


Devon Quarter Sessions - [18 Jul] 1725 [DRO - QS 32/17]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

Devon Sessions. A Kalendar of the Prisoners in his Majesties Workhouse July 18th Anno Dom 1725.

Margery CrappCommitted by John Gibbs esq May 1st on suspition of having stollen a Plow Chaine ye goods of a person unknown.
John MearsCommitted by Thomas Pyne esq May 3rd on suspition of having bought some of his Majesties Stores which were supposed stollen. [comment: Committed to ye gaol to be tryed at ye Assizes].
James ThomasCommitted by John Short May 21st and charged on oath with the felonious taking and carrying away one bundle of hay out of a field belonging to one Mr. Daniell Mitchell of the parish of Exminster.
Enock HolmanCommitted by John Gibbs esq May 29th on suspition of stealing one white ewe sheep ye goods of one William Wreford of Colebrooke.
George LewisCommitted by William Bogan esq June 29th for stealing a cheese from Elizabeth Palk of Little Hempston and likewise for stealing a hen fowle and a cheese cloth from one John Damerel of Berry Pomery.
Joane BakerCommitted by Dr. Pyne ffor picking her Mistresses pocket of a Guinea and half.
[comment: committed to gaol to be tryed at ye Assizes].
John ThomasCommitted by Henry Walrond esq June 10th for want of suerties in bastardy.
Joan PatchCommitted by William Colman and Samuel Burredge esq's September 2nd for bastardy.
Mary SayerCommitted by Robert Bluett and Richard Nutcombe esq's October 5th for bastardy.
Ann HenleyCommitted by John Elford esq 20th for bastardy.
Mary LongCommitted by Thomas Pyne and John Elford esq's February 10th for bastardy.
Stephen PasmoreCommitted by Henry Incledon esq March 27th for want of suerties In bastardy.
Godford EfforbergeCommitted by Richard Beavis esq Aprell [..] for want of seurties to a breach of ye peace.
William MountstephensCommitted by James Bulteel esq Aprell 21st being an Idle disorderly Apprentice.
Richard JefferiesCommitted bt Thomas Carew esq Aprell 26th for leaving his family.
William ChafeCommitted by James Bulteel esq Aprell 26th for bastardy.
John Hunt alias Clark
Elizabeth Stephens
Committed by Thomas Brown esq May 3rd for that he run away with ye said Elizabeth Stephens and left his family to the Charge of the Parish of Silverton.
Samuel CaterCommitted by William Oxenham esq May 3rd being a Vagrant.[comment: Flagell and Exe].
Andrew HawkesCommitted by Richard Yeo esq May 7th being a Vagrant.
Walter CordingCommitted by William Colman esq May 11th being a vagrant and one that takes no care of his family. [comment: Flagell and Exe].
John CoxworthyCommitted by James Bulteel esq May 12th for bastardy. [comment: Rem[anded]].
Henry ffeatherstone
Elizabeth ffeatherstone his wife
Committed by Sir Hugh Ackland Bart May 12th for want of suerties to a Breach of the Peace.
John Rodick
James Tompson
Committed by Thomas Pyne esq June 15th being Vagrants.
Jane TaylorCommitted by Thomas Carew esq June 18th for want of suerities to a breach of the peace.
Agnes MudgeCommitted by John Howell esq June 18th being an idle disorderly person.
William WescombeCommitted by Sir William Pole Bart June 21st for want of suerties in bastardy.
Daniel ComerCommitted by Richard Beavis esq June 30th for want of suerties to a breach of the peace.
Henry Brabham
Sarah Brabham his wife
Committed by William Coleman esq July 5th for want of suerties to a breach of the peace.
Peter PageCommitted by John Gibbs esq July 8th by vertue of a sessions Process.
Joan JoseCommitted from the Sessions for bastardy.
Benjamine UsherCommitted from ye Assizes for one Year.
Thomas HeadCommitted from ye Sessions for not paying a fine of £10.
Samuel ParkerCommitted from the Sessions for not paying his fine and fees.
Samuel StantonCommitted by Richard Hallet and Richard Stuckey esq's July 2nd for three months.