


Devon Quarter Sessions - Midsummer 1785 [DRO - QS32/72]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

Midsummer Sessions Bridewell Calendar July 12th 1785.

Elizabeth CarnellCommitted by Rev James Carrington & G. Cooke clerks Aug 28th 1784 Bastardy for 12 months.
Elizabeth PerkinsCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk & James Pitman esq Oct 25th Bastardy for 12 months.
John FrostCommitted by John Laroche esq Feb 8th 1785 for cutting and carrying away an Ash Tree out of a certain Wood for 6 months.
Ann SearleCommitted by P.R. Webber & B. Incledon esq's Mar 11th Bastardy for 12 months.
Elizabeth SmaleTried at Lent Assize Mar 14th To be imprisoned for 2 years.
Samuel Woolway
John Proctor
Thomas Smith
William Vicary
William Alford
William Douglas Nixon
Tried at Lent Assize Mar 14th To be imprisoned for 6 Calendar months.
Ann EndacottCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk & James Pitman esq April 1st Bastardy for 12 months.
David PeakeCommitted by William Barber & P.R. Webber esq's May 6th for having in his custody a Hare contrary to the Statute for 3 months.
Elizabeth QuickeCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk May 19th for attempting to set Outhouses of James Frankpit on fire. For the Assize.
Mary DavisCommitted by P.R. Webber esq May 20th feloniously stealing out of a Dwelling house a quantity of Hogs Lard; Potatoes and Cyder. For the Assize.
William WestcombeCommitted by J. Nicholls esq Mayor & J. Arthur esq Justice for the Borough of Plymouth June 23rd As a Disorderly Apprentice for 1 month.
Jemima RadfordCommitted by Sir J.W. Prideaux Bart June 27th for Embezzling Wool for 1 Calendar month.
James CobleyCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk & J. Baring esq July 1st as an Idle and Disorderly Apprentice for 1 month. Discharged July 9th.
George PerryCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Apr 25th 1785 for feloniously stealing two pieces of Serge. [comment: Acquitted].
Sarah RoddCommitted by Samuel Eyre esq May 18th for feloniously stealing some wearing apparell. [comment: No prosecution].
John MiltonCommitted by Rev Thomas Melhuish clerk Jun 3rd On suspicion of feloniously stealing from an outhouse a quantity of Potatoes.
Philip StearCommitted by Rev Thomas Baker clerk Jun 28th On suspicion of stealing a quantity of Cyder.
Henry KeatsCommitted by James Pitman esq & George Cooke clerk Jun 10th for disobeying an order in Bastardy.
Walter ChifsellCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk & James Pitman esq Apr 1st for disobeying an order in Bastardy.
Thomas TaffettCommitted by Rev H. Walrond clerk May 9th for leaving his family. [comment: No prosecution].
John SeawardCommitted by Samuel Eyre & J.B. Cholwich esq's May 10th for want of sureties in Bastardy.
Susanna LovettCommitted by J. Stuckey esq & Sir J.W. Prideaux Bart May 10th for leaving her Bastard Child. Also for refusing to perform an order in Bastardy for the Maintainance of the said Child.
Mary Flew alias WilliamsCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk May 19th for wilfully destroying the clothes provided for her by the Parish. Also stands charged on Oath as strongly suspected of perswading Elizabeth Quicke to set fire to the House of James Frankpit. [comment: Bill Ignoramus].
Stephen HollettCommitted by J.B. Cholwich esq Jun 21st for want of sureties in Bastardy.
Mary LauranceCommitted by J. Arscott esq Jun 24th for threatening to burn the House of Elizabeth Wilmott and for refusing sureties to keep the Peace. [comment: No prosecution].
Elizabeth GreensladeCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Jun 30th As a disorderly Woman and for selling the Clothes provided for her by the parish. [comment: Discharged - no prosecution].
Elizabeth CarrahCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Jun 30th On suspicion of attempting to set the Dwelling House of Joseph Burridge on Fire situate in the Town of Crediton. For the Assize.
Ann Ball alias NashCommitted by Ralph Michell esq Apr 22nd 1785 Vagrant. [comment - whipped & pass].
William NightCommitted by Rev Thomas Baker clerk Apr 30th Vagrant. [comment: whipped].
Donald McLartyCommitted by Rev Thomas Baker clerk May 9th Vagrant.
John FarrCommitted by George Bickford esq May 23rd Vagrant.
David StokesCommitted by J. Nicholls esq May 26th Vagrant.
John BrayCommitted by J. Nicholls esq May 26th Vagrant.
William Whitehead
Daniel Downing
Committed by Rev Thomas Baker clerk Jun 13th Vagrants. [comment: whipped/pass].
Elizabeth GreenwoodCommitted by Ralph Michell esq Jun 15th Vagrant. [comment: Dead].
Richard MallCommitted by Rev G. Cooke clerk & J. Pitman esq Jun 17th Vagrant.
John Fitts
Mary Fitts his wife
Committed by R.J. Fortescue esq Jun 27th Vagrants.
Thomas Smith
Jane Smith his wife
Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk July 1st Vagrants.
William LovellCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk July 3rd for threatening to set fire to a Dwelling House in the town of Crediton. [comment: Discharged - no prosecution].
Joseph WatsonCommitted by W. Eyre July 11th for want of sureties in Bastardy.
John HectorCommitted by J.R. Moore esq July 11th for want of sureties in Bastardy.
Ann GundryCommitted by W. Eyre esq July 11th for want of sureties in Bastardy.
George HamCommitted by Samuel Eyre esq July 11th for want of sureties in Bastardy.
Out upon Bail
James GovierCommitted by Benjamine Incledon esq Mar 2nd for want of sureties in Bastardy.
John DeyCommitted by James Pitman esq Apr 27th for want of sureties in Bastardy.
Mary EvansCommitted by P.R. Webber & H. Beavis esq Jun 6th 1784 Bastardy for 6 months.
Ann ScallionCommitted by G. Buck & A.S. Willett esq's Aug 24th 1784 Bastardy for 12 months. [comment: discharged April 15th].
Arthur MaddickTried at Sessions Jan 12th 1785 To be Imprisoned untill he gets security for his good behaviour. Discharged April 23rd.
Thomas GaddCommitted by Rev G. Cooke clerk Mar 8th for using Engines to destroy Game - for 3 months.
William ThornTried at Lent Assize Mar 14th To be Imprisoned for 2 years. Broke Prison April 26th.
John TamlynCommitted by Rev P. Beavis clerk Mar 16th for using Engines to destroy Game - for 3 months.
Sarah BuddCommitted by Sir J.W. Prideaux Bart Mar 17th 1785 for returning to a Parish after having been sent home by an Order. For 1 month.
William LawdeyCommitted by Rev P. Beavis clerk Mar 21st for cutting and destroying a quantity of wood - for 1 month.
Arthur ColeCommitted by Rev J.P. Hickin clerk Mar 31st for setting fire to the heath, furze or fern of a certain Moor - for 3weeks.
Susanna TuckermanCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk & James Pitman esq Apr 1st Bastardy for 12 months. Discharged May 23rd.
John GarlandCommitted by John Luxmoore esq Dec 15th 1784 for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged June 5th.
Samuel WeymouthCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk & James Pitman esq Apr 1st 1785 for disobeying an order in Bastardy. Discharged May 23rd.
George BirdCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Apr 1st for disobeying an order in Bastardy. Discharged Apr 30th.
John BrownCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk Apr 12th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged May 23rd.
William Broadmead
Ann Matthews
Committed by Rev Thomas Melhuish clerk Apr 15th As Idle and disorderly Persons for 1 month.
John BerryCommitted by Rev James Carrington; G. Cooke clerks & James Pitman esq Apr 29th for refusing to deliver his child to be bound an Apprentice. Discharged May 2nd.
Peter HorsgoodCommitted by Samuel Eyre & J.B. Cholwich esq's May 10th for returning to a Parish after been sent home by an order for 1 month.
henry BrownCommitted by Samuel Eyre & J.B. Cholwich esq's May 10th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged June 28th.
Mary BakerCommitted by Samuel Eyre esq May 17th for breaking the Peace. Died June 23rd.
Thomas DeemCommitted by Sir J.W. Prideaux Bart May 17th for deserting service for 1 month.
William KerslakeCommitted by John LaRoche esq May 28th for leaving his family - for 1 month.
Henry EllisCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk June 20th for further examination - as Disorderly Apprentice. Discharged July 8th.