


Abstract Number 10625

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1678 john bacon sandon fee hungerford brk dean & canons of windsor will inv 10625
will and inventory: john bacon
1) will of john bacon the elder of sandon fee yeoman, dated 18 january 29chas2 1677
to my wife ann all household goods except one bed and tester to my daughter margert curr the now wife of thomas curr of sandon fee yeoman
to the 3 children of my daughter margery curr £5 each
to my dau anne buston the wife of thomas buston of templeton £8 and to their 5 children 5s each
to my daughter jane holmes the now wife of john holmes of bagshott 10s and to their 5 children 20s each
to my grandchild james anchor 40s
to my son stephen bacon 10s
to my 3 grandchildren children of my son john bacon of alborne £5 each
legacies to be paid to parents of grandchilren for the latter to have them at the age of 21 years
residue to my son john bacon who is sole executor
(x) john bacon the elder his marrk
witnessed: edmund stephens sen, john stephens
probate 10 june 1678 to john bacon the executor named
2) inventory
taken by thomas sare, william wateridge and richard kinge 5 february 30chas2 1677
total £114-19-4
(debts owing to testator £60)

Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]