


Devon Quarter Sessions - Michaelmas 1832 [DRO - QS32/113]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

Devonshire - Michaelmas Sessions - Tuesday, October 16th, 1832 - William Courtenay, Esq, Chairman.


In the Gaol
Remaining on Former Orders
Charles BurgessConvicted Lent Assizes 1823 - Arson [Insane] Imprisoned during H.M. Pleasure.
Samuel EdwardsConvicted Lent Assizes 1826 - Stabbing with intent to kill [Insane] Imprisoned during H.M. Pleasure.
William SewardConvicted December General Sessions - Using threatening language - Imprisoned 1 Year or find sureties.
William ColmerConvicted Epiphany Sessions 1832 - Assault - Imprisoned 2 Years
Margaret Wilson alias CarriganConvicted Midsummer Sessions - Uttering counterfeit coin - 6 months in Gaol and find sureties for 6 months, self in £10 and 2 in £5 each.
Mary ReddallsConvicted at Lammas assizes 1832 - Felony - Transported for Life.
Elizabeth HoskinConvicted at Lammas assizes 1832 - Felony - Transported for 7 Years.
John VicaryConvicted September 3rd 1832 - Want of sureties in Bastardy.
Edward HuthnanceConvicted September 20th 1832 - Enlisting into the Royal Marines being at the time of enlisting a Substitute in the Militia - Imprisoned 6 calendar months or pay £20.
Samuel RutleyConvicted September 26th 1832 - Having a quantity of yarn in his possession called Short Yarn, over what is allowed by Statute - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Richard MiltonConvicted September 27th 1832 - Want of sureties to keep the Peace - Imprisoned till he finds such sureties as shall be approved of.
Christopher TrickeyConvicted October 5th 1832 - Want of sureties in Bastardy.
John SalterConvicted December 5th, 1831 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Samuel FinchConvicted January 14th, 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Roger YeomanConvicted February 11th, 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Thomas StrawbridgeConvicted February 25th, 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
William LeanConvicted April 8th, 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Josias KingcombeConvicted May 7th, 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Samuel WoodConvicted May 12th, 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Robert CouchConvicted May 12th, 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Archibald BrownConvicted May 12th, 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Tabitha LyonsConvicted July 10th 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till she pays £6-8s.
William BassConvicted July 26th 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Henry JohnsonConvicted August 5th 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Henry BlakeConvicted September 28th 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Seven for Trial at the Lent Assizes.
Index to Prisoners for TrialAckleston John
Anderson John
Anderson Charlotte
Arthur Samuel Fursey
Bailey Thomas
Baker James
Bass James
Beal William
Beer John
Bond Thomas
Bond Thomas
Cooper George
Copp George
Crocombe John
Davey Thomas
Fisher Thomas
Gibbs John
Guscott Mary Ann
Haddy Henry
Harris Jane
Hendy Richard
Holmes George
Horswell William
Hounsell Sarah
Inker Joshua
Jessop Charles
Jones Mary
Larcombe Robert
Marks William
Masters John
Mock Job
Murry James
Newton Maria
Newton Sarah Ann
Osprey George
Pincombe Michael
Ratcliffe Thomas
Rawlinson William
Rickett Ann
Somerwill Robert
Tooze Thomas
Tooze John
Warren Jane
Widdecombe Ann
Williams Stephen
Prisoners for Trial
Thomas Tooze [32]Committed by William Proctor Thomas, clerk, charged with stealing at Holcombe Rogus, on the 28th of July last, seven sovereigns, one half sovereign, and one shilling and sixpence in silver, the property of James Needs. Warrant dated 8th August, 1832.
Richard Hendy [58]Committed by R.V. Willesford, clerk, charged with stealing from a cart at Tavistock, on the 10th inst, one bag of wheat, the property of Thomas Cann, of the parish of Clawton. Warrant dated 11th August, 1832.
Sarah Hounsell [30]Committed by Codrington Parr, esq, charged with stealing in the parish of Kenton, thirteen shillings and two handkerchiefs, the property of Henry Tarr. Warrant dated 14th August, 1832.
Robert Larcombe [23]Committed by C.H. Monro, esq, charged with stealing at Newton Abbott, on the 14th inst, a ring with eleven keys on it, the property of John Mills. Warrant dated 15th August, 1832.
Jane Harris [54]Committed by Richard Pine Coffin, esq, charged with stealing at Parkham, a silk handkerchief, the property of John Ashton. Warrant dated 14th August, 1832.
Thomas Ratcliffe [23]Committed by Peter Glubb, clerk, charged with stealing at Monkleigh, a sleeve waistcoat, the property of John Pitts. Warrant dated 20th August, 1832.
Thomas Bailey [26]Committed by Augustus. S. Willett, esq, charged with stealing at Westleigh, on the 29th inst, two geese, the property of James Brown. Warrant dated 30th August, 1832.
Job Mock [39]Committed by James Pitman, esq, charged with stealing in the Devon County Bridewell, a prayer book and tract, the property of the County of Devon. Warrant dated 31st August, 1832.
Thomas Davey [32]Committed by Thomas. H. Ley, clerk, charged with stealing at East Stonehouse, on the 27th of August, a canister, tea pot, tea kettle, and other articles, the property of William Webber. Warrant dated 29th August, 1832.
Jane Warren [57]Committed by Thomas. H. Ley, clerk, charged with stealing at Stoke Damerel, on or about the 10th of August last, a piece of holland, and other articles, the property of Julia Teail. Warrant dated 3rd September, 1832.
Mary Jones [39]Committed by Thomas. H. Ley, clerk, charged with stealing at Stoke Damerel, on the 2nd inst, a leghorn bonnet, a patched quilt, a flannel petticoat, and other articles, the property of Robert Henry. Warrant dated 3rd September, 1832.
William Markes [26]Committed by William Proctor Thomas, clerk, charged with stealing at Burlescombe, on the 2nd August last, five sheaves of oats, the property of John Yeandell. Warrant dated 6th September, 1832.
John Masters [32]Committed by John Carpenter, esq, and R.V. Willisford, clerk, charged with stealing on the 12th inst, at Tavistock, two five pound notes, one of the Tavistock Bank, and the other of the Devon County Bank, the property of Thomas Walters, of the parish of Brentor. Warrant dated 13th September, 1832.
John Beer [36]Committed by William Barker, clerk, charged with stealing in the parish of Thorverton, a cider firkin, the property of William Hutchings. Warrant dated 17th September, 1832.
Mary Ann Guscott [14]Committed by Thomas Northmore, esq, charged with having on the 14th inst, set fire to a necessary house, part of the premises of William Baker, of the parish of Whitstone. Warrant dated 17th September, 1832.
Stephen Williams [22]Committed by Charles Harward, clerk, charged with stealing at Devonport, on the 19th inst, two steel keys, one blue silk handkerchief, a black silk purse, a quantity of money, and a fancy waistcoat, the property of Robert Thomas Healey, his master. Warrant dated 22nd September, 1832.
James Bass [23]Committed by John Were Clarke, esq, charged with stealing at Welland, on the 15th inst, fourteen ducks, the property of Charles Potter. Warrant dated 22nd September, 1832.
Robert Somerwill [21]Committed by John May, esq, charged with stealing at Tawstock, on the 22nd inst, two fowls, the property of John Charley, and one fowl, the property of Mary Widlake. Warrant dated 25th September, 1832.
Maria Newton [19]Committed by William Thomas, esq, charged with stealing in the parish of Harpford, various articles of jewellery, wearing apparel, etc, the property of James Peter Hill. Warrant dated 26th September, 1832.
Sarah Ann Newton [17]Committed by the Right. Hon. Lord Rolle, charged with stealing in the parish of Harpford, stockings, ear rings, and other articles, the property of James Peter Hill. Warrant dated 27th September, 1832.
John Crocombe [35]Committed by Charles Pine Coffin, clerk, charged with having on or about the beginning of August, 1829, stolen and taken away from Parracombe Common, a bay horse colt of the pony breed, the property of Daniel Lock Roach, yeoman. Warrant dated 25th September, 1832.
Michael Pincombe [45]Committed by the Right. Hon. Lord Rolle, charged with having stolen in the parish of East Budleigh, a quantity of wheat, the property of Harriet Hussey. Warrant dated 26th September, 1832.
Samuel Fursey Arthur [21]Committed by John Milford, esq, charged with stealing in the parish of Heavitree, on the 25th inst, fifteen bricks, the property of Henry Siville. Warrant dated 27th September, 1832.
Ann Rickett [21]Committed by James. H. Veale, esq, charged with stealing in the parish of Hatherleigh, on the 9th of August last, a silk handkerchief, the property of William Sleeman. Warrant dated 27th September, 1832.
Ann Widdecombe [61]Committed by Thomas Husband, esq, charged with stealing t East Stonehouse, on the 26th inst, a blue cloth waistcoat, the property of Hannibal Hawkins. Warrant dated 27th September, 1832.
Charles Jessop [19]
Henry Haddy [19]
Committed by Thomas Husband, esq, chargedwith stealing from a slaughter-house, at East Stonehouse, on the 25th instant, about one hundred and five pounds of tallow, the property of Richard Pike. Warrant dated 28th September, 1832.
William Rawlinson [21]
William Horswell [22]
Committed by Thomas Husband, esq, charged with stealing from an unoccupied house at east Stonehouse, on the 21st September last, three saws, three chisels, one plane, and one trying square, the property of Samuel Lobb. They stand further charged with stealing three saws, and two planes, the property of Samuel Hunn. Warrant dated 4th October, 1832.
Thomas Bond [23]Committed by the Hon. Pownall Bastard Pellew, charged with stealing at Chudleigh, a quantity of cider, the property of George Nosworthy. Warrant dated 5th October, 1832.
James Baker [36]Committed by Thomas Husband, esq, charged with stealing at Devonport, on the 10th inst, a black cloth waistcoat, the property of Joseph Andrews. Warrant dated 12th October, 1832.
George Holmes [18]Committed by Thomas Husband, esq, charged with stealing at Devonport, on the 6th inst, one pair of boots, five pair of shoes, and twenty-seven pieces of leather butt, the property of Edward Sawdy. Warrant dated 12th October, 1832.
William Beal [25]Committed by Thomas. H. Ley, clerk, charged with stealing at Devonport, on or about the 8th instant, a brown great coat, a black strait coat, and other articles. Warrant dated 13th October, 1832.
John Gibbs [27]Committed by John Milord, esq, charged with having on the 26th July last, in the parish of St. Thomas the Apostle, assaulted his mother, Mary Gibbs, and used threats towards her. Warrant dated 28th July,1832. Again committed by James Pitman, esq, charged with having in the parish of St. Thomas the Apostle, committed a violent breach of the peace on his mother, Mary Gibbs. Warrant dated 28th September, 1832.
John Tooze [19]Committed by John Were, clerk, charged with a breach of the peace, and for want of sureties for his appearance at the Sessions. Warrant dated 11th August, 1832.
Thomas Fisher [18]
James Murry [17]
John Ackleston [16]
George Cooper [16]
Committed by Thomas. H. Ley, clerk, for want of sureties to keep the peace towards all his Majesty's subjects for the space of twelve months. Warrants dated 8th August, 1832.
George Osprey [31]Committed by Samuel Hart, clerk, charged with having on the 17th instant, at Holsworthy, violently wrested a hatchet out of the hands of Joseph Bennett, and with it did break down the door of an adjoining ale house, which had been shut against him. Warrant dated 18th August,1832.
Joshua Inker [22]Committed by Thomas. H. Ley, clerk, charged with having on the 1st September, 1832, at East Stonehouse, threatened to assault John Lammarcraft, and to burn his house, and for want of sureties to keep the peace. Warrant dated 1st September, 1832.
George Copp [26]Committed by John Milner, jun, esq, charged with lately at Bampton, used such violent threats towards William Hodge, of Bampton aforesaid, that he is afraid of his life of him. Warrant dated 18th September, 1832.
Thomas Bond [24]Committed by Thomas Husband, esq, charged with having on the 18th inst at Devonport, violently assaulted and beaten his mother, Mary Bond. Warrant dated 25th September, 1832.
In the Bridewell
John Anderson [25]
Charlotte Anderson [25]
Committed by R. Pine Coffin, esq, for wandering about the country and not giving a good account of themselves. Warrant dated 6th September, 1832.
Remaining on Former Orders
Arnell WilliamConvicted of a felony - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Bickell JamesConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 9 calendar months.
Burnett SarahConvicted of disorderly conduct in a Workhouse - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Bayley WilliamConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Ball WilliamConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Bond EdwardConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Chapman ElizabethConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Clark JohnConvicted of Offence against the Game Laws - Imprisoned 3 calendar months or find sureties.
Cole FannyConvicted as an Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Chapple ThomasConvicted Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Dyson JamesConvicted at Court Martial - Imprisoned 12 months.
Dart WilliamConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Dart MaryConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Dowdall WilliamConvicted of leaving his family - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Ellis SamuelConvicted as an Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 3 months.
Elliott JamesConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Ford FrancisConvicted of Sheep stealing - Imprisoned 1 Year [Death].
Ford JaneConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Gordge JosephConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 4 calendar months [2 weeks solitary].
Green AnnConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 4 calendar months [4 weeks solitary].
Govier RichardConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 2 Years.
Giles JamesConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Geen ThomasConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Goad JohnConvicted of Offence against Game Laws - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Guest WilliamConvicted of Stealing Apples - Imprisoned 6 weeks.
Helmore WilliamConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 8 calendar months.
Hawkins ElizabethConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Huxtable WilliamConvicted of Disbeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Hooking JamesConvicted of Disbeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Hawkins ThomasConvicted of possession of Kings Stores - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Hutchings SarahConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 6 calendar months.
Hookway EmmaConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Jago BetsyConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Jordan JosephConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 12 calendar months and to find sureties to keep the Peace 1 Year.
James ElizabethConvicted of breaking Glass - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
James MaryConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Kelly RichardConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 6 calendar months.
Kitt DanielConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 4 months.
Lander HenryConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 2 Years.
Lethbridge RobertConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Loosemore RobertConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 12 calendar months 6 weeks solitary].
Luney ThomasConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Light SusannaConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Lott HenryConvicted of stealing a Dog - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Lloyd IsabellaConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Melhuish CharlesConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 8 calendar months.
M'Ginnerty ElizabethConvicted of a felony - Imprisoned 12 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Mugford AnnConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Milman RichardConvicted of Stealing Apples - Imprisoned 6 weeks.
Martin WilliamConvicted as an Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Martin WilliamConvicted as an Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Musket PeterConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Northside GeorgeConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Needs JohnConvicted of breaking Glass - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Osborne ElizabethConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 4 calendar months.
Pickard JasperConvicted as Dangerous and Insane - Imprisoned for want of sureties.
Parker RichardConvicted as Dangerous and Insane - Imprisoned for want of sureties.
Power WilliamConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 2 Years.
Perkins JamesConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 8 calendar months.
Prowse George ThomasConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 4 calendar months [4 weeks solitary].
Pickard AnnConvicted of Breach of Contract - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Parkhouse CharlesConvicted of stealing a Dog - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Preston RobertConvicted of Trespassing - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Preston WilliamConvicted of Trespassing - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Roach RichardConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 2 Years.
Reed ElizabethConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Roach RichardConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Rigge GeorgeConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 4 calendar months [2 weeks solitary].
Reed JohnConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 1 Year [Death].
Skinner ElizabethConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 12 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Stanbury BenjamineConvicted of leaving his Family - Imprisoned 1 year.
Sweeney JohnConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Symons JaneConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Smith SarahConvicted for want of sureties to keep the Peace - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Stanly ThomasConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Shute JohnConvicted of leaving his Family - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Shillabear JohnConvicted of leaving his Family - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Saunders SamuelConvicted of leaving his Family - Imprisoned 1 month.
Savage WilliamConvicted of disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Tout JohnConvicted of Offence against Game laws - Imprisoned 12 calendar months and find sureties.
Thompson JamesConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months.
Tidborough JohnConvicted of leaving his Family - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Vicary WilliamConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 12 calendar months [Death].
Vinnicombe BenjamineConvicted as Dangerous and Insane - Imprisoned for want of sureties.
Wadland NicholasConvicted as Dangerous and Insane - Imprisoned for want of sureties.
White JamesConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 8 calendar months.
Wilkinson WilliamConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Williams HenryConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Welsh WilliamConvicted of vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Ward WilliamConvicted of Stealing Apples - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Visiting JusticesBuller Thomas. W. esq.
Buller James. W. esq.
Creswell J.B., esq.
Divett Edward, esq.
Fulford Baldwin, esq.
Fulford Baldwin, jnr, esq.
Kennaway John, esq.
Ley John Henry, esq.
Milford John, esq.
Nation William, esq.
Pitman James, esq.
Quicke, John, esq.
Sillifant John [jnr], esq.
Stowey Augustus, esq.
Toll Henry Limbrey, esq.
Keeper of the Gaol and House of Correction for DevonWilliam Cole