


Devon Quarter Sessions - Michaelmas 1790 [DRO - QS32/81]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

Michaelmas Sessions - Bridewell Calendar - October 6th, 1790.

Elizabeth Staddon LetherbyRemoved from High Gaol by order of G. Cooke & P.D. Foulker clerks & R.J. Fortescue esq June 26th 1789 Under sentence of Transportation.
Mary FordCommitted by William Cholwich & Abraham Hawkins esq's Dec 2nd Bastardy for 12 months.
Elizabeth PerrimanCommitted by J. Baring esq & G. Cooke clerk Jan 29th 1790 Bastardy for 12 months.
Mary SellerCommitted by S. Eyre & J.B. Cholwich esq's Apr 12th Bastardy for 12 months.
Mary ThomasCommitted by P.R. Webber & H. Beavis esq's Apr 16th Bastardy for 12 months.
Betty SnookeCommitted by S. Eyre esq & R. R. Rowe clerk May 3rd Bastardy for 12 months.
Mary Easterbrooke
Elizabeth Pomeroy
Tried at Mid-Summer Sessions July 14th Convicted of felony's to be Imprisoned for 6 months.
Susanna BowdenAdjudged at Mid-Sum,mer Sessions July 14th An Incorrigble Rogue to be Imprisoned for 6 months.
Edward Turner
William Roper junior
William Flowers
Tried at Lammas Assize July 26th Convicted of felony's to be Imprisoned for 1 years.
William Roper senior
Samuel Carter
Tried at Lammas Assize July 26th Convicted of felony's to be Imprisoned for 2 years.
Thomas RoperTried at Lammas Assize July 26th Convicted of felony to be Imprisoned for 6 months.
Richard TurpettReceived His Majesty's Pardon Aug 23rd On condition of being Imprisoned 1 year.
Anstis Loudwell
Thomazine Loudwell
Elizabeth French
Committed by J. Ley, J. Baring & R.L. Newcombe esq's Oct 1st On the oaths of Edward Pim, Mary Boucher, & Esther Pridler On suspicion of feloniously stealing a Quantity of serge from the [Tenter] Ground of the said Edward Pim.
Mary SuggCommitted by J. Baring & R. Newcombe esq's Oct 1st On the Oaths of Moses Arscott Mitchell, Edward pim, & William Dunsford On suspicion of feloniously stealing a Quantity of Serge from the Tenter ground of the said Mr. Mitchell and William Pim.
Sarah Dickson [or Tuckson]Committed by Charles Webster esq July 28th 1790 On suspicion of stealing a check Apron.
John Cleave
John Cleave junior
Committed by Rev Charles Gammett clerk & George Bickford esq Aug 11th for feloniously stealing a Quantity of Potatoes.
Mary LangdonCommitted by J.r. Moore esq Sep 14th for feloniously stealing a muslin Handkerchief.
Elizabeth BennettCommitted by J. Baring esq Sep 24th for feloniously stealing a Handkerchief, a pair of shoes, and sundry other things.
Thomazin WoodleyCommitted by Thomas Taylor esq Sep 10th for enticing & perswading her daughter Ann Woodley to take from her Master James Loyd various articles & bring it to the said Thomazin Woodley.
John MinifieCommitted at Midsummer Sessions July 4th 1789 for disobeying an order in Bastardy.
George LuxtonCommitted by H. Stevens esq Mar 10th 1790 for want of sureties in Bastardy.
William MartinCommitted by H. Stevens esq Apr 30th for want of sureties in Bastardy.
Robert MatthewsCommitted by J. Stuckey esq Sept 1st for want of sureties in Bastardy.
William NormanCommitted by Charles Webster esq Sept 23rd for want of sureties in Bastardy.
Samuel JenningsCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk Sept 27th for leaving his family.
John SpenceCommitted by Sir J.W. Prideaux Bart & Sir J.W. De le Pole Bart Sept 3rd for an Assault.
Arthur PengellyCommitted by Thomas Taylor esq Sept 10th for leaving his family.
William YeoCommitted by Rev J. Pine clerk Sept 19th for an Assault.
Elizabeth RichardsCommitted by Rev J. Andrews clerk Oct 4th As a Lewd disorderly person.
Thomas Green
Miles Curran
Committed by Richard Vyvyan clerk July 16th Vagrants.
Jane MayCommitted by John Cooban esq July 19th Vagrant.
Mary HutchingsCommitted by R. Vyvyan clerk july 21st 1790 Vagrant
Mary HarrisCommitted by J. Cooban esq Aug 19th Vagrant.
John VinnicombeCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk Sep 10th Vagrant.
William Lapsley
Lapsley wife and child
Elizabeth Coulton
John Coulton
Committed by J. Stuckey esq Sep 17th Vagrants.
On Bail
William BrowneCommitted by Thomas Taylor esq Mar 30th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Bailed August 14th.
Mary MorganCommitted by Charles Webster & William Troyte esq's Aug 17th 1789 Bastardy for 12 months.
Ann PalmerCommitted by Charles Webster & William Troyte esq's Jan 5th 1790 Bastardy for 12 months.
John RichardCommitted by J.R. Moore esq Mar 29th for stealing a Quantity of Linen. Tried at the Assize.
Margaret Setter
Thomas Oldridge
Tried at Lent Assize Mar 15th Convicted of felony's to be Imprisoned for 6 months. Setter Dead.
Mary LakeTried at Easter Sessions Apr 14th Convicted of felony to be Imprisoned for 6 months.
Abraham TolmanTried at Easter Sessions Apr 14th for a misdemeanor to be Imprisoned for 6 months.
Elizabeth Perkins
Joseph Palmer
Adjudged at Easter sessions Apr 14th Incorrigible Rogues to be Imprisoned for 6 months.
William JonesCommitted by P.R. Webber esq May 1st for Killing a Hare not being Qualified - for 3 months.
William ParkerCommitted by George Buck esq May 9th for Enlisting into a Regiment of Foot being in the Militia - for 3 months.
John HineCommitted by Charles Webster esq June 28th 1790 for not performing according to Contract - for 1 month.
Mary MillsCommitted by J. LaRoche esq Jun 30th for leaving her family for 1 month.
Ann CourtneyCommitted by J.R. Moore esq July 3rd As a Disorderly Apprentice for 1 month.
Edmund WoolatonCommitted by J. Lane & William Cholwich esq's Sep 18th 1788 for disobeying an order in Bastardy - discharged Aug 25th.
William WestonCommitted by J.B. Cholwich esq & G. Cooke clerk Oct 17th for disobeying an order in Bastardy - discharged July 28th.
John TozerCommitted by Charles Webster esq Jun 1st 1790 for want of sureties in Bastardy - discharged Sept 3rd.
Nicholas CookeCommitted by Charles Webster esq July 2nd for want of sureties in Bastardy - discharged August 27th.
Elizabeth DaddsCommitted by H. Beavis & J. Cleveland esq's May 21st for refusing to swear to the father of her Bastard child - discharged Sept 29th.
James Cocks
Mary Taylor
Tried at Mid-summer Sessions July 14th Convicted of felony to be Imprisoned for 3 months.
Robert WoolawayTried at Mid-summer Sessions July 14th Convicted of felony to be Imprisoned for 1 month.
Robert HouseCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk July 29th for leaving his family - discharged August 8th.
William Henry ClarkCommitted by J. Baring esq Aug 7th On suspicion of Robbing the Mail - Removed to Gaol August 11th.
Samuel BrockCommitted by Rev Charles Hammett clerk & George Bickford esq Aug 14th As a Disorderly Apprentice - for 1 month.
Peter TroutCommitted by J.B. Cholwich esq Aug 24th for a misdemeanor for 1 month - discharged August 27th.
William TrickCommitted by George Bickford esq Aug 27th for want of sureties in Bastardy - discharged Oct 5th.
Richard WoolacottCommitted by R.L. Newcombe esq Aug 27th for leaving his family - discharged Sept 24th.
William PhilipsCommitted by John Cooban esq Mayor Peter Tonkin & Joseph Tolcher esq's Justices of the Borough of Plymouth & Stephen Hammick esq Sept 6th As a Disorderly Apprentice - for 1 month.
Elizabeth Rebecca GriggCommitted by J. Baring esq Oct 1st for for further Examination.