


Devon Quarter Sessions - Easter 1832 [DRO - QS32/111]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

Devonshire - Easter Sessions - Tuesday, April 3rd, 1832 - Thomas. W. Buller, Esq, Chairman.


In the Gaol
Remaining on Former orders
Alexander BraileyConvicted 26th March, 1815, Detained as a dangerous and Insane person for want of sureties.
Charles BurgessConvicted Lent Assizes 1823 - Arson [Insane] Imprisoned during H.M. Pleasure.
Samuel EdwardsConvicted Lent Assizes 1826 - Stabbing with intent to kill [Insane] Imprisoned during H.M. Pleasure.
William BrownConvicted Lammas Assizes 1830 - Assault - Imprisoned 2 Years in Gaol.
Samuel DunnConvicted Midsummer Sessions 1831 - Having counterfeit coin in his possession with intent to utter the same - Imprisoned 1 Year in Gaol.
George EalesConvicted Lammas Assizes 1831 - Assaulting a revenue Officer Imprisoned 9 calendar months or find sureties.
William MurchConvicted August 1st 1831 - Using threatening language - Imprisoned 12 calendar months or find sureties to keep the Peace.
Francis GibbinsConvicted Michelmas Sessions 1831 - Felony - Transported 14 Years.
James BaleyConvicted November 11th, 1831 - using threstening language - Imprisoned 6 months or find sureties.
Thomas Curtis
Ann Curtis
Convicted November 15th, 1831 - Damaging a Dwelling-house and using threatening language - Imprisoned 12 months or find sureties.
William SewardConvicted December General Sessions - Using threatening language - Imprisoned 1 Year or find sureties.
William ColmerConvicted Epiphany Sessions 1832 - Assault - Imprisoned 2 Years
Israel HoytonConvicted Epiphany Sessions 1832 - Counselling an Apprentice to rob his Master - Imprisoned 6 months.
Francis CoalmanConvicted February 7th 1832 - Want of sureties to keep the Peace - Imprisoned 3 months or find sureties.
Elizabeth WaldernConvicted February Sessions 1832 - Felony - Transported 7 Years.
Anna LobbConvicted February Sessions 1832 - Felony - Imprisoned 2 months.
Samuel Edmonds
William Casley
Henry Davis
Convicted February Sessions 1832 - Setting fire to the clothes of Henry Tarr, at Dawlish, by which he was severely burnt - Imprisoned 2 months and find sureties.
William VickeryConvicted February Sessions 1832 - Setting fire to the clothes of Henry Tarr, at Dawlish, by which he was severely burnt - Imprisoned 1 month and find sureties.
Peter McDurmondConvicted March 9th, 1832 - Assaulting a Constable in the execution of his duty - Imprisoned 1 month or pay £1-18s-6d.
John WoodsideConvicted March 17th 1832 - Assault - Imprisoned 1 month.
William JewellConvicted Lent Assizes - Burglary - Death recorded.
William VicaryConvicted Lent Assizes - Housebreaking - Death recorded.
John SmerdonConvicted Lent Assizes - Felony - Death recorded.
Joel KibbyConvicted Lent Assizes - Horse stealing - Death recorded.
Robert PerramConvicted Lent Assizes - Housebreaking - Death recorded.
William MarchConvicted Lent Assizes - Burglary - Death recorded.
William LockConvicted Lent Assizes - Burglary - Death recorded.
Josiah DennisConvicted Lent Assizes - Housebreaking - Death recorded.
John HardingConvicted Lent Assizes - Housebreaking - Death recorded.
John SmithConvicted Lent Assizes - Housebreaking - Death recorded.
Thomas PaineConvicted Lent Assizes - Burglary - Death recorded.
John WesternConvicted Lent Assizes - Burglary - Death recorded.
Thomas WhiteConvicted Lent Assizes - Burglary - Death recorded.
John TrappConvicted Lent Assizes - Burglary - Death recorded.
Francis FordConvicted Lent Assizes - Sheep stealing - Death recorded.
Edward HooperConvicted Lent Assizes - Felony - Death recorded.
Joseph GarlandConvicted Lent Assizes - Burglary - Death recorded.
Mary Ann VogwellConvicted Lent Assizes - Felony - Transported 14 Years.
William HannafordConvicted Lent Assizes - Felony - Transported 7 Years.
Sarah ParsonsConvicted Lent Assizes - Felony - Transported 7 Years.
William PhysickConvicted 25th March, 1832 - Assault and want of sureties - Imprisoned 3 months or find sureties.
John StephensConvicted September 13th, 1831 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Thomas SpriddelConvicted September 13th, 1831 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
William SparkesConvicted September 13th, 1831 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
John SalterConvicted December 5th, 1831 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Samuel FinchConvicted January 14th, 1832 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
William WillmentConvicted January 25th, 1832 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Roger YeomanConvicted February 11th, 1832 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Thomas StrawbridgeConvicted February 25th, 1832 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
George LewisConvicted March 16th, 1832 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
One Prisoner for Trial at the Lammas Assizes
Index to Prisoners for TrialBear Ann
Bolt John
Chowne Joseph
Coombes Mary
Cooper William
Davis Susan
Gould Richard
Gent Elizabeth
Howe Sophia
Hughes Charles
Jewell Thomas
May Thomas
Pearce Mary
Rider William
Smith John
Sanders James
Seaward William
Sharrell Mary
Stephens William
Tamblingson William
Vicary Richard
White Thomas
Wyatt John
Williams Richard
Williams Edward
Prisoners for Trial
William Cooper [18]Committed by R.P. Coffin, esq, charged with stealing from his Master, Richard Dart, of Appledore, a quantity of copper and other articles, the property of the said Richard Dart. Warrant dated 20th March, 1832.
Thomas Jewell [17]
Ann Bear [19]
Mary Sharrell [28]
Elizabeth Gent [40]
Committed by R.P. Coffin, esq, charged on the confession of William Cooper, with receiving from him a quantity of copper, knowing it to have been stolen. Warrant dated 20th March, 1832.
William Stephens [17]Committed by J. Parrott, esq, charged with stealoing a fowl, value 2s, the property of John Tucker of Harberton. Warrant dated 23rd March, 1832.
William Rider [38]Committed by J. Parrott, esq, for receiving from William Stephens, a fowl, knowing the same to have been stolen from John Tucker. Warrant dated 23rd March, 1832.
Thomas May [50]Committed by J. Milford, esq, charged with stealing at Pinhoe, a pair of stockings, the property of Joseph Baker. Warrant dated 24th March, 1832.
John Wyatt [21]Committed by J. Parrott, esq, charged with stealing in the year 1830, from a linhay at Harberton, a fowl, value 1s-3d, the property of George Huxham. Warrant dated 21st March, 1832.
Mary Coombes [29]Committed by T. Husband, esq, charged with stealing from the shop of William Vosper, at Devonport, a pair of stockings, his property value 1s-6d. Warrant dated 27th March, 1832.
Richard Gould [23]Committed by R.P. Coffin, esq, charged on the confession of William Cooper, as well as on his own voluntary confession, with receiving from the said William Cooper, certain goods, the property of Richard Dart, knowing them to have been stolen. Warrant dated 27th March, 1832.
Susan Davis [23]
Mary Pearce [22]
Committed by J.J.G. Bremer, esq, charged with stealing a blanket and a feather bolster, the property of Joseph Catford, value six shillings. Warrant dated 27th March, 1832.
Richard Williams [58]Committed by T. Husband, esq, charged with stealing from the lodging of John Bremner, in Devonport, a pair of trowsers, a shirt, and a night cap, the property of the said John Bremner, value 9s, and upwards. Warrant dated 30th March, 1832.
John Bolt [22]
Edward Williams [32]
Committed by J.J.G. Bremer, esq, charged with stealing at East Stonehouse, a piece of copper, value one half-penny, five crowns in silver, and 4s-11d threefarthings, in copper, of the current coin of the realm, the property of John Holman. Warrant dated 31st March, 1832.
Richard Vicary [48]Committed by T.H. Ley, clerk, for want of sureties to keep the peace towards Elizabeth his wife. Warrant dated 11th February, 1832.
Charles Hughes [40]
William Seaward [24]
Thomas White [20]
Committed by G. Truscott and J. Chichester, esq's, charged on oath with violently assaulting Charlotte Coldridge. Warrant dated 3rd March, 1832.
William Tamblingson [28]Committed by J. Parrott, esq, charged on the oath of John Earle, with obtaining from him by false pretences, £2-17s, and a silver watch value £2-3s, with intent to cheat and defraud him. Also charged on the oath of Parmenas Symes, with obtaining from him by false pretences, a silver watch value £2, with intent to cheat and defraud him. Warrant dated 17th March, 1832.
Joseph Chowne [17]Committed by E. Divett, esq, charged with wilfully, maliciously, and contemptuously disquieting a congregation assembled for public worship in a Chapel of Protestant Dissenters, at East Budleigh, on the 29th of January last. Warrant dated 29th March, 1832.
In the Bridewell
Sophia Howe [21]Committed by W.R. Ellicombe, clerk, as a vagrant, found wandering abroad and begging in the Parish of Clist St. George. Warrant dated 14th March, 1832.
John Smith [21]Committed by John Sweetland, esq, for want of sureties to indemnify the parish of West Teignmouth in bastardy. Warrant dated 16th July, 1831.
James Sanders [22]Committed by P. Glubb, clerk, for want of sureties to indemnify the Parish of Little Torrington in bastardy. Warrant dated 24th February, 1832.
Remaining on Former Orders.
Allen PeterConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 2 calendar months [2 weeks solitary].
Austen JamesConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 weeks [2 weeks solitary].
Bowden Joseph StanburyConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Browning WilliamConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 4 calendar months [4 weeks solitary].
Battershield WilliamConvicted of disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Brinnicombe GeorgeConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Broom HenryConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months.
Brothers John. S.Convicted of possessing King's stores - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Buttle EliasConvicted Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Ball RogerConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Bray JamesConvicted of disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Bourke JohnConvicted at Court Martial - Imprisoned 4 months.
Bowden JamesConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months.
Bazeley JamesConvicted of vagrancy - Ikmprisoned 1 calendar month.
Bazeley SusanConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Bowden JosephConvicted Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 1 month.
Coombes JohnConvicted of Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 6 calendar months
Coleypriest SarahConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Cobley GeorgeConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Cornish Elijah BissettConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [6 weeks solitary twice whipped].
Collycott WilliamConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Clode CarolineConvicted Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Connybeer ElizabethConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [4 weeks solitary].
Cowling MaryConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 3 calendar months [3 weeks solitary].
Camber JohnConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [twice whipped].
Chapman ElizabethConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Cutmore ThomasConvicted Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 3 months.
Cove ThomasConvicted of leaving his Family - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Cuthburt VivianConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Dunn ThomasConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Davis SylvanusConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Dyson JamesConvicted at Court Martial - Imprisoned 12 months.
Edwards RichardConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 5 calendar months.
Ellis MargaretConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 weeks [2 weeks solitary].
Ellis JohnConvicted as Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 1 month.
Fanning RichardConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 2 Years.
Frost JohnConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Fairy PatrickConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 1 month.
Fisher MaryConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Griffen JohnConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 12 calendar months and to find sureties.
Gifford EmmanuelConvicted of Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Gasking WilliamConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 3 calendar months [3 weeks solitary].
Govier RichardConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 weeks.
Griffiths JohnConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Glasson WilliamConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Goss WilliamConvicted Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Howard GeorgeConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Harl LeviConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 4 calendar months [4 weeks solitary].
Horwood ThomasConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 6 months [6 weeks solitary].
Havill JohnConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 4 calendar months [4 weeks solitary].
Helmore RobertConvicted of Offence against the Game laws - Imprisoned 3 calendar months and find sureties.
Hole GeorgeConvicted of Offence against the Game Laws - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Harved WilliamConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 weeks [2 weeks solitary].
Harrison HenryConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Harris RichardConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Honeywell AmosConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Helmore WilliamConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 8 calendar months.
Hitchcock ElizabethConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Jordan JosephConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 12 calendar months and to find sureties to keep the Peace 1 Year.
Josling WilliamConvicted of Offence against Game Laws - Imprisoned 3 months.
Jones JohnConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 14 days.
Kite ElizabethConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 weeks [2 weeks solitary].
Knight AndrewConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [4 weeks solitary].
Lander HenryConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 2 Years.
Lethbridge RobertConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Loosemore RobertConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 12 calendar months 6 weeks solitary].
Lang JohnConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [4 weeks solitary].
Lang JohnConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 4 calendar months [4 weeks solitary].
Lyddon JohnConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Miller ThomasConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [3 weeks solitary].
Marks EdwardConvicted of offence against Game Laws - Imprisoned 6 calendar months.
Mock JobConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Murch ElizabethConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Melhuish SamuelConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Melhuish CharlesConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 8 calendar months.
Nute WilliamConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Needs JamesConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Osmond AnnConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 3 calendar months [3 weeks solitary].
Power WilliamConvicted of Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 2 Years.
Pidgeon AnnConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 12 months.
Philips WilliamConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Pyle WilliamConvicted of Offence against the Game Laws - Imprisoned 3 calendar months and to find sureties.
Pook RobertConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Prowse ThomasConvicted Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 3 months.
Phillips WilliamConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 6 weeks.
Pearce RichardConvicted of vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Pitts WilliamConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Pedlar ThomasConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months.
Perkins JamesConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 8 calendar months.
Parker RichardConvicted as Dangerous and Insane - Imprisoned for want of sureties.
Pickard JasperConvicted as Dangerous and Insane - Imprisoned for want of sureties.
Rockett SusanConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Retallick WilliamConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 2 calendar months [last week solitary].
Retallick JamesConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 2 calendar months [last week solitary].
Rippin HenryConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 6 weeks.
Reed JohnConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Squires ElizabethConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 6 calendar months.
Stanbury BenjamineConvicted of leaving his Family - Imprisoned 1 year.
Slee JosephConvicted Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 1 month.
Skinner EphraimConvicted Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Scoble JohnConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Solfleet Catherine alias SafronConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Skinner ElizabethConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 12 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Skinner GeorgeConvicted of a felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Shepherd JamesConvicted of killing Salmon - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Tout JohnConvicted of Offence against Game laws - Imprisoned 12 calendar months and find sureties.
Thorne JamesConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 18 calendar months.
Taylor JohnConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Tippett JohnConvicted of a Vagrancy - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Tippett JosephConvicted of vagrancy - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Taverner WilliamConvicted of a felony - Imprisoned 6 weeks [twice whipped - 1 week solitary].
Tapping RichardConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Trist EdwardConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Trist JohnConvicted Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 1 month.
Toby GeorgeConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 4 calendar months.
Vening PhilipConvicted of Offence against Game Laws - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Voisey MaryConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 4 calendar months [4 weeks solitary].
Vinnicombe BenjamineConvicted as Dangerous and Insane - Imprisoned for want of sureties.
Wadland NicholasConvicted as Dangerous and Insane - Imprisoned for want of sureties.
Wannell JohnConvicted of a felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
White MariaConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Watts JohnConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Walter AnnConvicted Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Wood JamesConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Wyatt RobertConvicted of Offence against Game Laws - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
White ThomasConvicted of Possessing King's Stores - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Willis FrancisConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Willis WilliamConvicted Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 1 month.
Williams RichardConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Wills GeorgeConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Worth GeorgeConvicted of Offence against Game Laws - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Wilkinson JohnConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Webster HarryConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
White JamesConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 8 calendar months.
Visiting JusticesBuller Thomas. W. esq.
Buller James. W. esq.
Creswell J.B., esq.
Divett Edward, esq.
Fulford Baldwin, esq.
Fulford Baldwin, jnr, esq.
Kennaway John, esq.
Ley John Henry, esq.
Milford John, esq.
Nation William, esq.
Pitman James, esq.
Quicke, John, esq.
Sillifant John [jnr], esq.
Stowey Augustus, esq.
Toll Henry Limbrey, esq.
Keeper of the Gaol and House of Correction for DevonWilliam Cole