Devon Quarter Sessions - July 16th 1728 [DRO - QS32/33]
Transcribed by Brian Brassett
A Calendar of the prisoners in his Majesties Workhouse July 16th 1728
Roger Fursson | Committed by Theodore Tanner and Richard Beavis esq's May 7th being charged on oath with stealing a dowless shirt ye goods of one John Bradick. |
Richard Morris Ar[chibald] Reed | Committed by John Short esq May 8th for stealing two pieces of Timber the goods of William Downman esq. |
John Sprague | Committed by Andrew Quick esq May 13th being charged on oath for Entring a cellar of ye house of Francis Hall esq and stealing thence severall pitchers of Cyder. |
William Norman | Committed by Henry Incledon esq May 29th on suspicion of stealing a lamb ye goods of one John Morrish. |
Matthew Bridge | Committed by Sir William Drake Bart June 14th on suspicion of being accessory in stealing severall parcells of goods from ye Green Dragon Inn in Axminster belonging to the Exeter carrier. |
Mary Cloke | Committed by John Fowell esq June 20th being charged on oath with stealing a cock ye goods of one Jasper Perrot. |
John Bustard Elizabeth Bustard his wife | Committed by Richard Beavis esq June 2nd being charged on oath for stealing the goods of Abram fford and John fford of the parish of Broadclist. |
Mary Clark | Continued till the Assize. |
Mary Clark | Continued till the Sessions. |
Elizabeth Knight | Lays for a fine of five pounds. |
Katherine Burrow | Committed by John Elford and Thomas Pyne esq's November 20th 1727 for bastardy. |
Mary Goddin | Committed by Thomas Carew and Robert Lucas esq's January 3rd for bastardy. |
Hannah Wright | Committed by Thomas Carew and James Smith esq's January 4th for bastardy. |
Nicholas Collins | Committed by Thomas Pyne esq february 12th for want of surties in bastardy. |
John Towell | Committed by Thomas carew esq february 29th on suspicion of leaving an ideot Child in a highway within ye parish of Church Taunton. |
John Davis | Committed by John Norman esq Mayor of Tiverton April 29th for want of surties in bastardy. |
Abraham Brown | Committed by Francis Groin esq May 1st an Idle disorderly Apprentice. |
Charles Eddy Mary Eddy his wife William Holman Mary Holman his wife Elizabeth Holman a child | Committed by Richard Yeo esq June 1st being Vagrants. [comment: Charles & Mary Eddy to be sent to S.Truro in Cornwall - William Holman to be turned over to ye gaol in order to take his tryall at ye next Assizes afterwards being cgarged in felony - Mary & Elizabeth Holman to be sent to Hornsey in [Mede - Middlesex.?.]. |
Susanna Gloyns | Committed by John Short esq June 6th an Idle disorderly person. |
Charles Churchill | Committed by Raymundo Putt esq June 11th for leaving his family. |
Trephana Osburn | Committed June 13th by virtue of a Sessions process. |
John Spiller | Committed by Richard Beavis esq June 22nd for leaving his family. |
Thomas Avery alias Tavener | Lays for want of surties in bastardy. |
John Tozer | Lays for want of surties in bastardy. |
Thomas Street | Lays for want of surties in bastardy. |
Thomas Greger | Lays for ye clerk of ye peaces fees. |
George Row | Lays for want of surties to prosecute his Traverse. |
Thomas Elson Thomas Head | Lay for fine of £10 each. |
Thomas Maddock | Committed by Richard Beavis esq July 15th for bastardy. |