Devon Quarter Sessions - Midsummer 1790 [DRO - QS32/79]
Transcribed by Brian Brassett
Midsummer Sessions Bridewell Calendar July 14th 1790.
Elizabeth Staddon Letherby | Removed from High Gaol by order of G. Cooke & D. Foulkes clerks & R.J. Fortescue esq June 26th 1789, under sentence of Transportation. |
Mary Morgan | Committed by Charles Webster & William Foyle esq's Aug 17th Bastardy for 12 months. |
Mary Ford | Committed by William Cholwich & Abraham Hawkins esq's Dec 2nd Bastardy for 12 months. |
Ann Palmer | Committed by Charles Webster & William Foyle esq's Jan 5th 1790 Bastardy for 12 months. |
Elizabeth Perriman | Committed by J. Baring esq & George Cooke clerk Jan 29th Bastardy for 12 months. |
John Richard | Committed by J.R. Moore esq Mar 29th for feloniously stealing divers quantities of Linnen. Assizes. |
Margaret Setter Thomas Oldridge | Tried at Lent Assize Mar 15th Convicted of felonies to be Imprisoned for 6 Calendar months. |
Mary Lake | Tried at Easter Sessions Apr 14th Convicted of felony to be Imprisoned for 6 months. |
Abraham Tollman | Tried at Easter Sessions Apr 14th for a misdemeanor to be Imprisoned 6 months. |
Elizabeth Parkins Joseph Palmer | Tried at Easter Sessions Apr 14th Incorigible Rogues to be Imprisoned for 6 months. |
Mary Seller | Committed by S. Eyre & J.B. Cholwich esq's Apr 12th Bastardy for 12 months. |
Mary Thomas | Committed by P.R Webber & H. Beavis esq's Apr 16th Bastardy for 12 months. |
William Jones | Committed by P.R. Webber esq May 1st for killing a Hare not being Qualified for 3 months. |
Betty Snooke | Committed by Samuel Eyre esq & R. Rous clerk May 3rd Bastardy for 12 months. |
William Parker | Committed by George Buck esq May 9th for Inlisting into the 15th Regt of Foot being enrolled in the North Devon Militia. For 3 Calendar months. |
John Hine | Committed by Charles Webster esq June 28th for not performing According to Contract for 1 month. |
Mary Mills | Committed by J. LaRoche esq June 30th for leaving her family for 1 month. |
Ann Courtney | Committed by J.R. Moore esq July 3rd As a Disorderly Apprentice for 1 month. |
James Cocks | Committed by Charles vyvyan esq Apr 26th 1790 for feloniously stealing a Shift. |
Humphrey Seller | Committed by Sir. J.W. Prideaux Bart June 5th for feloniously stealing a quantity of Meat, Bread, and Cheese. |
Mary Easterbrooke | Committed by B. Cholwich esq & Rev R. Rous clerk June 17th for feloniously stealing a muslin Apron and parts of a Muslin Trimming of a Gown. |
Mary Soper | Committed byW. Radcliffe esq June 21st for feloniously stealing three Gallons of Potatoes. |
Mary Taylor | Committed by Benjamine Incledon esq July 6th for feloniously stealing five Iron Bars. |
Robert Woolaway | Committed by Rev P. Beavis clerk July 7th for feloniously stealing an iron Wedge. |
Edmund Woolaton | Committed by T. Lane & William Cholwich esq's Sept 18th 1788 for disobeying an order in Bastardy. |
John Minifie | At Midsummer Sessions Jul 15th 1789 for disobeying an order in Bastardy. |
William Wiston | Committed by J. Cholwich esq & G. Cooke clerk Oct 17th for disobeying an order in Bastardy. |
George Luxton | Committed by H. Stevens esq Mar 10th 1790 for want of sureties in Bastardy. |
William Browne | Committed by Thomas Taylor esq Mar 30th for want of sureties in Bastardy. |
William Martin | Committed by H. Stevens esq Apr 30th for want of sureties in Bastardy. |
John Tozer | Committed by Charles Webster esq June 1st for want of sureties in Bastardy. |
Nicholas Cooke | Committed by Charles Webster esq July 2nd for want of sureties in Bastardy. |
Edward Sargeant | Committed by Rev R. Vyvyan clerk Apr 17th for Breaking the Peace. |
George Tuck | Committed by Rev George Cooke clerk May 5th for leaving his family. [comment: convicted and discharged]. |
Elizabeth Dadds | Committed by H. Beavis & J. Cleveland esq's May 21st for refusing to swear to the Father of her bastard Child. |
William Coterell | Committed by Charles Webster esq June 3rd for leaving his family. |
Valentine Smallridge | Committed by John Bulteel esq June 12th for leaving his family. [comment: discharged no prosecution]. |
Maria Culverwell | Committed by John Shuke esq July 9th for refusing to swear to the Father of her Bastard Child. |
Daniel Connell Susanna Connell | Committed by John Cooban esq Apr 19th 1790 Vagrants. |
Elizabeth Ellart | Committed by John Cooban esq Apr 19th Vagrant. |
Loveday Duncombe | Committed by John Cooban esq Apr 22nd Vagrant. |
Richard Nancolleys | Committed by Rev George Cooke clerk May 10th Vagrant. |
Ann Howell John Evans | Committed by J.R. Moore esq May 15th Vagrant. |
Hannah Buckley | Committed by Benjamine Incledon esq May 13th Vagrant. |
Mary Werry | Committed by John Cooban esq May 17th Vagrant. [comment: Sick in the Hospital]. |
Ann Trennor | Committed by Rev Thomas Baker clerk June 1st Vagrant. |
Sarah Lythians | Committed by John Cooban esq June 10th Vagrant. |
Susannah Bowden | Committed by Rev George Cooke July 2nd Vagrant. [comment: an incorigible Rogue - let her be imprisoned 6 months]. |
Thomas Fisher | Committed by Rev R. Vyvyan clerk July 9th Vagrant. |
Prisoners Discharged | |
Sarah Dale Grace Fielding | Committed by James Pitman esq & James Carrington clerk Apr 30th 1789 Bastardy for 12 months. |
Joseph Northcotte | Committed by R.J. Fortescue esq Nov 24th for not appearing at a monthly meeting of the Militia for 6 months. |
Robert Maddick | Tried at Epiphany Sessions Jan 13th 1790 Convicted of felony to be Imprisoned for 6 months. |
Thomas Rewalling | Committed by Rev George Cooke clerk Feb 3rd for not appearing at a monthly meeting of the Militia for 6 months. |
William Wotton | Committed by J.P. Moore esq Feb 3rd As a disorderly Apprentice for 3 months. |
Mary Gray | Committed by Thomas Lane & Thomas Taylor esq's Feb 23rd for a misdemeanor for 3 months. |
John Hobley | Committed by B. Incledon & Robert Harding esq's Mar 5th for keeping Dogs for the destruction of Game for 3 Calendar months. |
Sarah Dodd | Tried at Easter Sessions Apr 14th Convicted of felony to be Imprisoned for 1week. |
Thomazin Dyer | Tried at Easter Sessions Apr 14th 1790 As a disorderly person for 1 month. |
Mary Dunevon | Tried at Easter sessions Apr 14th Convicted of felony to be imprisoned 3 months. |
Henry Pullman | Committed by J. Ley esq & G. Cooke clerk Oct 23rd 1789 for want of sureties in Bastardy Discharged May 21st. |
John Ambers alias Haunaben | Committed by Thomas Taylor esq Mar 6th 1790 for disobeying an order in Bastardy. Discharged June 20th. |
John Dendle | Committed by Rev Thomas Melhuish clerk Mar 6th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged April 20th. |
John Marter | Committed by Rev George Cooke clerk Apr 16th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged June 11th. |
Job Hutchings | Committed by Rev George Cooke clerk Apr 16th As a disorderly Apprentice for 1 month. |
John Ellart | Committed by John Cooban esq Apr 19th Vagrant. Sent to Sea. |
William Arcwright | Committed by Sir J. Druitze Bart Apr 22nd for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged May 16th. |
Samuel Brock | Committed by George Bickford Esq Apr 27th As a disorderly Apprentice for 1 month. |
John Murphy | Committed by Sir J.W. Dela Pole Bart & George Cooke & J. Andrews clerks Apr 30th Removed from High Gaol for Disorderly Behaviour. Under sentence of Transportation. |
George Williams | Committed by John Cooban esq May 3rd Vagrant. Passed to his settlement. |
John Williams | Committed by Rev George Cooke & J Andrews clerks May 7th As a disorderly Apprentice for 1 month. |
Lazarus Sobey | Committed by J. Buller Yarde esq Apr 17th As a disorderly Apprentice for 1 month. |
William Marshall | Committed by H. Osmond esq May 10th As a disorderly Apprentice for 1 month. |
William Richards | Committed by Rev George Cooke clerk May 10th for selling Ale without a Licence for 1 month. |
George Holley | Committed by Charles Webster esq May 12th for leaving his family for 1 month. |
Benjamine Cobb | Committed by Robert Harding esq May 14th Vagrant. Sent to Sea. |
Samuel Thomas | Committed by Rev George Cooke clerk May 26th As a disorderly Person - discharged. |
Mary Lapthorne | Committed by Rev George Cooke clerk June 1st As a disorderly Apprentice for 1 month. |
Patrick Trenner | Committed by Rev Thomas Baker clerk June 1st Vagrant. Sent to Sea. |
Richard Elworthy | Committed by Rev George Cooke clerk June 2nd for further Examination. Discharged. |
William Roberts | Committed by Rev george Cooke clerk June 4th for want of sureties in Bastardy |
William Budd William How | Committed by Rev George Cooke clerk June 5th for selling Beer without a licence for 1 month. |
Philip Knill | Committed by Rev P. Beavis clerk June 5th Vagrant. Sent to Sea. |
Richard Down | Committed by Rev J. Andrews clerk June 7th for leaving his family. Sent to Sea. |
Robert Cook | Committed by Sir J.W. Prideaux Bart June 7th for leaving his family for 1 month. |