


Devon Quarter Sessions - Michaelmas 1783 [DRO - QS32/59]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

Michaelmas Sessions Bridewell Calendar October 8th 1783.

Jane HutchingsCommitted by William Cholwich & J. Wills esq's Oct 14th 1782 Bastardy for 12 months.
Elizabeth IncledonCommitted by H. Beavis & P.R. Webber esq's Nov 15th 1782 Bastardy for 12 months.
Martha PilchardCommitted by Revd James Carrington & J. Pine clerks Dec 20th 1782 Bastardy for 12 months.
Sarah PyneCommitted by Revd James Carrington & J. Pine clerks Jan 31st 1783 Bastardy for 12 months.
Elizabeth ShearsCommitted by J. Taylor & J. Wills esq's Feb 10th 1783 Bastardy for 12 months.
William Harris
Henry George
Tried at Lent Assizes Mar 17th 1783 To be Imprisoned for 1 year.
Elizabeth CannCommitted by Revd J. Pine clerk & James Pitman esq May 9th Bastardy for 12 months.
Mary HallCommitted by Revd J. Pine clerk & James Pitman esq June 6th 1783 Bastardy for 12 months.
Jane BlackmoreCommitted by Revd J. Pine clerk & James Pitman esq June 6th 1783 Bastardy for 12 months.
Jane CarterTryed at Sessions July 16th 1783 Convicted of felony to be imprisoned for 6 months.
William WottonCommitted by Thomas taylor esq July 22nd 1783 Deserter from His Majestys 13th regt of Foot.
Dorcas WakehamCommitted by John Butteel & Thomas Lane esq's Aug 11th 1783 Bastardy for 12 months.
William Cousins
Sarah Stroud
Thomas Tucker alias Chafe
Charles Isaac
Tried at Lammas Assize Aug 11th 1783 To be imprisoned for 1 year.
Simon Clincey
Eleanor Downes
Thomas Lahy
Richard Davis
Edward Clarke
Tried at Lammas Assize Aug 11th 1783 To be imprisoned for 6Calendar Months.
Dorothy alias Eleanor TunerCommitted by Samuel Eyre & Thomas Putt esq's Sept 3rd 1783 Bastardy for 12 months.
Thomas BoltonTried at Lammas Assize Aug 11th 1783 for a felony & sentenced for Death but reprieved on condition of 6 months Imprisonment.
Robert Thompson
William Williams
Committed by George Buck esq Sept 24th 1783 As Kings evidence against Benjamine Bennett, John Evans, & several others at large for taking out of the ship Nancy lately wrecked on Barnstaple Bar a silver teapot, a pair of silver salts & several other articles.
Ann KellandCommitted by Thomas putt esq July 21st 1783 for steakling and carrying away a Quantity of Frett from a Bridge in the parish of ottery St Mary. [comment: Acquitted and discharged].
John KingdomCommitted by Richard Inglett Fortescue esq Aug 19th 1783 for feloniously stealing an Axe. [comment: Continued - ill, ...].
James ButsonCommitted by Henry Langford Brown esq Aug 19th for feloniously stealing three Ducks & a Drake. [comment: Guilty, whipped and discharged].
James DawCommitted by Sir J.W. Prideaux Bart Sept 9th for feloniously stealing two Geese. [comment: Guilty, whipped and discharged].
John SnellyCommitted by John Wills & William Cholwich esq's July 1st 1783 for disobeying an order in Bastardy.
William DreweCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk & John Laroche esq July 18th for disobeying an order in Bastardy.
Richard LangCommitted by John Wills esq July 1st for disobeying an order in Bastardy.
Robert Hellings alias HarrisCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk July 25th for leaving his family. [comment: Tryed].
John PitmanCommitted by H. Stevens esq July 28th for leaving his Family. [comment: Discharged no prosecution].
Sarah IsaacCommitted by H. Stevens esq July 30th for an Assault. [ comment: Bill ignored Discharged].
Thomas PalfreyCommitted by William Palmer esq Aug 21st 1783 for refusing to maintain his Family. [comment: Discharged no prosecution].
James WestcottCommitted by Samuel Eyre esq Aug 25th for want of sureties in Bastardy.
Richard TurpittCommitted by H. Beavis & Benjamine Incledon esq's Aug 29th for disobeying an order in Bastardy.
Mary FarleyCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Sept 1st 1783 for unlawfully carrying away & pawning a Bolster Case out of the poor House of the parish of Coleridge the property of the said parish. [comment: Discharged no prosecution].
John PerryCommitted by Rev William Palmer clerk Sept 8th for leving his Family.
Betty BlackmoreCommitted by Revd H. Walrond clerk Sept 13th for leaving her Bastard Child chargeable to the Parish.
Thomas Murphy alias MurfellCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Sept 17th for leaving his Family. [comment: Discharged no prosecution].
John DavyCommitted by Rev H. Walrond clerk Sept 23rd for leaving his Family.
Solomon BakerCommitted by Rev H. Walrond Sept 24th for leaving his Family.
John BishopCommitted by Rev William Palmer clerk Sept 30th for leaving his Family.
Elizabeth SuttonCommitted by Rev Edward. B. Blackett July 28th 1783 Vagrant.
Elizabeth SafroyCommitted by Thomas Taylor esq Aug 4th Vagrant
Ann GarrettCommitted by William Kitson esq Aug 12th Vagrant
John KentCommitted by Samuel Eyre esq Sept 10th Vagrant.
Alexander Robertson
Mary [Robertson] his wife
Committed by Rev Edward. B. Blackett Sept 13th Vagrants.
William ReepCommitted by George Marshall esq Mayor of Plymouth Sept 19th Vagrant.
Richard FerrerCommitted by John Arthur esq Mayor of Plymouth Oct 2nd Vagrant.
John CockramCommitted by George Bickford esq Oct 7th for want of sureties in Bastardy.
Out upon Bail
Jonas LabbettCommitted by John Baring esq Sept 26th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged Oct 3rd.
Robert ParkerCommitted by James Pitman esq Oct 4th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged Oct 5th.
Prisoners Discharged
Elizabeth alias Ester MoonTried at Lammas Assize Aug 6th 1781 to be imprisoned for 2 years.
John Buman
Grace Rolesenbery
Maria Dymock
Committed by George Marshall esq Mayor of Plymouth Oct 10th 1782 to give evidence against Richard Parsons & James Cummins for a felony. Discharged August 16th.
Ann BrownCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Feb 13th 1783 for stealing four Cheeses. Discharged Aug 12th.
Elizabeth alias Grace LeyCommitted by George Buck esq Feb 14th for stealing a Shift two pieces of Cloth, etc. Discharged Aug 12th.
Michael SmithTried at Lent Assizes Mar 17th To be imprisoned for 6Calendar Months. Discharged Sept 17th.
Samuel CourtCommitted by William Mackworth Praed esq June 7th On suspicion of burglary. Discharged Aug 12th.
William SalterCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk & J. Pitman esq Aug 22nd Disorderly Apprentice for 1 month.
Elizabeth RumbelowCommitted by Rev Thomas Wood clerk June 13th 1783 for Sheep stealing. Discharged Aug 12th.
George BickfordCommitted by Richard Inglett Fortescue June 16th for Sheep stealoing. Discharged Aug 12th.
Richard MannCommitted by J. Baring esq June 18th for Sheep stealing. Discharged Aug 12th.
Samuel PepperellCommitted by Rev James Carrington & J. Pine clerks June 24th For stealing Wood for 1Calendar Month. Discharged July 24th.
William ChallisCommitted by Rev J. Pine clerk July 1st 1783 On suspicion of Burglary. Discharged Aug 12th.
Joshua BromfieldCommitted by Rev G. Cooke clerk July 3rd For Sheep stealing. Discharged Aug 12th.
George StaddonCommitted by Rev P. Beavis clerk July 3rd For selling Ale without a Licence for 1 month. Discharged July 31st.
Daniel HarrisCommitted by Revd William Palmer clerk May 23rd for feloniously stealing nine half Crowns. Died Sept 6th.
William ClarkeTryed at Sessions July 16th 1783 For aq Misdemeanor to be imprisoned for 1 month & until he pays a fine of one shilling. Discharged Aug 16th.
Stephen LinchRemoved from High Gaol July 18th being Insane.
Jane EmmittCommitted by Rev Thomas Baker clerk July 24th for stealing a Quantity of wood for 14 days. Discharged Aug 6th.
John MartinCommitted by John Bulteel esq July 25th for Breaking the Peace. Discharged Aug 26th.
Henry HarveyCommitted by John Bulteel esq July 26th On suspicion of Burglary. Discharged Aug 12th.
William ChammingsCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk July 31st For stealing a piece of Iron belonging to a Plough. Discharged Aug 12th.
James HeywoodCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk July 30th For want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged Aug 9th.
David Murch
Ann Murch
Committed by Benjamine Dickenson esq Mayor of Tiverton Aug 5th For Sheep stealing. Discharged Aug 12th.
John HarrisCommitted by Richard Inglett Fortescue esq Aug 6th For a Rape. Discharged Aug 12th.
Joseph WoodwardCommitted by Rev H. Walrond clerk Aug 9th Deserter fromj his Majestys 50th Regt of Foot. Discharged Aug 22nd.
Samuel VicaryCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Aug 12th Vagrant. Died Sept 3rd.
Betty TowningCommitted by Samuel Eyre esq Aug 18th for returning to a Parish after having been sent home by an Order for 1 month. Discharged Sept 15th.
William BranscombeCommitted by Rev George Cooke clerk Sept 4th For leaving his Family