Devon Quarter Sessions - [18 Jul] 1725 [DRO - QS 32/17]
Transcribed by Brian Brassett
Devon Sessions. A Kalendar of the Prisoners in his Majesties Workhouse July 18th Anno Dom 1725.
Margery Crapp | Committed by John Gibbs esq May 1st on suspition of having stollen a Plow Chaine ye goods of a person unknown. |
John Mears | Committed by Thomas Pyne esq May 3rd on suspition of having bought some of his Majesties Stores which were supposed stollen. [comment: Committed to ye gaol to be tryed at ye Assizes]. |
James Thomas | Committed by John Short May 21st and charged on oath with the felonious taking and carrying away one bundle of hay out of a field belonging to one Mr. Daniell Mitchell of the parish of Exminster. |
Enock Holman | Committed by John Gibbs esq May 29th on suspition of stealing one white ewe sheep ye goods of one William Wreford of Colebrooke. |
George Lewis | Committed by William Bogan esq June 29th for stealing a cheese from Elizabeth Palk of Little Hempston and likewise for stealing a hen fowle and a cheese cloth from one John Damerel of Berry Pomery. |
Joane Baker | Committed by Dr. Pyne ffor picking her Mistresses pocket of a Guinea and half. [comment: committed to gaol to be tryed at ye Assizes]. |
John Thomas | Committed by Henry Walrond esq June 10th for want of suerties in bastardy. |
Joan Patch | Committed by William Colman and Samuel Burredge esq's September 2nd for bastardy. |
Mary Sayer | Committed by Robert Bluett and Richard Nutcombe esq's October 5th for bastardy. |
Ann Henley | Committed by John Elford esq 20th for bastardy. |
Mary Long | Committed by Thomas Pyne and John Elford esq's February 10th for bastardy. |
Stephen Pasmore | Committed by Henry Incledon esq March 27th for want of suerties In bastardy. |
Godford Efforberge | Committed by Richard Beavis esq Aprell [..] for want of seurties to a breach of ye peace. |
William Mountstephens | Committed by James Bulteel esq Aprell 21st being an Idle disorderly Apprentice. |
Richard Jefferies | Committed bt Thomas Carew esq Aprell 26th for leaving his family. |
William Chafe | Committed by James Bulteel esq Aprell 26th for bastardy. |
John Hunt alias Clark Elizabeth Stephens | Committed by Thomas Brown esq May 3rd for that he run away with ye said Elizabeth Stephens and left his family to the Charge of the Parish of Silverton. |
Samuel Cater | Committed by William Oxenham esq May 3rd being a Vagrant.[comment: Flagell and Exe]. |
Andrew Hawkes | Committed by Richard Yeo esq May 7th being a Vagrant. |
Walter Cording | Committed by William Colman esq May 11th being a vagrant and one that takes no care of his family. [comment: Flagell and Exe]. |
John Coxworthy | Committed by James Bulteel esq May 12th for bastardy. [comment: Rem[anded]]. |
Henry ffeatherstone Elizabeth ffeatherstone his wife | Committed by Sir Hugh Ackland Bart May 12th for want of suerties to a Breach of the Peace. |
John Rodick James Tompson | Committed by Thomas Pyne esq June 15th being Vagrants. |
Jane Taylor | Committed by Thomas Carew esq June 18th for want of suerities to a breach of the peace. |
Agnes Mudge | Committed by John Howell esq June 18th being an idle disorderly person. |
William Wescombe | Committed by Sir William Pole Bart June 21st for want of suerties in bastardy. |
Daniel Comer | Committed by Richard Beavis esq June 30th for want of suerties to a breach of the peace. |
Henry Brabham Sarah Brabham his wife | Committed by William Coleman esq July 5th for want of suerties to a breach of the peace. |
Peter Page | Committed by John Gibbs esq July 8th by vertue of a sessions Process. |
Joan Jose | Committed from the Sessions for bastardy. |
Benjamine Usher | Committed from ye Assizes for one Year. |
Thomas Head | Committed from ye Sessions for not paying a fine of £10. |
Samuel Parker | Committed from the Sessions for not paying his fine and fees. |
Samuel Stanton | Committed by Richard Hallet and Richard Stuckey esq's July 2nd for three months. |