Devon Quarter Sessions - Midsummer 1784 [DRO - QS32/67]
Transcribed by Brian Brassett
Midsummer Sessions - Bridewell Calendar October 6th, 1784.
Sarah Purdy | Committed by J. Bulteel & Thomas Lane esq's 14th Oct 1783 Bastardy for 12 months. |
Susanna Robbins | Committed by B. Incledon & P.R. Webber esq's 25th Dec Bastardy for 12 months. |
Hannah Seaward | Committed by Rev James Carrington & J. Pine clerks Jan 23rd 1784 Bastardy for 12 months. |
Robert Densham | Tried at Lent Assizes Mar 15th To be imprisoned for 1 year |
Edward Smith | Committed by Rev James carrington clerk Apr 7th On suspicion of a burglary with William Clarke & William Coombes at Morebath. [Further] Detained by B.N. Bluett esq July 12th On suspicion of another Burglary & felony with the said William Clarke & William Coombes at thorn St Margaret in Somerset. |
Mary Russell alias Smith | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Apr 7th for want of sureties to give Evidence against the above William Clarke, William Coombes & Edward Smith for a felony. |
Mary Evans | Committed by P.R. Webber & H. Beavis esq's June 18th Bastardy for 12 months. |
Esther Moses | Continued at a Special Assize May 24th Upon her former order of Transportation having been discharged by Proclamation for being found at large after sentence, before the expiration of her term. |
James Daniel | Tried at Sessions Jul 14th For a Conspiracy - Fine Five Pounds - Imprisoned 6 months & until the fine is paid. And to get security for his good behaviour. |
Ann Scallion | Committed by G. Buck & A.S. Willett esq Aug 24th Bastardy for 12 months. |
Elizabeth Carnell | Committed by Rev James Carrington & G. Cooke clerks Aug 28th Bastardy for 12 months. |
Richard Squance | Committed by G. Buck & A.S. Willett esq's Sept 14th As a Disorderly Apprentice for 1Calendar month. |
Thomas Loyde | Tried at Lammas Assize Aug 2nd To be imprisoned for 6 Calendar months |
Patrick Connell | Committed by Rev Edward. B. Blackett clerk Sept 20th As an evidence against John Bryant, Henry Fagan, James Courtney and John McQuire for a felony. |
John Street | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Aug 8th for feloniously stealing Eight Chains of Worsted. |
William White | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Aug 17th for feloniously stealing one pair of Shoes and a pair of Buckles. Also on suspicion of stealing Cloth, Buttons and other things. [comment: Acquitted]. |
Henry Sanders | Committed by George Bickford esq Aug 26th for feloniously stealing ten ounces of Cale Seed in a Bag. [comment: Sentenced]. |
Elizabeth Mason | Committed by H.L. Brown esq Sept 30th for feloniously stealing One Ticking Pocket; a pair of Scissors and sundry other articles. [comment: No prosecution - Discharged]. |
Gabriel Cox | Committed by Richard Inglett Fortescue sq July 27th for leaving his family. [comment: Imprisoned 1 month - discharged]. |
Ann Pepperell | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Aug 9th As a disorderly and dangerous person. [comment: Bill ignored - discharged]. |
Henry Grills | Committed by H.L. Brown esq Sept 15th As an Idle & disorderly Person. [comment: no prosecution - discharged]. |
John Fry | Committed by Rev H. Walrond clerk Sept 16th for breaking the Peace. [comment: No prosecution - discharged]. |
Andrew Popplestone | Committed by Williamj Cholwich esq Sept 16th for breaking the Peace. [comment: No prosecution - discharged] |
Thomas Elworthy | Committed by Rev H. Walrond clerk Sept 18th for leaving his family. |
Samuel Satterly | Committed by Rev W. Palmer clerk Sept 29th for want of sureties in Bastardy. |
Richard Ableton | Committed by James Pitman esq Aug 4th Vagrant. [comment: Whipped and sentenced]. |
Jane Congdon | Committed by Ralph Mitchell esq Aug 26th Vagrant. |
Mary Spry | Committed by Ralph Mitchell esq Aug 26th Vagrant. |
Isaac Wooley | Committed by Samuel Eyre esq Sept 6th Vagrant. |
Elizabeth Williams | Committed by Ralph Mitchell esq Sept 4th Vagrant. |
George Jones | Committed by John Arthur esq Sept 4th Vagrant. |
George Ham | Committed by John Arthur esq Sept 4th Vagrant |
Ann Nash alias Ann Ball | Committed by Ralph Mitchell esq Sept 4th Vagrant |
Elizabeth Taylor Mary and John Taylor her children Ann Godfrey | Committed by William Kitson esq Sept 9th Vagrants. [comment: Not whipped but discharged]. |
Elizabeth reddon | Committed by Rev Edward.B. Blackett clerk Sept 17th Vagrant. [comment: Not whipped - sent by pass]. |
Thomas Lamarson | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Sept 21st Vagrant. |
Agnes Harris Jane Bryant | Committed by William Kitson esq Sept 23rd Vagrant. |
Roger Croker | Articles of Peace exhibited against him by William Glass at Easter Sessions 1783; Apr 2nd To be imprisoned untill he finds two sureties in 50£ each for his good behaviour. |
Joseph Chipman | Committed by Rev Thomas Baker clerk Oct 5th for disobeying an Order in Bastardy. |
Out Upon Bail | |
Joseph Rockett | Committed by Rev W. Palmer clerk Jul 27th 1784 for breaking the Peace - bailed 30th July. |
Prisoners Discharged | |
William Cousins Sarah Stroud Thomas Tucker Charles Isaac | Tried at Lammas Assizes Aug 11th 1783 To be imprisond 1 year. |
Dorothy alias Eleanor Juner | Committed by Samuel Eyre & Thomas Putt esq's Sept 3rd Bastardy for 12 months. |
Mary Whitrowe William Hooper | Tried at Lent Assizes Mar 15th To be Imprisoned for 6 Calendar months. [comment: Hooper Dead]. |
Nicholas Hoopole | Committed by J. Splatt & James Yonge esq's Commissioners of Land tax April 17th for refusing to pay £20-16s-3d farthing which he collected as Sub-collector of the Land Tax. Discharged Aug 16th. |
Mary Deacon Mary Smith | Committed by Edward. B. Blackett clerk May 6th To give evidence against Thomas Loyd for a felony. Discharged Aug 5th. |
Elizabeth Clarke | Committed by Thomas Putt esq May 28th On suspicion of Sheep stealing. Discharged Aug 2nd. |
Robert Siddaway | Continued at Special Assize May 24th Upon his former Order of Transportation. Delivered on Board "Dunkirk" Sept 3rd. |
Richard Callacott | Committed by William Spicer esq June 9th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged Aug 16th. |
George Hunt | Committed by John Buller esq July 8th 1784 for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged Aug 27th. |
William Burnett Thomas Rogers William Cooper | Tried at sessions July 14th Convicted of felonys to be imprisoned for 1 month. |
Mary Williams Joseph Potter Mry Hearn | Tried at Sessions July 14th Convicted of felonys to be Imprisoned 2 weeks. |
James Ableton | Tried at Sessions July 14th Convicted of felony to be imprisoned 1 week. |
Sarah French | Tried at sessions July 14th for a conspiracy. To be imprisoned for 1 month. Fine 1shilling. |
Matthew Nicholls Henry Phillips | Tried at Sessions July 14th for a misdemeanor. To be imprisoned 3 months. Fine 1s each. |
Samuel Sillifant | Committed by George Bickford esq July 21st for having in his possession Engines to destroy Game. For 3 months - discharged July 23rd. |
Charles Baker | Committed by Rev G. Cooke clerk & James Pitman esq July 30th for stealing Potatoes, for 1 month. |
James Bryant | Committed by Rev Thomas Wood clerk July 7th for not performing according to an agreement. For 1 month. |
Joseph Kerton | Committed by Rev Thomas Baker clerk July 29th On suspicion of stealing two Coats, One waistcoat, and other things. Discharged Aug 2nd. |
Elizabeth Radford | Committed by Rev P. Beavis clerk July 30th for selling Ale without Licence for 2 months. |
Thomas Halway | Committed by J. Laroche esq Aug 9th for leaving his family for 1 month - Discharged Aug 29th. |
Joseph Burnett Michael Cafsell Antony Gambell Nicholas Salvey Simon Dennett Solomon Fillus Nicholas Fusk Christian Fusk | Committed by Ralph Mitchell esq Aug 27th Vagrants. Discharged Sept 22nd. |
John Carpenter | Committed by James Pitman esq Sept 7th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged Sept 29th. |
Betty Pidgeon Elizabeth Rowe Johanna Horsham and her child | Committed by Francis Yarde esq Mayor of Totness Sept 8th As Idle & disorderly Persons for 1 month. |
John Ware John Wright Thomas Mitchell James Widgery | Committed by Rev H. Walrond clerk Sept 14th for Breaking the peace. Discharged Sept 18th. |
William Chase Richard Chase Mary Stone | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Sept 15th On suspicion of stealing two Holland Bags. Discharged 24th Sept. |