Abstract Number 10316
1707 richard orchard town lambourn brk bishop of salisbury will inv 10316
will and inventory of richard orchard of chipping lambourn, probate 9 february 1707
dated 31 january 1707.
signed and sealed richard orchard (bad handwriting)
witnesses: tobias greenaway, edward thatchar, robt blagrove
my brother thomas orchard during his life my lands in hadly, lamborne woodlands called sydehangers, 8 acres
after death of above brother to thomas hedden grandson of my said brother and son of his daughter hester and to all his heirs and assigns for ever.
kinswoman joan wife of john draper and younger daughter of said brother thomas all that freehold messuage and tenement wherein i dwell in chipping lambourn and 14 1/2 acres arable in the common fields, after her death to heirs of her body lawfully begotten and in default of such heirs to thomas hedden for ever.
poor of chipping lamborn £5 in bread or money.
to kinswoman ann, wife of john wayt £20
to kinsmen richard mathews, william mathews and their sister margaret wife of _____ lacy £10 each.
to the same william mathews the bible which was his grandfathers.
kinswoman lucy cox 20s
trustees: friends cheyney waldron of upper lamborne and john knight of farnborough.
kinswomen hester hedden and jone draper
inventory : taken 9 february 1707 by john knight, cheyney waldron
[large house], room where he died, inner buttery, hall, drink buttery, brew house, chamber over the hall, inner chamber, middle chamber, apparel land money £45
money due on bonds £280
sum total £396-4s-0d
Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]