


Devon Quarter Sessions - 1721 [DRO - QS 32/7]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

Devon Sessions - Le Workhouse Kalendar ad Goual Quarterial Sessions pasis dui Regis toute in x x cond prd Decimo octacre die Aprilie anno Rogis Dui Georgii [....] Regis Magua Britinnaca [xx] Septimo Anno Dui 1721.

Thomas Hill
David Tarr
John Melhuish
Ffrancis Wakely
Delivered to the keeper of ye Gaole in order their tryalls.
John SlomanExonerated et Domo paying his fine.
Diana Evans
Rebecca Bess
Exonerated et Domo paying ye fees of their [...] sentence being 8s:8d oath.
John FfoxTo be sent by pass to St George's parish in Southwark in the County of Surrey where he confesseth upon oath he was legally settled.
John ChivertonTo be sent by pass to Lauda Briddock Isle of Anglesy ye place of his last legal settlement.
Mary Kingdom
John Sloman
Sarah Smith
George Stilson
John Cotterell
Samuel Page
John Browne
Richard Berry
Thomas Lamprey
Abraham Weeks
Andrew Preston
Elizabeth Wills
Sarah Skinner
Exonerated et domo.
Thomas Snow
Agness Strong
Hannah Vaun
Sarah Collard
Ann Shallis
John Moxey
John Osborne
John Cotterell
Samuel Page
Mary Kentsbeer
Mary Kingdom
Richard Berry
Sarah [Skinner]
Matthew Crann
Noah Boiling
Red according to their [.....]
Mary Tooley
Mary Newberry
Richard Turkerman
John Abbott
Christopher Chalcombe
Andrew Preston
Thomas Downing
Rend according to their several committinces.
Elizabeth PridhamTo remain till she Gives good bail to Examine her Traverses on two Judicialls clerk of ye [.....] fees 30s
John DaviesTo remain till next Assizes
Voysey RobinsTo remain till he pays his fine of ten pounds
Thomas HillTo be transported according to the statute and being convicted of ffelony.
Elizabeth KingNou cul ueque fugit
Nicholas Sayeralt Burge - Nou cul ueque fugit
ffrancis Wakelyfflagellet.
David Tarrnou cul uerque fugit
Jacobus Hore
Johes Melhuish
Johes DaviesCoud Custed and Le Workhouse usque xx Assizes.