Devon Quarter Sessions - Epiphany 1784 [DRO - QS32/61]
Transcribed by Brian Brassett
Epiphany Sessions - Bridewell Calendar January 14th, 1784.
Sarah Pyne | Committed by Rev James Carrington & J. Pine clerks Jan 31st 1783 Bastardy for 12 months. |
Elizabeth Shears | Committed by T. Taylor & J. Wills esq's Feb 10th Bastardy for 12 months. |
William Harris Henry George | Tried at Lent Assize March 17th To be Imprisoned for 1 year. |
Elizabeth Cann | Committed by Rev J. Pine clerk & James Pitman esq May 9th Bastardy for 12 months. |
Mary Hall | Committed by Rev J. Pine & James Pitman esq June 6th Bastardy for 12 months. |
Jane Blackmore | Committed by Rev J. Pine & James Pitman esq June 6th Bastardy for 12 months. |
William Cousins Sarah Stroude Thomas Tucker Charles Isaac | Tried at Lammas Assize Aug 11th To be Imprisoned for 1 year. |
Simon Clincy Eleanor Downes Thomas Lahy Richard Davis Edward Clarke | Tried at Lammas Assize Aug 11th To be Imprisoned for 6Calendar Months. |
Dorothy alias Eleanor Juner | Committed by Samuel Eyre & Thomas Putt esq's Sept 3rd Bastardy for 12 months. |
Thomas Bolton | Tried at Lammas Assize Sept 6th To be Imprisoned 6 months. |
Robert Thompson William Williams | Committed by George Buck esq Sept 24th As Kings Evidences against Benjamine Bennett, John Evans & several others for taking out of the ship "Nancy" lately wrecked on Barnstaple Bar, a silver tea pot, a pair of silver Salts & several other articles. |
Sarah Purdy | Committed by J. Bulteel & Thomas Lane esq's Oct 14th Bastardy for 12 months. |
Mary Smith Katherine Hortopp | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Nov 21st charged on Oath with Conveying into the High Gaol certain Instruments of Iron in order for the Prisoners to make their Escape. |
William Rowden | Committed by Rev James Carrington & J. Pine clerks Dec 19th As a disorderly Apprentice for 3 months. |
Susanna Robbins | Committed by B. Incledon & P.R. Webber esq's Dec 25th Bastardy for 12 months. |
Grace Abrahams | Committed by Thomas Putt esq Dec 24th for destroying Turnips for 1Calendar Month. |
Priscilla Hayman | Committed by J.B. Cholwich & Samuel Eyre esq's Jan 5th, 1784, As a disorderly Apprentice for 1 month. |
John Kingdom | Committed by R. Inglett Fortescue esq Aug 19th 1783 for feloniously stealing an Axe. [comment: Bill found - 7Years to America]. |
George Lake | Committed by Benjamine Incledon esq Oct 27th On suspicion of stealing a canvas winnowing sheet. [comment: Imprisoned 1 month - whipped twice]. |
John Shepherd | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Nov 5th for feloniously stealing 12[lbs Flay]. comment: 3 months whipped twice]. |
Thomas Puddifin alias Clarke | Committed by Rev Thomas Baker clerk Nov 6th for feloniousy stealing a Quantity of Wool. [comment: Imprisoned 6 weeks whipped three times]. |
John Rooke | Committed by John Luxmoore esq & Rev Thomas Pearce Hockin clerk Nov 7th for feloniously stealing two Butts with Beer & a Cheese Cloth. [comment: Discharged]. |
George Parker | Committed by Rev J. Melhuish clerk Nov 20th for feloniously stealing a Quantity of Bacon. [comment: Acquitted]. |
Ann Underhill | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Nov 21st for feloniously stealing two Fowls & some Barley. Also on a strong suspicion of divers other felonies. [comment: Imprisoned 1 month whipped once]. |
Richard Cawley | Committed by Rhomas Putt esq Dec 14th for feloniously stealing a piece of Beef. [comment: Imprisoned 1 month whipped twice]. |
William Yard | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Jan 4th 1784 for feloniously stealing a Great Coat. [comment: Imprisoned 14 days whipped twice]. |
John Snell | Committed by J. Wills & William Cholwich esq's July 1st 1783 for disobeying an order in Bastardy. |
William Drewe | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk & J. LaRoche July 18th for disobeying an order in Bastardy. [comment: Discharged by consent of [parish]]. |
Richard Lang | Committed by John Wills esq July 1st for disobeying an order in Bastardy. [comment: Discharged by consent of [parish]]. |
Richard Turpett | Committed by H. Beavis & B. Incledon esq's Aug 29th for disobeying an order in Bastardy. |
Edward Devers | Committed by William Kitson & Thomas Taylor esq's Mov 6th for disobeying an order in Bastardy. |
John Land | Committed by Rev Thomas Wood clerk Dec 30th for want of sureties in Bastardy |
John Crowden Joseph Bradford | Committed by Rev H. Walrond clerk Nov 14th for leaving their families. [comment: Discharged no prosecution]. |
Ann Child | Committed by Rev James Carrington Nov 21st As a loose Idle & Disorderly Person. [comment: Acquitted discharged]. |
Richard Mitchell | Committed by Rev John Jago clerk Nov 29th for Breaking the Peace. [comment: Articles of the Peace - untill secures sums himself in £50 & two sureties in £25 each for 7Years]. |
Andrew Shoot | Committed by Samuel Ayre & J.B. Cholwich esq's Dec 1st for an Assault. [comment: no prosecution]. |
Agnes Fry Mary Purchase | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Dec 5th for refusing to appear to answer a Summons for pawning their clothes provided by the Parish & other misdemeanors. [comment: Fry, continues Sick/Purchase discharged no prosecution]. |
Ann Purdy | Committed by John Bulteel esq Dec 27th, 1783 for breaking the Peace. [comment: no prosecution]. |
Elizabeth Coombe | Committed by John Bulteel esq Dec 27th or breaking the Peace. [comment: no prosecution]. |
Henry Lord | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Dec 30th for leaving his family. [comment: Imprisoned 6 months]. |
Alice Mercer | Committed by John Arthur esq Oct 20th Vagrant. [comment: Imprisoned 6 months & whipped 3times and sent to Gwennap Cornwall]. |
Ann Cooke | Committed by John Arthur esq Oct 20th Vagrant. [comment: Imprisoned 6 months & whipped 3times and sent to St Stephens Near Saltash Cornwall]. |
Mary Marchant | Committed by John Arthur esq Dec 11th Vagrant. [comment: Imprisoned 6 months & whipped 3times and sent to Cowes in Isle of Wight]. |
Francis Tapper | Committed by Rev J. Pine clerk Dec 23rd Vagrant. [comment: Imprisoned 3 months & whipped twice and sent to Silferton]. |
Agnes Wallers | Committed by J. LaRoche esq Dec 23rd Vagrant. [comment: 1 month Imprisonment, whipped twice and sent to St Davids Exeter]. |
Richard Hammett | Taken in Custody by order of Court Jan 14th 1784 for feloniously stealing Ten Fowls. [comment: Acquitted & discharged]. |
Ann Ball | Committed by Ralph Mitchell esq Jan 12th Vagrant. [comment: Imprisoned 6 months whipped three times and sent to Warkley]. |
Out upon Bail | |
John Cockram | Committed by George Bickford esq Oct 7th for want of sureties in Bastardy. [comment: discharged Nov 26th]. |
William Vaughan | Committed by John Baring esq Oct 11th for want of sureties in Bastardy. [comment: discharged Oct 14th]. |
William Patch | Committed by Rev George Cooke clerk Nov 27th for feloniously stealing a Goose. [comment: discharged Nov 29th]. |
Prisoners Discharged | |
Jane Hutchings | Committed by William Cholwich & J. Wills esq's Oct 14th 1782 Bastardy for 12 months. |
Elizabeth Incledon | Committed by H. Beavis & P.R. Webber esq's Nov 15th Bastardy for 12 months. |
Martha Pilchard | Committed by Rev James Carrington & J. Pine esqs Dec 20th Bastardy for 12 months. |
Jane Carter | Tried at Sessions July 16th 1783 Convicted of felony to be imprisoned for 6 months. |
William Wotton | Committed by Thomas Taylor esq July 22nd Deserter from his Majestys 13th Regt of Foot. |
Doecas Wakeham | Committed by J. Bulteel & Thomas Lane esq's Aug 11th Bastardy for 12 months. Discharged 24th Oct. |
James Wescott | Committed by Samuel Eyre Aug 25th for want of sureties in Bastardy. |
Elizabeth Safroy | Committed by Thomas Taylor esq Aug 4th Vagrant. Died Dec 8th. |
John Kent | Committed by Samuel Eyre esq Sept 10th Vagrant. Discharged Nov 24th. |
Betty Blackmore John Davy | Tried at Sessions Oct 8th for misdemeanors to be imprisoned 1 month. |
John Bishop | Tried at Sessions Oct 8th for misdemeanor to be Imprisoned 1 month. |
Joan Bently Ann Turbur | Committed by Rev H. Walrond clerk Oct 11th for tealing Potatoes for 1Calendar Month. |
Thomas Hewse | Committed by H.L. Brown esq Oct 13th 1783 Deserter from the Plymouth Division of Marines. |
Henry Fowler | Committed by Rev H. Walrond clerk Oct 13th fo stealing Potatoes for 1Calendar Month. |
Elizabeth Beavins | Committed by B. Incledon & H. Beavis esq's Oct 17th Bastardy for 12 months. Discharged Dec 22nd. |
Catherine Churchill | Committed by James Pitman esq Oct 21st Vagrant. Discharged Dec 28th. |
William Wood Silly | Committed by James Pitman esq Oct 21st for stealing Potatoes for 1 month. |
Joseph Pike | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Oct 27th for leaving his family. Discharged 10th Nov. |
Jane Roberts Sarah Way | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Oct 27th As Idle and disorderly Persons for 1 month. |
William Salter | Committed by Rev H. Walrond clerk Nov 5th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged 20th Nov. |
Grace Morey | Committed by Thomas Putt esq Nov 10th for stealing Potatoes for 1calendar Month. |
John Bowdage | Committed by Rev William Palmer clerk Nov 11th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged Dec 22nd. |
Ann Minify | Committed by Rev James Carrington & G. Cooke clerks Nov 21st for further Examination. Discharged 28th Nov. |
Isaac Hannaford | Committed by Thomas Taylor Nov 19th for disobeying an order in Bastardy. Discharged Nov 26th. |
David Jones Benjamine Jones | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Nov 25th Deserters from his Majestys 46th Regt of Foot. |
James Fanning | Committed by Rev J. Pine clerk Dec 1st for running away from his Master for 1 month. Discharged Dec 8th. |
Peter Quintrell | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Dec 12th for further Examination. Discharged Dec 13th. |
Rebecca Richards | Committed by J.B. Cholwich esq Dec 13th for swearing 10 Oaths. for 16days. |