



Devon Quarter Sessions, DRO - Devon QS32 and QS34

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

In accordance with a statute of 1388, Quarter Sessions [QS's] were held as their name implies 'Quarterly': at Easter, Trinity [MidSummer], Michaelmas, and Epiphany [January]. The Sessions were presided over by the Sheriff of the County or his Deputy. These quarterly calendars list particulars of prisoners in the County Gaol; the House of Correction [Workhouse or Bridewell] and the Sheriff's Ward for debtors, and of cases to be tried.

The Devon Record Office [DRO] QS holdings are listed in a black spring-back folder filed in the main search room and entitled Quarter Sessions. The QS32 transcriptions are just a section of the overall QS holdings and cover the period January 1655 through to January 1882. However, the total period covered is by no means complete, with certain years missing presumably either destroyed or lost, but in general terms the holdings are quite extensive.

The DRO QS32 series are to be found in manila folders or as stand-alone bundled printed sheets, each bundle containing a number of papers, for example QS32/1-10. So to identify any particular transcribed record I have numbered the transcriptions, for example, QS32/15 - that is the fifteenth paper in the QS32 series, and which would be located in the manila folder annotated QS32/11-20.

As can be seen from the transcriptions, the papers give a general description of the proceedings; the name[s] of the malefactors; committal Justice[s] of the Peace; charges brought against the prisoner; in some cases names of aggrieved persons and/or witnesses, and perhaps marginal notes identifying the outcome of the case; e.g. Transportation, fines levied, etc. Also identified is the location where the prisoner[s] is/are held, either serving out their sentences[s] or awaiting further arraignment at the next Assize or Sessions hearings.

The QS34 Assize documents are very similar to the QS32 Quarter Sessions documents. In some cases there is a replication of prisoners names/charges as transcribed in the QS32 series. The difference is that these are the felons who appeared at the Assizes rather than the Quarter Sessions. In the QS32 series transactions - prisoners being held in the County Gaol one finds references to a number of prisoners for the Assizes followed by an alphabetical list of such prisoners. The result of an appearance at the Assizes is shown in the Q32 Gaol returns where prisoners are mentioned as being held as 'Remaining on Former Orders' with a date of trial appearance/offence/sentence passed down. Thus the Q32 and Q34 records are two quite distinct forms of return but very similar in content.

The QS34 'z' series are the documents which had been mislaid, and were brought into the DRO as having been found among other documents.

At Epiphany 1835 an instruction was issued to the effect that the educational competence of a prisoner should be assessed and noted. The following indicators were adopted and are to be seen in brackets, eg; [R], alongside the prisoners name. The indicators and their meaning are as follows -
[R] = is able to Read.
[Well] = is able to Read and Write well.
[Imp] = is able to Read and Write Imperfectly.
[N] = is Neither able to Read or Write.

QS/32 Series

QS 32/1 - Epiphany 1655 (Gaol)
QS 32/2 - Midsummer 1667 (Gaol)
QS 32/3 - 13th day of April 1686 (Gaol and Workhouse)
QS 32/4 - Session 1717 (Gaol)
QS 32/5 - Midsummer 1717 (To be tried)
QS 32/6 - 1720 (Gaol)
QS 32/7 - 1721 (Gaol and Workhouse)
QS 32/8 - Midsummer 1723 (Gaol)
QS 32/9 - Michaelmas 1723 (Gaol)
QS 32/10 - Epiphany 1723 (Gaol)
QS 32/11 - Lady Day 1724 (Gaol)
QS 32/12 - Michaelmas 1724 (Workhouse)
QS 32/13 - Epiphany 1724 (Workhouse)
QS 32/14 - Lady Day 1725 (Gaol)
QS 32/15 - Midsummer 1725 (Gaol)
QS 32/16 - Michaelmas 1725 (Workhouse)
QS 32/17 - [18 Jul] 1725 (Workhouse)
QS 32/18 - Michaelmas 1725 (Gaol)
QS 32/19 - October 5th 1725 (Workhouse)
QS 32/20 - Epiphany 1725 (Workhouse)
QS 32/21 - Lady Day 1726 (Gaol)
QS 32/22 - Martyr 1726 (Cases)
QS 32/23 - Midsummer 1726 (Gaol)
QS 32/24 - Michaelmas 1726 (Sessions)
QS 32/25 - Christmas 1726 (Gaol)
QS 32/26 - Epiphany 1726 (Cases)
QS 32/27 - Michaelmas 1727 (Gaol)
QS 32/28 - Epiphany 1727 (Gaol)
QS 32/29 - Epiphany 1727 (Cases)
QS 32/30 - Epiphany 1727 (Workhouse)
QS 32/31 - Easter 1728 (Cases)
QS 32/32 - MidSummer 1728 (Gaol)
QS 32/33 - July 16th 1728 (Workhouse)
QS 32/34 - Michaelmas 1728 (Gaol)
QS 32/35 - October 8th 1728 (Workhouse)
QS 32/36 - Summer 1739 (Gaol)
QS 32/37 - Michaelmas 1739 (Gaol)
QS 32/38 - Easter 1741 (Cases)
QS 32/39 - Keepers List 1747 (Gaol)
QS 32/40 - Midsummer 1761 (Gaol)
QS 32/41 - Midsummer 1761 (Workhouse)
QS 32/42 - Midsummer 1761 (Gaol, St Thomas)
QS 32/43 - October 9th 1762 (Gaol)
QS 32/44 - October 9th 1765 (Workhouse)
QS 32/45 - January 11th 1769 (Gaol)
QS 32/46 - January 1769 (Workhouse)
QS 32/47 - Christmas Sessions 1770 (Cases)
QS 32/48 - Easter 1779 (Gaol)
QS 32/49 - Epiphany 1782 (Gaol)
QS 32/50 - Epiphany 1782 (Bridewell)
QS 32/52 - Easter 1782 (Gaol)
QS 32/53 - Xmas Sept 1783 (Gaol)
QS 32/54 - Epiphany 1783 (Bridewell)
QS 32/51 - Epiphany 1782 (Cases)
QS 32/55 - Epiphany 1783 (Cases)
QS 32/56 - Midsummer 1783 (Gaol)
QS 32/57 - Midsummer 1783 (Bridewell)
QS 32/58 - Michaelmas 1783 (Gaol)
QS 32/59 - Michaelmas 1783 (Bridewell)
QS 32/60 - Xmas 1784 (Gaol)
QS 32/61 - Epiphany 1784 (Bridewell)
QS 32/62 - Easter 1784 (Gaol)
QS 32/63 - Easter 1784 (Bridewell)
QS 32/64 - Easter 1784 (Cases)
QS 32/65 - July 1784 (Gaol)
QS 32/66 - Michaelmas 1784 (Gaol)
QS 32/67 - Midsummer 1784 (Bridewell)
QS 32/68 - Michaelmas 1784 (Cases)
QS 32/69 - Easter Sept 1785 (Gaol)
QS 32/70 - Easter 1785 (Bridewell)
QS 32/71 - Midsummer 1785 (Gaol)
QS 32/72 - Midsummer 1785 (Bridewell)
QS 32/73 - Epiphany 1786 (Gaol)
QS 32/74 - Easter 1786 (Bridewell)
QS 32/75 - Michaelmas 1786 (Bridewell)
QS 32/76 - Epiphany 1787 (Bridwell)
QS 32/77 - Midsummer 1787 (Gaol)
QS 32/78 - Epiphany 1790 (Gaol)
QS 32/79 - Midsummer 1790 (Bridewell)
QS 32/80 - Michaelmas 1790 (Gaol)
QS 32/81 - Michaelmas 1790 (Bridewell)
QS 32/82 - Epiphany 1791 (Gaol)
QS 32/83 - Epiphany 1791 (Bridewell)
QS 32/84 - Midsummer 1802 (Gaol)
QS 32/85 - Easter 1810 (Gaol)
QS 32/86 - Easter 1810 (Bridewell)
QS 32/87 - Midsummer 1810 (Gaol)
QS 32/88 - Midsummer 1810 (Bridewell)
QS 32/90 - Michaelmas 1810 (Gaol)
QS 32/91 - Michaelmas 1810 (Bridewell)
QS 32/92 - Midsummer 1825
QS 32/93 - Easter 1826
QS 32/94 - Midsummer 1826
QS 32/95 - Michaelmas 1826
QS 32/96 - Epiphany 1828
QS 32/97 - Easter 1828
QS 32/98 - Midsummer 1828
QS 32/99 - Michaelmas 1828
QS 32/100 - Epiphany 1829
QS 32/101 - Easter 1829
QS 32/102 - Midsummer 1929
QS 32/103 - Michaelmas 1829
QS 32/104 - Epiphany 1830
QS 32/105 - Easter 1830
QS 32/106 - Midsummer 1830
QS 32/107 - Michaelmas 1830
QS 32/108 - Midsummer 1831
QS 32/109 - Michaelmas 1831
QS 32/110 - Epiphany 1832
QS 32/111 - Easter 1832
QS 32/112 - Midsummer 1832
QS 32/113 - Michaelmas 1832
QS 32/114 - Epiphany 1833
QS 32/115 - Easter 1833
QS 32/116 - Michaelmas 1833
QS 32/117 - Epiphany 1834
QS 32/118 - Easter 1834
QS 32/119 - Midsummer 1834
QS 32/120 - Michaelmas 1834
QS 32/121 - Epiphany 1835
QS 32/122 - Easter 1835
QS 32/123 - Midsummer 1835
QS 32/124 - Michaelmas 1835
QS 32/125 - Epiphany 1836
QS 32/126 - Easter 1836
QS 32/127 - Midsummer 1836
QS 32/128 - Michaelmas 1836
QS 32/129 - Epiphany 1837
QS 32/130 - Easter 1837
QS 32/131 - Midsummer 1837
QS 32/132 - Michaelmas 1837

Note: The QS 32/89 file is blank.

QS/34 Series