


Devon Quarter Sessions - Epiphany 1782 [DRO - QS32/52]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

Devon [to wit] A Calendar of the prisoners in his Majesty's high Goal for the County of Devon at the General Quarter Sessions of the peace held at the Castle of Exeter April 10th 1782.

William BryanCommitted April 3rd 1782 by Ralph Mitchell esq, charged on the Oath of grace O'Bryan with violently assaulting and beating her. [comment] Tryed, convicted.
Richard ParsonsCommitted April 8th 1782 by Edward B. Blackett. DD. charged with assaulting Susanna Jope. [comment] Discharged - no prosecution.
From the County Bridewell
Elizabeth LangleyCommitted March 23rd 1782 by the Revd George Cooke clerk for feloniously stealing two Pewter Plates. [comment] Tryed, convicted.
For the Assize
Henry MartynCommitted March 19th 1782 by William Coffin Gent Coroner for the wilful Murder of Elizabeth Edds his Apprentice.
John AdamsCommitted March 24th by William Mackworth Praed esq charged with wilful and corrupt Perjury.
Thomas MillerCommitted March 27th by Jacob Shaw esq charged on the oath of William Baron with feloniously breaking and entering the shop of the said William Baron and stealing thereout four shillings in Silver.
Francis Lashay
William Rose
Committed April 2nd by Ralph Mitchell esq charged on the oaths of John Pollard, Robert Fulford, and William Billing on a violent suspicion of Burglariously Entering the shop in the dwelling house of the said John Pollard and feloniously taking and carrying away two pair of Plated Buckles several Watch Chains, and Seals, and other Goods.
Henry Watts ColeCommitted April 5th by Ralph Mitchell esq charged on the oaths of noah Skinner and Richard Parsons on Suspicion of feloniously Robbing the said Noah Skinner of one half guinea, one half crown, two pair of silver sleeve Buttons and five pence in half pence.
Jeremiah Hurley
John Brown
Committed April 8th 1782 by Ralph Mitchell esq charged on the oaths of Tabitha Bennett, Jenny Bath, and John Humphreys on a violent suspicion of feloniously taking stealing and carrying away out of the dwelling house of the said Tabitha Bennett four Silk Gowns, two Silk Cardenals, one Silk Petticoat, one pair of Stays and one dematy Petticoat.
Remain on former Orders
James Roope
Edmund Roope
Committed on Statute of Bankruptcy.
Agnes LeyCommitted Sept 15th 1780 by R. Bawden and P. Beavis esq's untill she shall pay a fine of five pounds.
Mary ShullishCommitted April 3rd 1782 by Thomas Putt and Richard Copplestone esqs untill she shall pay a fine of six pounds and six shillings.
John BatteySentenced last Lammas Assize to be imprisoned one Year and twice publick whipped.
John JoyceSentenced last Assizes to be three Years on the River Thames.
John Harris
Thomas Jones
George Fry
Joseph Kingdom
Thomas Sparks
Samuel Thompson
Sentenced for Death last Assize but since reprieved.