Devon Quarter Sessions - 1721 [DRO - QS 32/7]
Transcribed by Brian Brassett
Devon Sessions - Le Workhouse Kalendar ad Goual Quarterial Sessions pasis dui Regis toute in x x cond prd Decimo octacre die Aprilie anno Rogis Dui Georgii [....] Regis Magua Britinnaca [xx] Septimo Anno Dui 1721.
Thomas Hill David Tarr John Melhuish Ffrancis Wakely | Delivered to the keeper of ye Gaole in order their tryalls. |
John Sloman | Exonerated et Domo paying his fine. |
Diana Evans Rebecca Bess | Exonerated et Domo paying ye fees of their [...] sentence being 8s:8d oath. |
John Ffox | To be sent by pass to St George's parish in Southwark in the County of Surrey where he confesseth upon oath he was legally settled. |
John Chiverton | To be sent by pass to Lauda Briddock Isle of Anglesy ye place of his last legal settlement. |
Mary Kingdom John Sloman Sarah Smith George Stilson John Cotterell Samuel Page John Browne Richard Berry Thomas Lamprey Abraham Weeks Andrew Preston Elizabeth Wills Sarah Skinner | Exonerated et domo. |
Thomas Snow Agness Strong Hannah Vaun Sarah Collard Ann Shallis John Moxey John Osborne John Cotterell Samuel Page Mary Kentsbeer Mary Kingdom Richard Berry Sarah [Skinner] Matthew Crann Noah Boiling | Red according to their [.....] |
Mary Tooley Mary Newberry Richard Turkerman John Abbott Christopher Chalcombe Andrew Preston Thomas Downing | Rend according to their several committinces. |
Elizabeth Pridham | To remain till she Gives good bail to Examine her Traverses on two Judicialls clerk of ye [.....] fees 30s |
John Davies | To remain till next Assizes |
Voysey Robins | To remain till he pays his fine of ten pounds |
Thomas Hill | To be transported according to the statute and being convicted of ffelony. |
Elizabeth King | Nou cul ueque fugit |
Nicholas Sayer | alt Burge - Nou cul ueque fugit |
ffrancis Wakely | fflagellet. |
David Tarr | nou cul uerque fugit |
Jacobus Hore Johes Melhuish | flagelleutur. |
Johes Davies | Coud Custed and Le Workhouse usque xx Assizes. |