Abstract Number 10885
1721 joseph simpkins calne wil treasurer of sarum will inv 10885
will and inventory of joseph simpkins
1) will of joseph simpkins of calne, mercer dated 5 jan 1720/21
to my daughter ann simpkins £230
to my son joseph simpkins £200 and the best leas in the comans that i bought of widow crane
to my son john simpkins £230
to my son charles simpkins £230
the money for my sons john and charles to be held by trustees for their use
to the poor of calne 40s in bread
trustees to be my brother charles simpkins of devizes and john k[?]eate senior of calne who are to have 20s each
the residue to my son joseph simpkins and my daughter ann simpkins who i appoint sole executrix [sic]
signed jos: simpkins [with seal]
witnessed: thomas heath, ann coleman, jane (x) jones
household goods to joseph and ann share and share alike besides the legacies i have given them
sworn by executors coram benjamin d'arandae 17 may 1721. Sworn by joseph simpkins and ann simpkins the son and dau and the executors named in the will. rec feod 10s [stamp]
Inventory of the goods of joseph simpkins of calne taken 14 april 1721 by walter forman, john keate [both sign]
long list of trade materials e.g. hatbands, creap, persians, staffs, buttons, needles, thread, silk, woosted etc etc £x-y-z
in good and bad debts £292-17-6
executors year for one copyhold tenement £8-0-0
total £976-16-10
household goods £103-17-11
[will abstract]
Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]