Devon Quarter Sessions - Lady Day 1725 [DRO - QS 32/14]
Transcribed by Brian Brassett
Lady Day Sessions 1725. A Calendar of the prisoners in his Majesties high Goal Devon.
Robert Avery Elizabeth Bearnes Ann Jeffery | Committed by George Burk esq the 20th day of March and charged for severall Trespasses and offences whereof he stands Indicted and for want of sureties. |
Emanuell Drewe | Committed by James Bulteel esq the 27th day of March and charged upon oath for breaking and entering the Dwelling house of John Harper of Brixton and taking there Two Gold Rings value thirty shillings and Four shillings in money. |
George Grey George Colebreath | Committed by Thomas Carew esq the 29th day of March and charged upon oath for committing a Rape on the body of Ann Redwood of Gittisham and by force and violence feloniously took from her a hand Baskett Two loaves of Bread Two pounds and a quarter of Tobacco a pound of Bacon and other odd things. |
William Bourne | Removed by Habeas Corpus from Somerset. |
Samuell James Nicholas Scarrett Elizabeth Blaggeford Hezekiale Wyatt | Lay till further order. |
John ffranklyn William Howard | under sentence of Death. |
William May alias Martin Elizabeth Bettalake Isaac Walters Henry Ham George Holmes Thomas Budd George Hockaday Henry Harris William Skittle George Griffing Elizabeth Pope Mary Earland Grace Pole Robert Reed Robert Barber George Baker Mary Blackmore Nathanial Power alias Morcombe Simon Leath Thomas Rogers William Arscott | Lay for Transportation. |
John Smith John Bishop Samuel Wills | Ordered to lay till this sessions. |
Phillip Kerslake | Lay till next Assizes or give bail. |
Sarah Laugham | Ordered to lay three months in prison and give good surety for her behaviour. |
James Blackro | Lay till payment of a fine 200L |
Nicholas Brown | Lay till payment of a fine 10L and one years imprisonment. |
Edward Hoskin | Lay till payment of a fine 10L |
James Godfrey Humphrey Sydenham | Ordered to lay six months in prison. |
Richard Land | Committed by Nathaniel Thorne 3rd Aprill Mayor of Severton in the said County gave one mortall wound to Symon Arther as believed by said Richard Land. |
Isaac Waldron | Committed by Richard beavis esq one of his Majesties Justice of the Peace for this County the 5th Day of Aprill for uttering severall words and curses afflicting on his present Majestie King George [viz] [The Devil Damn King George and God Damn King George]. |