Devon Quarter Sessions - Michaelmas 1783 [DRO - QS32/59]
Transcribed by Brian Brassett
Michaelmas Sessions Bridewell Calendar October 8th 1783.
Jane Hutchings | Committed by William Cholwich & J. Wills esq's Oct 14th 1782 Bastardy for 12 months. |
Elizabeth Incledon | Committed by H. Beavis & P.R. Webber esq's Nov 15th 1782 Bastardy for 12 months. |
Martha Pilchard | Committed by Revd James Carrington & J. Pine clerks Dec 20th 1782 Bastardy for 12 months. |
Sarah Pyne | Committed by Revd James Carrington & J. Pine clerks Jan 31st 1783 Bastardy for 12 months. |
Elizabeth Shears | Committed by J. Taylor & J. Wills esq's Feb 10th 1783 Bastardy for 12 months. |
William Harris Henry George | Tried at Lent Assizes Mar 17th 1783 To be Imprisoned for 1 year. |
Elizabeth Cann | Committed by Revd J. Pine clerk & James Pitman esq May 9th Bastardy for 12 months. |
Mary Hall | Committed by Revd J. Pine clerk & James Pitman esq June 6th 1783 Bastardy for 12 months. |
Jane Blackmore | Committed by Revd J. Pine clerk & James Pitman esq June 6th 1783 Bastardy for 12 months. |
Jane Carter | Tryed at Sessions July 16th 1783 Convicted of felony to be imprisoned for 6 months. |
William Wotton | Committed by Thomas taylor esq July 22nd 1783 Deserter from His Majestys 13th regt of Foot. |
Dorcas Wakeham | Committed by John Butteel & Thomas Lane esq's Aug 11th 1783 Bastardy for 12 months. |
William Cousins Sarah Stroud Thomas Tucker alias Chafe Charles Isaac | Tried at Lammas Assize Aug 11th 1783 To be imprisoned for 1 year. |
Simon Clincey Eleanor Downes Thomas Lahy Richard Davis Edward Clarke | Tried at Lammas Assize Aug 11th 1783 To be imprisoned for 6Calendar Months. |
Dorothy alias Eleanor Tuner | Committed by Samuel Eyre & Thomas Putt esq's Sept 3rd 1783 Bastardy for 12 months. |
Thomas Bolton | Tried at Lammas Assize Aug 11th 1783 for a felony & sentenced for Death but reprieved on condition of 6 months Imprisonment. |
Robert Thompson William Williams | Committed by George Buck esq Sept 24th 1783 As Kings evidence against Benjamine Bennett, John Evans, & several others at large for taking out of the ship Nancy lately wrecked on Barnstaple Bar a silver teapot, a pair of silver salts & several other articles. |
Ann Kelland | Committed by Thomas putt esq July 21st 1783 for steakling and carrying away a Quantity of Frett from a Bridge in the parish of ottery St Mary. [comment: Acquitted and discharged]. |
John Kingdom | Committed by Richard Inglett Fortescue esq Aug 19th 1783 for feloniously stealing an Axe. [comment: Continued - ill, ...]. |
James Butson | Committed by Henry Langford Brown esq Aug 19th for feloniously stealing three Ducks & a Drake. [comment: Guilty, whipped and discharged]. |
James Daw | Committed by Sir J.W. Prideaux Bart Sept 9th for feloniously stealing two Geese. [comment: Guilty, whipped and discharged]. |
John Snelly | Committed by John Wills & William Cholwich esq's July 1st 1783 for disobeying an order in Bastardy. |
William Drewe | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk & John Laroche esq July 18th for disobeying an order in Bastardy. |
Richard Lang | Committed by John Wills esq July 1st for disobeying an order in Bastardy. |
Robert Hellings alias Harris | Committed by Rev George Cooke clerk July 25th for leaving his family. [comment: Tryed]. |
John Pitman | Committed by H. Stevens esq July 28th for leaving his Family. [comment: Discharged no prosecution]. |
Sarah Isaac | Committed by H. Stevens esq July 30th for an Assault. [ comment: Bill ignored Discharged]. |
Thomas Palfrey | Committed by William Palmer esq Aug 21st 1783 for refusing to maintain his Family. [comment: Discharged no prosecution]. |
James Westcott | Committed by Samuel Eyre esq Aug 25th for want of sureties in Bastardy. |
Richard Turpitt | Committed by H. Beavis & Benjamine Incledon esq's Aug 29th for disobeying an order in Bastardy. |
Mary Farley | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Sept 1st 1783 for unlawfully carrying away & pawning a Bolster Case out of the poor House of the parish of Coleridge the property of the said parish. [comment: Discharged no prosecution]. |
John Perry | Committed by Rev William Palmer clerk Sept 8th for leving his Family. |
Betty Blackmore | Committed by Revd H. Walrond clerk Sept 13th for leaving her Bastard Child chargeable to the Parish. |
Thomas Murphy alias Murfell | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Sept 17th for leaving his Family. [comment: Discharged no prosecution]. |
John Davy | Committed by Rev H. Walrond clerk Sept 23rd for leaving his Family. |
Solomon Baker | Committed by Rev H. Walrond Sept 24th for leaving his Family. |
John Bishop | Committed by Rev William Palmer clerk Sept 30th for leaving his Family. |
Elizabeth Sutton | Committed by Rev Edward. B. Blackett July 28th 1783 Vagrant. |
Elizabeth Safroy | Committed by Thomas Taylor esq Aug 4th Vagrant |
Ann Garrett | Committed by William Kitson esq Aug 12th Vagrant |
John Kent | Committed by Samuel Eyre esq Sept 10th Vagrant. |
Alexander Robertson Mary [Robertson] his wife | Committed by Rev Edward. B. Blackett Sept 13th Vagrants. |
William Reep | Committed by George Marshall esq Mayor of Plymouth Sept 19th Vagrant. |
Richard Ferrer | Committed by John Arthur esq Mayor of Plymouth Oct 2nd Vagrant. |
John Cockram | Committed by George Bickford esq Oct 7th for want of sureties in Bastardy. |
Out upon Bail | |
Jonas Labbett | Committed by John Baring esq Sept 26th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged Oct 3rd. |
Robert Parker | Committed by James Pitman esq Oct 4th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged Oct 5th. |
Prisoners Discharged | |
Elizabeth alias Ester Moon | Tried at Lammas Assize Aug 6th 1781 to be imprisoned for 2 years. |
John Buman Grace Rolesenbery Maria Dymock | Committed by George Marshall esq Mayor of Plymouth Oct 10th 1782 to give evidence against Richard Parsons & James Cummins for a felony. Discharged August 16th. |
Ann Brown | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Feb 13th 1783 for stealing four Cheeses. Discharged Aug 12th. |
Elizabeth alias Grace Ley | Committed by George Buck esq Feb 14th for stealing a Shift two pieces of Cloth, etc. Discharged Aug 12th. |
Michael Smith | Tried at Lent Assizes Mar 17th To be imprisoned for 6Calendar Months. Discharged Sept 17th. |
Samuel Court | Committed by William Mackworth Praed esq June 7th On suspicion of burglary. Discharged Aug 12th. |
William Salter | Committed by Rev George Cooke clerk & J. Pitman esq Aug 22nd Disorderly Apprentice for 1 month. |
Elizabeth Rumbelow | Committed by Rev Thomas Wood clerk June 13th 1783 for Sheep stealing. Discharged Aug 12th. |
George Bickford | Committed by Richard Inglett Fortescue June 16th for Sheep stealoing. Discharged Aug 12th. |
Richard Mann | Committed by J. Baring esq June 18th for Sheep stealing. Discharged Aug 12th. |
Samuel Pepperell | Committed by Rev James Carrington & J. Pine clerks June 24th For stealing Wood for 1Calendar Month. Discharged July 24th. |
William Challis | Committed by Rev J. Pine clerk July 1st 1783 On suspicion of Burglary. Discharged Aug 12th. |
Joshua Bromfield | Committed by Rev G. Cooke clerk July 3rd For Sheep stealing. Discharged Aug 12th. |
George Staddon | Committed by Rev P. Beavis clerk July 3rd For selling Ale without a Licence for 1 month. Discharged July 31st. |
Daniel Harris | Committed by Revd William Palmer clerk May 23rd for feloniously stealing nine half Crowns. Died Sept 6th. |
William Clarke | Tryed at Sessions July 16th 1783 For aq Misdemeanor to be imprisoned for 1 month & until he pays a fine of one shilling. Discharged Aug 16th. |
Stephen Linch | Removed from High Gaol July 18th being Insane. |
Jane Emmitt | Committed by Rev Thomas Baker clerk July 24th for stealing a Quantity of wood for 14 days. Discharged Aug 6th. |
John Martin | Committed by John Bulteel esq July 25th for Breaking the Peace. Discharged Aug 26th. |
Henry Harvey | Committed by John Bulteel esq July 26th On suspicion of Burglary. Discharged Aug 12th. |
William Chammings | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk July 31st For stealing a piece of Iron belonging to a Plough. Discharged Aug 12th. |
James Heywood | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk July 30th For want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged Aug 9th. |
David Murch Ann Murch | Committed by Benjamine Dickenson esq Mayor of Tiverton Aug 5th For Sheep stealing. Discharged Aug 12th. |
John Harris | Committed by Richard Inglett Fortescue esq Aug 6th For a Rape. Discharged Aug 12th. |
Joseph Woodward | Committed by Rev H. Walrond clerk Aug 9th Deserter fromj his Majestys 50th Regt of Foot. Discharged Aug 22nd. |
Samuel Vicary | Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Aug 12th Vagrant. Died Sept 3rd. |
Betty Towning | Committed by Samuel Eyre esq Aug 18th for returning to a Parish after having been sent home by an Order for 1 month. Discharged Sept 15th. |
William Branscombe | Committed by Rev George Cooke clerk Sept 4th For leaving his Family |