


Devon Quarter Sessions - Epiphany 1784 [DRO - QS32/61]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

Epiphany Sessions - Bridewell Calendar January 14th, 1784.

Sarah PyneCommitted by Rev James Carrington & J. Pine clerks Jan 31st 1783 Bastardy for 12 months.
Elizabeth ShearsCommitted by T. Taylor & J. Wills esq's Feb 10th Bastardy for 12 months.
William Harris
Henry George
Tried at Lent Assize March 17th To be Imprisoned for 1 year.
Elizabeth CannCommitted by Rev J. Pine clerk & James Pitman esq May 9th Bastardy for 12 months.
Mary HallCommitted by Rev J. Pine & James Pitman esq June 6th Bastardy for 12 months.
Jane BlackmoreCommitted by Rev J. Pine & James Pitman esq June 6th Bastardy for 12 months.
William Cousins
Sarah Stroude
Thomas Tucker
Charles Isaac
Tried at Lammas Assize Aug 11th To be Imprisoned for 1 year.
Simon Clincy
Eleanor Downes
Thomas Lahy
Richard Davis
Edward Clarke
Tried at Lammas Assize Aug 11th To be Imprisoned for 6Calendar Months.
Dorothy alias Eleanor JunerCommitted by Samuel Eyre & Thomas Putt esq's Sept 3rd Bastardy for 12 months.
Thomas BoltonTried at Lammas Assize Sept 6th To be Imprisoned 6 months.
Robert Thompson
William Williams
Committed by George Buck esq Sept 24th As Kings Evidences against Benjamine Bennett, John Evans & several others for taking out of the ship "Nancy" lately wrecked on Barnstaple Bar, a silver tea pot, a pair of silver Salts & several other articles.
Sarah PurdyCommitted by J. Bulteel & Thomas Lane esq's Oct 14th Bastardy for 12 months.
Mary Smith
Katherine Hortopp
Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Nov 21st charged on Oath with Conveying into the High Gaol certain Instruments of Iron in order for the Prisoners to make their Escape.
William RowdenCommitted by Rev James Carrington & J. Pine clerks Dec 19th As a disorderly Apprentice for 3 months.
Susanna RobbinsCommitted by B. Incledon & P.R. Webber esq's Dec 25th Bastardy for 12 months.
Grace AbrahamsCommitted by Thomas Putt esq Dec 24th for destroying Turnips for 1Calendar Month.
Priscilla HaymanCommitted by J.B. Cholwich & Samuel Eyre esq's Jan 5th, 1784, As a disorderly Apprentice for 1 month.
John KingdomCommitted by R. Inglett Fortescue esq Aug 19th 1783 for feloniously stealing an Axe. [comment: Bill found - 7Years to America].
George LakeCommitted by Benjamine Incledon esq Oct 27th On suspicion of stealing a canvas winnowing sheet. [comment: Imprisoned 1 month - whipped twice].
John ShepherdCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Nov 5th for feloniously stealing 12[lbs Flay]. comment: 3 months whipped twice].
Thomas Puddifin alias ClarkeCommitted by Rev Thomas Baker clerk Nov 6th for feloniousy stealing a Quantity of Wool. [comment: Imprisoned 6 weeks whipped three times].
John RookeCommitted by John Luxmoore esq & Rev Thomas Pearce Hockin clerk Nov 7th for feloniously stealing two Butts with Beer & a Cheese Cloth. [comment: Discharged].
George ParkerCommitted by Rev J. Melhuish clerk Nov 20th for feloniously stealing a Quantity of Bacon. [comment: Acquitted].
Ann UnderhillCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Nov 21st for feloniously stealing two Fowls & some Barley. Also on a strong suspicion of divers other felonies. [comment: Imprisoned 1 month whipped once].
Richard CawleyCommitted by Rhomas Putt esq Dec 14th for feloniously stealing a piece of Beef. [comment: Imprisoned 1 month whipped twice].
William YardCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Jan 4th 1784 for feloniously stealing a Great Coat. [comment: Imprisoned 14 days whipped twice].
John SnellCommitted by J. Wills & William Cholwich esq's July 1st 1783 for disobeying an order in Bastardy.
William DreweCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk & J. LaRoche July 18th for disobeying an order in Bastardy. [comment: Discharged by consent of [parish]].
Richard LangCommitted by John Wills esq July 1st for disobeying an order in Bastardy. [comment: Discharged by consent of [parish]].
Richard TurpettCommitted by H. Beavis & B. Incledon esq's Aug 29th for disobeying an order in Bastardy.
Edward DeversCommitted by William Kitson & Thomas Taylor esq's Mov 6th for disobeying an order in Bastardy.
John LandCommitted by Rev Thomas Wood clerk Dec 30th for want of sureties in Bastardy
John Crowden
Joseph Bradford
Committed by Rev H. Walrond clerk Nov 14th for leaving their families. [comment: Discharged no prosecution].
Ann ChildCommitted by Rev James Carrington Nov 21st As a loose Idle & Disorderly Person. [comment: Acquitted discharged].
Richard MitchellCommitted by Rev John Jago clerk Nov 29th for Breaking the Peace. [comment: Articles of the Peace - untill secures sums himself in £50 & two sureties in £25 each for 7Years].
Andrew ShootCommitted by Samuel Ayre & J.B. Cholwich esq's Dec 1st for an Assault. [comment: no prosecution].
Agnes Fry
Mary Purchase
Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Dec 5th for refusing to appear to answer a Summons for pawning their clothes provided by the Parish & other misdemeanors. [comment: Fry, continues Sick/Purchase discharged no prosecution].
Ann PurdyCommitted by John Bulteel esq Dec 27th, 1783 for breaking the Peace. [comment: no prosecution].
Elizabeth CoombeCommitted by John Bulteel esq Dec 27th or breaking the Peace. [comment: no prosecution].
Henry LordCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Dec 30th for leaving his family. [comment: Imprisoned 6 months].
Alice MercerCommitted by John Arthur esq Oct 20th Vagrant. [comment: Imprisoned 6 months & whipped 3times and sent to Gwennap Cornwall].
Ann CookeCommitted by John Arthur esq Oct 20th Vagrant. [comment: Imprisoned 6 months & whipped 3times and sent to St Stephens Near Saltash Cornwall].
Mary MarchantCommitted by John Arthur esq Dec 11th Vagrant. [comment: Imprisoned 6 months & whipped 3times and sent to Cowes in Isle of Wight].
Francis TapperCommitted by Rev J. Pine clerk Dec 23rd Vagrant. [comment: Imprisoned 3 months & whipped twice and sent to Silferton].
Agnes WallersCommitted by J. LaRoche esq Dec 23rd Vagrant. [comment: 1 month Imprisonment, whipped twice and sent to St Davids Exeter].
Richard HammettTaken in Custody by order of Court Jan 14th 1784 for feloniously stealing Ten Fowls. [comment: Acquitted & discharged].
Ann BallCommitted by Ralph Mitchell esq Jan 12th Vagrant. [comment: Imprisoned 6 months whipped three times and sent to Warkley].
Out upon Bail
John CockramCommitted by George Bickford esq Oct 7th for want of sureties in Bastardy. [comment: discharged Nov 26th].
William VaughanCommitted by John Baring esq Oct 11th for want of sureties in Bastardy. [comment: discharged Oct 14th].
William PatchCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk Nov 27th for feloniously stealing a Goose. [comment: discharged Nov 29th].
Prisoners Discharged
Jane HutchingsCommitted by William Cholwich & J. Wills esq's Oct 14th 1782 Bastardy for 12 months.
Elizabeth IncledonCommitted by H. Beavis & P.R. Webber esq's Nov 15th Bastardy for 12 months.
Martha PilchardCommitted by Rev James Carrington & J. Pine esqs Dec 20th Bastardy for 12 months.
Jane CarterTried at Sessions July 16th 1783 Convicted of felony to be imprisoned for 6 months.
William WottonCommitted by Thomas Taylor esq July 22nd Deserter from his Majestys 13th Regt of Foot.
Doecas WakehamCommitted by J. Bulteel & Thomas Lane esq's Aug 11th Bastardy for 12 months. Discharged 24th Oct.
James WescottCommitted by Samuel Eyre Aug 25th for want of sureties in Bastardy.
Elizabeth SafroyCommitted by Thomas Taylor esq Aug 4th Vagrant. Died Dec 8th.
John KentCommitted by Samuel Eyre esq Sept 10th Vagrant. Discharged Nov 24th.
Betty Blackmore
John Davy
Tried at Sessions Oct 8th for misdemeanors to be imprisoned 1 month.
John BishopTried at Sessions Oct 8th for misdemeanor to be Imprisoned 1 month.
Joan Bently
Ann Turbur
Committed by Rev H. Walrond clerk Oct 11th for tealing Potatoes for 1Calendar Month.
Thomas HewseCommitted by H.L. Brown esq Oct 13th 1783 Deserter from the Plymouth Division of Marines.
Henry FowlerCommitted by Rev H. Walrond clerk Oct 13th fo stealing Potatoes for 1Calendar Month.
Elizabeth BeavinsCommitted by B. Incledon & H. Beavis esq's Oct 17th Bastardy for 12 months. Discharged Dec 22nd.
Catherine ChurchillCommitted by James Pitman esq Oct 21st Vagrant. Discharged Dec 28th.
William Wood SillyCommitted by James Pitman esq Oct 21st for stealing Potatoes for 1 month.
Joseph PikeCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Oct 27th for leaving his family. Discharged 10th Nov.
Jane Roberts
Sarah Way
Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Oct 27th As Idle and disorderly Persons for 1 month.
William SalterCommitted by Rev H. Walrond clerk Nov 5th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged 20th Nov.
Grace MoreyCommitted by Thomas Putt esq Nov 10th for stealing Potatoes for 1calendar Month.
John BowdageCommitted by Rev William Palmer clerk Nov 11th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged Dec 22nd.
Ann MinifyCommitted by Rev James Carrington & G. Cooke clerks Nov 21st for further Examination. Discharged 28th Nov.
Isaac HannafordCommitted by Thomas Taylor Nov 19th for disobeying an order in Bastardy. Discharged Nov 26th.
David Jones
Benjamine Jones
Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Nov 25th Deserters from his Majestys 46th Regt of Foot.
James FanningCommitted by Rev J. Pine clerk Dec 1st for running away from his Master for 1 month. Discharged Dec 8th.
Peter QuintrellCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Dec 12th for further Examination. Discharged Dec 13th.
Rebecca RichardsCommitted by J.B. Cholwich esq Dec 13th for swearing 10 Oaths. for 16days.