


Devon Quarter Sessions - Michaelmas 1724 [DRO - QS 32/12]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

The Workhouse Kalendar at Michaelmas Sessions 1724.

Adam CockramCommitted by John Worth esq the fourteenth day of July 1724 for combineing with divers persons to steal herbs [..] out of his Maisters Garden.
John WeeksCommitted by Courtney Crocker esq the 6th day of March 1723 for Basterday.
William HarrisCommitted by Arthur Chichester esq the 14th of march 1723 for Bastarday.
ffrancis BlacklerCommitted by James Bulteel esq the 11th April 1724 for Bastarday.
[Comment: very sat[isfied] pas the Legastick].
Jabe[d] WebberCommitted by Arthur Arscott and William Bickford esq's the 5th of May 1724 ffor Bastarday.
John ThomasCommitted by Henry Walrond esq the 10th June 1724 for bastarday.
John ChannonCommitted by Bamfield Rodd esq the 29th of July 1724 ffor running away rom his ffamily and leaving them chargeable to their parish.
Robert AlfordCommitted by William Colman esq the 14th September 1724 ffor deserting and running away from his ffamily and leaving them chargeable to their parish.
William PooleCommitted by William Oxenham esq the 9th September 1724 being a vagrant.
William JacobCommitted by Robert Bluett esq the 14th September 1724 ffor a breach of the peace.
Paul Robins
Sarah Robins his wife
Committed by Christopher Bale esq the 15th September 1724 being vagrants.
[comment: to be sent by pass to St James's Workhouse where Paul [.....] he was legally settled].
William TymonCommitted by William Colmain esq the 23rd day of September 1724 being an Idle disorderly apprentice.
Samuel ButcherCommitted by Richard hallett esq the 23rd September 1724 for bastarday.
William RollondsCommitted by Robert Stuckey esq the 30th September 1724 for deserting and running away from his family and leaving them to ye charge of the parish.
Edward HuxtableCommitted by Bamfield Rodd esq the 31st day of August 1724 on suspicion of stealing one white ewe sheepe. [comment: Committed to gaole].
Nicholas BrowneCommitted by Samuel Wotton esq the 8th day of September 1724 ffor a breach of the peace and assaulting and attempting to ravish Agnes Peek. [comment: Committed to Gaole].
Joane PatchCommitted by William Colman and Samuel Burridge esq's 2 September 1724 for bastardy.
Mary PageCommitted by William Colman and Samuel Burridge esq's 2 September 1724 for bastardy.
Elizabeth SpragueCommitted by William Colman and Samuel Burridge esq's 2 September 1724 for bastardy.