


Devon Quarter Sessions - Epiphany 1725 [DRO - QS32/20]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

Devon Sessions. A Kalendar of the Prisoners in his Majesties Workhouse January 11th 1725.

Gregory CookCommitted by Theodore Tanner and Richard Beavis esqs October 14th on suspition of stealing a bay Mare and an Iron gray Nagg the goods of a person unknown.
Elizabeth SmithCommitted by John Elford esq October 14th on suspition of Breaking and Entering the house of one Mary Edgcombe in the night time and stealing from therein severall parcells of goods.
William BowdonCommitted by John Gibbs esq October 22nd being Charged on oath for feloniously taking and stealing a woollen mantle the goods of one Susanna Moxhay.
Hazzell NorthcottCommitted by John Gibbs esq November 2nd being charged on oath for stealing four or five books out of the house of the Reverend Mr. William Sweeting.
Silvanus JollettCommitted by John Gibbs esq December 20th being charged on oath for feloniously taking a hemping bag Josiah Morcombe with beef, pease, taping leather and other things in it from a horse belonging to one Marg[aret] Madge.
John BlacklerCommitted by Richard Reynell esq December 22nd being charged with the felonious taking and stealing a piece of Rib beef the goods of one William Bains.
George HillCommitted by John Gibbs esq January 2nd on suspition of taking and Stealing a Dowless Shirt the goods of one Edward Nosworthy.
Thomas TracyCommitted by John Worth and William Oxenham esqs January 3rd and charged upon oath for Embezling the goods of one John Doun of Chumleigh.
Ann HenleyCommitted by John Elford esq December 22nd 1724 for bastardy.
Mary LongCommitted by Thomas Pyne and John Elford esq February 10th for bastardy.
William ChafeCommitted by James Bulteel esq Aprell 26th for want of suerties in bastardy.
John CoxworthyCommitted by James Bulteel esq May 12th for want of suerties in bastardy.
Thomas Warren
Mary Warren his wife
Committed by Samuel Burredge esq October 9th for want of suerties to a breach of the Peace.
William HarveyCommitted by John Harris esq October 21st an Idle disorderly person.
Committed by Henry Incledon esq November 9th a Vagrant.
Jane Lillywire
Joan Delap alias Wagstaff
Honor Hattaway
Committed by Thomas Pyne esq November 10th being Idle disorderly Persons.
Charles PitfieldCommitted by John Clark Mayor of Tottness November 17th a vagrant.
Elizabeth ClarkCommitted by Sir John Lear Bart November 23rd an Idle disorderly person.
Mary EvansCommitted by Thomas Pyne esq November 29th a Vagrant.
Susanna JeffordCommitted by John Ivie and John Gibbs esq January 5th a Vagrant.
Margaret HillCommitted by John Hacche esq January 4th by vertue of a Sessions process.
Joan JoseCommitted from the Sessions January 11th 1724 for bastardy.
Thomas HeadCommitted from the Sessions for not paying his fine and fees.
Benjamine UsherCommitted from the Assize March 22nd 1724 for one year.
Abraham AustinCommitted from the Sessions for want of suerties for his good behaviour.