Devon Quarter Sessions - October 9th 1765 [DRO - QS32/44]
Transcribed by Brian Brassett
Devon to Wit. Workhouse Calendar October 9th 1765.
Jane Viccary | Committed by Richard Beavis and William Foulkes esq's December 30th 1763 for ye second offence in Bastardy. |
Lettice Banbury | Committed September 15th 1764 for bastardy. [comment: discharged]. |
Elizabeth Banbury | Committed by Ars Bickford and J. Woolcombe esq's April 9th Bastardy. |
George Farrant | Committed by ye Revd F. Drake clerk May 4th Bastardy. |
Thomas Facey | Committed by Robert Lucas esq May 13th Bastardy. |
John Ferris | Committed by Sir B. Wrey Bart May 28th [ a Militia Man] for not appearing at ye time and place of Exercise. [comment: discharged]. |
Mary Ford | Committed by ye Court for want of surety to appear at this Sessions to receive judgement. |
Peter Radford | Lay for want of surety to prosecute his traverses. [comment: Bailed]. |
Ann Towell and Child | Committed by ye Court for a Month. [comment: Discharged]. |
Phillip Henley | Committed July 20th for running from his Master. |
Henry Stafford | Committed July 24th for leaving his family. |
Samuel Richards | Committed July 26th by a Sessions Warrant. |
Love Wakely alias Rockett | Committed by ye Revd William Palmer and Richard Lewis clerks July 24th Bastardy. |
Richard Rowe | Committed July 28th a deserter. |
Richard Brownson | Committed July 28th for Bastardy. |
John Seaward | Committed July 30th for leaving his family. |
William Mortimore | Committed July 31st Bastardy. |
Jane Pavey alias Deane | Committed by ye Revd Richard Lewis clerk July 30th a vagrant for Swearing false to her settlement. [comment: Whipped and sent to St George's Hanover London]. |
Thomas Philpot | Committed August 2nd [a Militia Man] for entring into ye Regulars. |
Martha Greemway | Committed by Sir John Chichester Bart and ye Revd J. Carrington clerk August 5th Bastardy. |
Abraham Hodge | Committed August 7th for a Month. |
Jane Clapp | Committed August 8th for a month for running from her Master. |
Susanna Pollard | Committed August 8th on suspicion of setting fire to a house. |
William Clark Benjamine Dart | Committed August 10th for defrauding Mary Burman of sixpence. |
John Davey | Committed August 10th a Vagrant. [comment: sent home by pass 20th]. |
William May | Committed by ye Revd J. Carrington clerk August 19th for returning after being sent home by an order. |
William Pike | Committed August 13th for a breach of ye Peace. |
Agnes Mitchel | Committed by G. Buck and Henry Stephens esq's Auigust 14th for three month a lewd disorderly woman. |
Thomas Rowe John Lawrence | Committed by John Jago esq August 16th and charged with stealing a large Iron Cramp. |
Richard Bishop | Committed August 26th and charged with breaking a house and Stealing worsted. [comment: Sent ye 28th by another warrant to High Gaol]. |
Margaret Palmer | Committed by ye Revd William Palmer clerk August 27th a Vagrant. |
John Pasmore | Committed by the Revd J. Carrington clerk August 28th for leaving his family. |
William Congdon | Committed by G. Hunt esq August 28th a disorderly Apprentice. |
John Thomas | Committed by John Hollis esq August 28th a Vagrant. |
Edward Jones | Committed by J. Duke and William Poor Williams esq's September 2nd a disorderly Apprentice. |
John Williams | Committed September 2nd a Vagrant. [comment: sent by pass 5th]. |
George Danley | Committed by J. Baring esq September 3rd Bastardy. |
John Rich | Committed by John Jago esq September 4th for leaving his family. |
Katherine Carr and Bridget her child Bridget Badwin and her children John Phillip Mary Eleanor Katherine | Committed by ye Revd F. Drake clerk September 6th Vagrants. |
William French | Committed by Richard Beavis esq September 7th a Vagrant. [comment:whipped and sent to Inverness in Scotland]. |
Robert Bird | Committed by William Barber esq September 9th Bastardy. |
John Taylor John King | Committed by Richard Beavis esq September 10th Vagrants. [comment: Taylor Whipped and sent to St Catherines London and King Whipped and sent to Longhandborough in Oxfordshire]. |
John Bidwell | Committed by F, Drew esq September 13th and charged with stealing two Henns ye property of John Pidgeon. |
Susanna Manley | Committed by Richard beavis esq September 16th for leaving her Bastard Child to ye parish. |
Thomas Stafford Elizabeth his wife George their son | Committed by Richard Beavis esq September 26th Vagrants. [comment: whipped and sent to Penzance Cornwall]. |
William Butcher | Committed by William Kitson and A. Champernowne esq's September 26th for 16 days for profane swearing. |
Ann Cozens Mary Gamon | Committed by ye Revd Ja. Carrington clerk October 2nd and charged with stealing a Pewter dish and other things. |
Arthur Chipman | Committed by P.R. Webber esq October 1st and charged with stealing a Goose ye property of Thomas Luxton. |
Jane Fryer | Committed by John Hollis esq October 3rd a Vagrant. |
Thomas Tracey | Committed by Revd J. Snow clerk October 7th a deserter. |
James Fleming | Committed by G. Hunt esq October 11th vagrant. |
Ann Thompson Ann her child | Committed by Jas. Carr. [comment: whipped and sent to Patrington in Yorkshire]. |