseers my brother doctor addams and my brother thomas brickenden, dated 18 november 1645, testator signs
witnesses: my children, richard munday, william (x) chadsy [obscured]
probate london 14 march 1647/8 to alice and marie brickenden 2 of the executors
power reserved to the other executors named in the will
Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]