Devon Quarter Sessions - Michaelmas 1724 [DRO - QS 32/12]
Transcribed by Brian Brassett
The Workhouse Kalendar at Michaelmas Sessions 1724.
Adam Cockram | Committed by John Worth esq the fourteenth day of July 1724 for combineing with divers persons to steal herbs [..] out of his Maisters Garden. |
John Weeks | Committed by Courtney Crocker esq the 6th day of March 1723 for Basterday. |
William Harris | Committed by Arthur Chichester esq the 14th of march 1723 for Bastarday. |
ffrancis Blackler | Committed by James Bulteel esq the 11th April 1724 for Bastarday. [Comment: very sat[isfied] pas the Legastick]. |
Jabe[d] Webber | Committed by Arthur Arscott and William Bickford esq's the 5th of May 1724 ffor Bastarday. |
John Thomas | Committed by Henry Walrond esq the 10th June 1724 for bastarday. |
John Channon | Committed by Bamfield Rodd esq the 29th of July 1724 ffor running away rom his ffamily and leaving them chargeable to their parish. |
Robert Alford | Committed by William Colman esq the 14th September 1724 ffor deserting and running away from his ffamily and leaving them chargeable to their parish. |
William Poole | Committed by William Oxenham esq the 9th September 1724 being a vagrant. |
William Jacob | Committed by Robert Bluett esq the 14th September 1724 ffor a breach of the peace. |
Paul Robins Sarah Robins his wife | Committed by Christopher Bale esq the 15th September 1724 being vagrants. [comment: to be sent by pass to St James's Workhouse where Paul [.....] he was legally settled]. |
William Tymon | Committed by William Colmain esq the 23rd day of September 1724 being an Idle disorderly apprentice. |
Samuel Butcher | Committed by Richard hallett esq the 23rd September 1724 for bastarday. |
William Rollonds | Committed by Robert Stuckey esq the 30th September 1724 for deserting and running away from his family and leaving them to ye charge of the parish. |
Edward Huxtable | Committed by Bamfield Rodd esq the 31st day of August 1724 on suspicion of stealing one white ewe sheepe. [comment: Committed to gaole]. |
Nicholas Browne | Committed by Samuel Wotton esq the 8th day of September 1724 ffor a breach of the peace and assaulting and attempting to ravish Agnes Peek. [comment: Committed to Gaole]. |
Joane Patch | Committed by William Colman and Samuel Burridge esq's 2 September 1724 for bastardy. |
Mary Page | Committed by William Colman and Samuel Burridge esq's 2 September 1724 for bastardy. |
Elizabeth Sprague | Committed by William Colman and Samuel Burridge esq's 2 September 1724 for bastardy. |