


Devon Quarter Sessions - Midsummer 1790 [DRO - QS32/79]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

Midsummer Sessions Bridewell Calendar July 14th 1790.

Elizabeth Staddon LetherbyRemoved from High Gaol by order of G. Cooke & D. Foulkes clerks & R.J. Fortescue esq June 26th 1789, under sentence of Transportation.
Mary MorganCommitted by Charles Webster & William Foyle esq's Aug 17th Bastardy for 12 months.
Mary FordCommitted by William Cholwich & Abraham Hawkins esq's Dec 2nd Bastardy for 12 months.
Ann PalmerCommitted by Charles Webster & William Foyle esq's Jan 5th 1790 Bastardy for 12 months.
Elizabeth PerrimanCommitted by J. Baring esq & George Cooke clerk Jan 29th Bastardy for 12 months.
John RichardCommitted by J.R. Moore esq Mar 29th for feloniously stealing divers quantities of Linnen. Assizes.
Margaret Setter
Thomas Oldridge
Tried at Lent Assize Mar 15th Convicted of felonies to be Imprisoned for 6 Calendar months.
Mary LakeTried at Easter Sessions Apr 14th Convicted of felony to be Imprisoned for 6 months.
Abraham TollmanTried at Easter Sessions Apr 14th for a misdemeanor to be Imprisoned 6 months.
Elizabeth Parkins
Joseph Palmer
Tried at Easter Sessions Apr 14th Incorigible Rogues to be Imprisoned for 6 months.
Mary SellerCommitted by S. Eyre & J.B. Cholwich esq's Apr 12th Bastardy for 12 months.
Mary ThomasCommitted by P.R Webber & H. Beavis esq's Apr 16th Bastardy for 12 months.
William JonesCommitted by P.R. Webber esq May 1st for killing a Hare not being Qualified for 3 months.
Betty SnookeCommitted by Samuel Eyre esq & R. Rous clerk May 3rd Bastardy for 12 months.
William ParkerCommitted by George Buck esq May 9th for Inlisting into the 15th Regt of Foot being enrolled in the North Devon Militia. For 3 Calendar months.
John HineCommitted by Charles Webster esq June 28th for not performing According to Contract for 1 month.
Mary MillsCommitted by J. LaRoche esq June 30th for leaving her family for 1 month.
Ann CourtneyCommitted by J.R. Moore esq July 3rd As a Disorderly Apprentice for 1 month.
James CocksCommitted by Charles vyvyan esq Apr 26th 1790 for feloniously stealing a Shift.
Humphrey SellerCommitted by Sir. J.W. Prideaux Bart June 5th for feloniously stealing a quantity of Meat, Bread, and Cheese.
Mary EasterbrookeCommitted by B. Cholwich esq & Rev R. Rous clerk June 17th for feloniously stealing a muslin Apron and parts of a Muslin Trimming of a Gown.
Mary SoperCommitted byW. Radcliffe esq June 21st for feloniously stealing three Gallons of Potatoes.
Mary TaylorCommitted by Benjamine Incledon esq July 6th for feloniously stealing five Iron Bars.
Robert WoolawayCommitted by Rev P. Beavis clerk July 7th for feloniously stealing an iron Wedge.
Edmund WoolatonCommitted by T. Lane & William Cholwich esq's Sept 18th 1788 for disobeying an order in Bastardy.
John MinifieAt Midsummer Sessions Jul 15th 1789 for disobeying an order in Bastardy.
William WistonCommitted by J. Cholwich esq & G. Cooke clerk Oct 17th for disobeying an order in Bastardy.
George LuxtonCommitted by H. Stevens esq Mar 10th 1790 for want of sureties in Bastardy.
William BrowneCommitted by Thomas Taylor esq Mar 30th for want of sureties in Bastardy.
William MartinCommitted by H. Stevens esq Apr 30th for want of sureties in Bastardy.
John TozerCommitted by Charles Webster esq June 1st for want of sureties in Bastardy.
Nicholas CookeCommitted by Charles Webster esq July 2nd for want of sureties in Bastardy.
Edward SargeantCommitted by Rev R. Vyvyan clerk Apr 17th for Breaking the Peace.
George TuckCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk May 5th for leaving his family. [comment: convicted and discharged].
Elizabeth DaddsCommitted by H. Beavis & J. Cleveland esq's May 21st for refusing to swear to the Father of her bastard Child.
William CoterellCommitted by Charles Webster esq June 3rd for leaving his family.
Valentine SmallridgeCommitted by John Bulteel esq June 12th for leaving his family. [comment: discharged no prosecution].
Maria CulverwellCommitted by John Shuke esq July 9th for refusing to swear to the Father of her Bastard Child.
Daniel Connell
Susanna Connell
Committed by John Cooban esq Apr 19th 1790 Vagrants.
Elizabeth EllartCommitted by John Cooban esq Apr 19th Vagrant.
Loveday DuncombeCommitted by John Cooban esq Apr 22nd Vagrant.
Richard NancolleysCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk May 10th Vagrant.
Ann Howell
John Evans
Committed by J.R. Moore esq May 15th Vagrant.
Hannah BuckleyCommitted by Benjamine Incledon esq May 13th Vagrant.
Mary WerryCommitted by John Cooban esq May 17th Vagrant. [comment: Sick in the Hospital].
Ann TrennorCommitted by Rev Thomas Baker clerk June 1st Vagrant.
Sarah LythiansCommitted by John Cooban esq June 10th Vagrant.
Susannah BowdenCommitted by Rev George Cooke July 2nd Vagrant. [comment: an incorigible Rogue - let her be imprisoned 6 months].
Thomas FisherCommitted by Rev R. Vyvyan clerk July 9th Vagrant.
Prisoners Discharged
Sarah Dale
Grace Fielding
Committed by James Pitman esq & James Carrington clerk Apr 30th 1789 Bastardy for 12 months.
Joseph NorthcotteCommitted by R.J. Fortescue esq Nov 24th for not appearing at a monthly meeting of the Militia for 6 months.
Robert MaddickTried at Epiphany Sessions Jan 13th 1790 Convicted of felony to be Imprisoned for 6 months.
Thomas RewallingCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk Feb 3rd for not appearing at a monthly meeting of the Militia for 6 months.
William WottonCommitted by J.P. Moore esq Feb 3rd As a disorderly Apprentice for 3 months.
Mary GrayCommitted by Thomas Lane & Thomas Taylor esq's Feb 23rd for a misdemeanor for 3 months.
John HobleyCommitted by B. Incledon & Robert Harding esq's Mar 5th for keeping Dogs for the destruction of Game for 3 Calendar months.
Sarah DoddTried at Easter Sessions Apr 14th Convicted of felony to be Imprisoned for 1week.
Thomazin DyerTried at Easter Sessions Apr 14th 1790 As a disorderly person for 1 month.
Mary DunevonTried at Easter sessions Apr 14th Convicted of felony to be imprisoned 3 months.
Henry PullmanCommitted by J. Ley esq & G. Cooke clerk Oct 23rd 1789 for want of sureties in Bastardy Discharged May 21st.
John Ambers alias HaunabenCommitted by Thomas Taylor esq Mar 6th 1790 for disobeying an order in Bastardy. Discharged June 20th.
John DendleCommitted by Rev Thomas Melhuish clerk Mar 6th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged April 20th.
John MarterCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk Apr 16th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged June 11th.
Job HutchingsCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk Apr 16th As a disorderly Apprentice for 1 month.
John EllartCommitted by John Cooban esq Apr 19th Vagrant. Sent to Sea.
William ArcwrightCommitted by Sir J. Druitze Bart Apr 22nd for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged May 16th.
Samuel BrockCommitted by George Bickford Esq Apr 27th As a disorderly Apprentice for 1 month.
John MurphyCommitted by Sir J.W. Dela Pole Bart & George Cooke & J. Andrews clerks Apr 30th Removed from High Gaol for Disorderly Behaviour. Under sentence of Transportation.
George WilliamsCommitted by John Cooban esq May 3rd Vagrant. Passed to his settlement.
John WilliamsCommitted by Rev George Cooke & J Andrews clerks May 7th As a disorderly Apprentice for 1 month.
Lazarus SobeyCommitted by J. Buller Yarde esq Apr 17th As a disorderly Apprentice for 1 month.
William MarshallCommitted by H. Osmond esq May 10th As a disorderly Apprentice for 1 month.
William RichardsCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk May 10th for selling Ale without a Licence for 1 month.
George HolleyCommitted by Charles Webster esq May 12th for leaving his family for 1 month.
Benjamine CobbCommitted by Robert Harding esq May 14th Vagrant. Sent to Sea.
Samuel ThomasCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk May 26th As a disorderly Person - discharged.
Mary LapthorneCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk June 1st As a disorderly Apprentice for 1 month.
Patrick TrennerCommitted by Rev Thomas Baker clerk June 1st Vagrant. Sent to Sea.
Richard ElworthyCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk June 2nd for further Examination. Discharged.
William RobertsCommitted by Rev george Cooke clerk June 4th for want of sureties in Bastardy
William Budd
William How
Committed by Rev George Cooke clerk June 5th for selling Beer without a licence for 1 month.
Philip KnillCommitted by Rev P. Beavis clerk June 5th Vagrant. Sent to Sea.
Richard DownCommitted by Rev J. Andrews clerk June 7th for leaving his family. Sent to Sea.
Robert CookCommitted by Sir J.W. Prideaux Bart June 7th for leaving his family for 1 month.