


Devon Quarter Sessions - Midsummer 1825 [DRO - QS32/92]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

DEVONSHIRE - Midsummer Sessions, 12th July, 1825. E.P. Lyon, Esq. Chairman.


In the Gaol
Remaining on Former Orders
Alexander BraileyCommitted March 26, 1815 - Detained as a dangerous and insane person for want of sureties to keep the Peace.
Charles BurgessCommitted Lent Assizes 1823 - Arson [Insane] - Imprisoned during H.M. pleasure.
Mary JonesCommitted Lammas Assizes 1823 - Felony - Transported 7 years.
Robert AshweekCommitted Easter Sessions 1824 - Assault Imprisoned 18 months.
William MarshallCommitted Lammas Assizes 1824 - Murder [Insane] - Imprisoned during H.M. pleasure.
Maria CaterCommitted Lammas Assizes 1824 - Felony - Imprisoned 12 months.
Elizabeth ReynoldsCommitted Lammas Assizes 1824 - Felony - Imprisoned 12 months.
William BattenCommitted Lent Assizes 1825 - Felony [Death] - Imprisoned 12 months.
Elizabeth BissettCommitted Lent Assizes 1824 - Felony [Death] - Imprisoned 12 months.
Samuel WyattCommitted Lent Assizes 1824 - Felony [Death] - Imprisoned 6 months.
Deborah FroodCommitted Easter Sessions 1824 - Felony [Death] - Imprisoned 6 months.
Mary RenfreeCommitted Easter Sessions 1824 - Felony [Death] - Imprisoned 6 months.
Anthony HillCommitted April 6th 1824 - Forfeiting his recognizance - Imprisoned till his recognizance be paid.
William HillCommitted April 6th 1824 - Forfeiting his recognizance - Imprisoned till his recognizance be paid.
Richard CrossCommitted June 16th 1824 - Neglecting to attend the training of Militia - Imprisoned 3 months in solitary confinement.
Daniel ThresherCommitted June 16th 1824 - Neglecting to attend the training of Militia - Imprisoned 1 month in solitary confinement.
William HawkinsCommitted Sept 14th 1824 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a Fine of £100.
John NewtonCommitted October 2nd 1824 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
Auguste TipoutCommitted October 18th 1824 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
Jacques TipetousCommitted October 18th 1824 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
Pierre TripeCommitted October 18th 1824 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
William WinchCommitted November 1st 1824 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
John ClistCommitted December 31st 1824 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
Simon HelmanCommitted January 6th 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £50.
William BakerCommitted January 11th 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £50.
Richard HeardCommitted February 20th 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
John JellardCommitted February 20th 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
Edward PurseCommitted February 202nd 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
William WestcottCommitted March 1st 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
Benjamine JamesCommitted March 14th 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
John HannafordCommitted March 23rd 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
Richard TuckerCommitted March 25th 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
Alexander HoareCommitted March 25th 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
Richard BoolsCommitted March 25th 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
Henry ThorningCommitted April 5th 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
James JohnsCommitted April 5th 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
John BondCommitted April 13th 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
James WoodgateCommitted May 17th 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
James DaveyCommitted March 30th 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £9-7s-0d.
John HookwayCommitted June 6th 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100.
Philip YeomanCommitted July 1st 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £153-15s-6d.
John FroomCommitted July 7th 1825 - Smuggling - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £9-14s-8d.
William CollingsCommitted July 10th 1825 - Offence against the Excise Laws - Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £182-14s-3d.
29 Prisoners for Trial at the Assizes - [age in brackets]
George Chudleigh [18]Committed by E. Trevenen clerk charged on oath with robbery in the dwelling house of Mr. George Lambert in Spreyton. Warrant dated 16th April, 1825. [comment: Imprisoned Bridewell 1fortnight to hard labour].
John Goodwin [24]Committed by J. Hawker esq charged on the oaths of Grace Doney and others with feloniously stealing from her person at or near Lewis Jones' Turnpike, near Plymouth, on the evening of 14th April last, a cotton shawl her property value 3s. Warrant dated 16th April, 1825. [comment: Acquitted].
Henry Nekervis [18]Committed by J, Hawker esq charged on the oath of Solomon Stoneman with feloniously stealing at Stoke damerel on 9th April inst, a pair of boots, his property value 5s and upwards. Warrant dated 16th April, 1825. [comment: Transported 7 years.].
George Bricle [31]Committed by J. Hawker esq charged on the oath of William Page with stealing on the 3rd April last at Stoke Damerel a silver watch, a steel chain, and a metal key, his property, value £3 and upwards. Warrant dated 16th April, 1825. [comment: Guilty Imprisoned Bridewell 3 months to hard labour].
Robert Collings [84]Committed by P. Bluett esq charged with feloniously stealing from the shop of John Hellings in Bampton, a parcel containing four pair scissors. Warrant dated 22nd April, 1825. [comment: Guilty - Imprisoned in Gaol 1 month].
Abraham Elvin [25]Committed by G. Baker clerk, charged on the oath of William. S. Hoskins with stealing on the 26th or 27th of April, last a hay knife. Warrant dated 27th April, 1825. [comment: Bill ignored].
William Jeffery Halse Dixon [32]Committed by H. Laroche esq charged on oath with having stolen from the dwellinghouse of Humphrey Stark, of Willand, a quart bottle filled with peppermint cordial. Warrant dated 28th April, 1825. [comment: Guilty - Imprisoned Bridewell 1 calendar month with hard labour].
John Salter [14]Committed by P.Bluett esq charged on the oath of William Biss of Uffculm with feloniously stealing a rule, from his jacket pocket on the 5th of May last. Warrant dated 6th May, 1825. [comment: Bill ignored].
John Boaze [38]Committed by T. Husband esq charged on the oaths of John Miles and another with feloniously stealing from the loft of Thomas Billing at Stoke Damerel, one or more piece or pieces of new canvas, and three pieces of old canvas, value 7s or thereabouts, the property of the said Thomas Billing. Warrant dated 11th May, 1825. [comment: Guilty Imprisoned Bridewell 3 months hard labour].
John Thomas [68]Committed by T. Husband esq charged on the oaths of John Miles and another with feloniously stealing from the loft of Thomas Billing at Stoke Damerel, five pieces of canvas value 1s or thereabouts, the property of the said Thomas Billing and one Thomas Butters. Warrant dated 11th may, 1825. [comment: Bill ignored].
Henry Steer [27]Committed by A. Hawkins esq charged on the oath of William Luskey of West Alvington, with stealing a hempen bag or sack, value 11d his property. Warrant dated 16th May, 1825. [comment: Bill ignored].
William Sharland [33]
Mary Sharland [35]
Committed by J. Pitman and S.F. Milford esq's charged on oath with stealing several articles of wearing apparel the property of several persons. Warrant dated 20th May, 1825. [comment: William =Guilty Imprisoned Bridewell 6 calendar months to hard labour/Mary =Not Guilty].
Ann Shennessey [35]Committed by J.W. Clarke esq charged on the oath of Ann Howard with feloniously stealing at Stoke Damerel, on the 2nd May last, a cotton shirt, a hat, and a pair of drawers, her property, value 10s and upwards. Warrant dated 19th May 1825. [comment: Turned over to Assizes - the prosecutor ill].
James Warn [17]Committed by J. Hawker esq charged on the oaths of Mary Holbeton and others with on or about the 21st May last, stealing at Stoke Damerel, a pair of shoes the property of Alfred Holbeton, husband of the said Mary Holbeton, value 2s-6d. [comment: Acquitted].
Jane Truscott [21]Committed by J. Hawker esq charged on the oath of Mary Templeman with stealing at Stoke Damerel, on or about the 20th May last, a white muslin gown and a holland shirt, her property value 10s and upwards. [comment: Not tried on this]. And also on the oath of William Stow, with stealing on or about 24th May last at Stoke Damerel, a blanket, his property value 5s and upwards. Warrants dated 25th May 1825. [comment: Guilty - Imprisoned Bridewell 1 calendar month to hard labour].
William Fiddick [21]Committed by J.W. Clarke esq charged on the oath of James Stephens with stealing at Stoke Damerel, four ducks the property of james Tregear, value 3s and upwards. Warrant dated 30th May 1825. [comment: Bill ignored].
Thomas North [34]
William North
Mary North [26]
Committed by P. Bluett esq charged on the oaths of Thomas Way and others with being accessaries before and after the fact, of William North feloniously stealing a quantity of potatoes from the premises of the said Thomas Way, at Holcombe Rogus. Warrant dated 31st May 1825. [comment: Acquitted].
William Finnamore [17]Committed by S.F. Milford esq charged on the oaths of John Budbrook and Mr. William Ash, with feloniously stealing on the 29th May, last, a copper funnell from the barge "Majestie" in the parish of St Thomas the Apostle, the same being the property of the said Mr. William Ash. Warrant dated 3rd June 1825. [comment: Imprisoned in Bridewell 2 months to hard labour].
William North [9]Committed by P. Bluett esq charged on the oath of Sarah Bussell with feloniously stealing a quantity of potatoes from Thomas Way, of Holcombe Rogus. Warrant dated 3rd June 1825. [comment: Acquitted].
Charles Way [37]Committed by W. Tucker esq charged on the oaths of John and Kesiah Ash with feloniously stealing from the shop of the said J. Ash, a pair of scissors, a hammer, a file, a turnscrew, a spokeshave, a pair of pincers, and a hone, the property of the said J. Ash, of Axminster, value 8s. Warrant dated 7th June 1825. [comment: Guilty - Imprisoned in Bridewell 2 calendar months to hard labour].
Thomas Maunder [41]Committed by S.F. Milford esq charged on the oath of Eleanor, wife of John Glanville, of Broad-Clist, with stealing a quantity of cheese on the night of the 29th May last, the property of her said husband. Warrant dated 9th June 1825. [comment: Acquitted].
William Gill [61]Committed by Sir. J. Talbot. K.C.B. and W. Tucker esq charged with feloniously stealing a pair of Iron hinges the property of Sir. W.T. Pole, Bart. Warrant dated 13th June 1825. [comment: Acquitted].
Robert Pike [20]Committed by T. Husband esq charged on the oaths of William Hopper and others, with stealing from the dwelling house of the said William Hopper, a duck frock, his property value 2s. Warrant dated 13th June 1825. [comment: Guilty Imprisoned in Bridewell 3 calendar months to hard labour].
Thomas Watson [42]Committed by John Harris esq charged on the oath of Josiah Wheatley, with stealing on the 11th June last at Plymstock, forty pounds of rope, value 7s, the property of John Collins esq. Warrant dated 13th June 1825. [comment: Guilty - Imprisoned Bridewell 6 calendar months to hard labour].
Joanna Chope [21]Committed by J. Dene, clerk charged with stealing at Hunshaw on the 12th May last, a cotton handkerchief, value 4d, the property of Thomas Isaac. Warrant dated 16th June 1825. [comment: Bill Ignored].
George Jervis [21]Committed by J. Hawker esq charged on the oaths of Richard Hooper and others, with stealing at Stoke Damerel on 13th June last, a pair of shoes, his property, value 5s and upwards. Warrant dated 22nd June 1825. [comment: Guilty - Imprisoned Bridewell 1 calendar month to hard labour].
George Courtenay [28]Committed by R.N. Incledon esq charged with stealing at Bishops Tawton, 5s, in silver, and six silver tea-spoons, value 5s, the property of George Ireland, of Newport, on the 21st of June last. Warrant dated 22nd June 1825. [comment: Imprisoned in Bridewell 6 calendar months to hard labour].
John Eastman [17]Committed by T.C. Shiells esq charged on the oaths of Robert Heard and Thomas Bragg with having on the 24th June last, feloniously stolen, from the coasting brig "George" lying in Stonehouse Pool, 4 half crown pieces, 3 shillings, and a pocket book, and shirt, value 2s, the property of the said Robert Heard - and a flannel frock, a pair of stockings, a shirt, and a pair of boots, the property of the said Thomas Bragg, value 12s, and upwards. Warrant dated 25th June, 1825. [comment: Guilty - Imprisoned in Bridewell 3 months hard labour].
William Richards [37]
Joseph Richards [35]
Committed by J.G. Coplestone, clerk charged on oath with stealing a quantity of onions from the enclosed garden of John Horsey, of Colyton, value 7s and upwards. Warrant dated 29th June, 1825. [comment: Acquitted].
John Brimblecombe [42]Committed by E. Trevenen clerk charged on oath with a felony in shearing a sheep, the property of John Lillicrap, of Okehampton, at or about 3 o'clock in the morning of the 3rd of July instant. Warrant dated 3rd July, 1825. [comment: Bill ignored].
Elizbeth French [45]Committed by J. Hawker esq charged on the oaths of Elizabeth Palmer, with having in the month of January last, feloniously taken, stolen, and carried away, at East Stonehouse a gown and skirt, the property of the said Elizabeth Palmer, value 5s and upwards. Warrant dated 6th July, 1825. [comment: Acquitted].
John Harding [22]Committed by James Whyte, esq charged on the oath of John Fisher of Pilton with feloniously stealing, on the 8th July instant, from a marsh adjoining the dwelling-house of the said John Fisher, two ducks his property. Warrant dated 9th July, 1825. [comment: Imprisoned in Bridewell 1 month to hard labour].
William Horred [25]Committed by S.F. Milford esq for want of sureties for his appearance at the Quarter Sessions, and in the meantime to keep the peace towards James Tapper, of Kenn. Warrant dated 13th May, 1825. [comment: Imprisoned Bridewell 1 calendar month].
William Rugg [47]Committed by S.F. Milford esq for want of sureties to keep the peace towards Sarah, his wife, as well as for his appearance at the Quarter Sessions. Warrant dated 17th May, 1825. [comment: Imprisoned Bridewell 6 weeks and to find sureties 2 in £10 and himself in £20 to keep the peace for one year].
George Pridham [40]committed by W.B. Coham clerk for threatening to set fire to the wheaten mow and houses of Mr. James George of Tetcott, and for using other threatening language, so as to put the said Mr. James George, into bodily fear. Warrant dated 30th May, 1825. [comment: No prosecution].
George Lark [35]
James Bridge [22]
Committed by J. Parrott esq for riotous and tumultuously assembling with many others at Halwell, with a view to disturb, insult, and annoy Jphn Partridge and Elizabeth his wife, and for want of sureties to appear at the Quarter Sessions. Warrant dated 25th June, 1825. [comment: No prosecution].
John PikeCommitted by A.H. Hamilton for stealing 3penny pieces the property of John Rippon. Warrant dated 10th July. [comment: Imprisoned in Bridewell 2 calendar months to hard labour].
William HillStealing 350 lbs of Potatoes. [comment: Imprisoned 6 weeks Bridewell to hard labour].
James Fish
Edward Fish
for stealing 40 lbs of Lead property of J.I. Hodge. [comment: on bail - Acquitted].
John Case
Sarah Case
James Case
Committed by J.N. Clark esq for stealing Dung the property of Williamj Cleeve. Warrant dated 13th July. [comment: John Case Imprisoned Bridewell 1 calendar month to hard labour; Sarah Case, Acquitted; James Case Imprisoned 1fortnight Bridewell to hard labour].
Samuel Phillips [74]Committed by H. Studdy esq for want of sureties to keep the peace towards Mary Alford, of the parish of Brixham. Warrant dated 16th April, 1825.
John Dikes [44]Committed by E. Lockyer esq for want of sureties to keep the peace towards - Dikes, wife of him the said John Dikes of the parish of East Stonehouse. Warrant dated 27th April, 1825. [comment: let him continue on his committments].
Roger Crapp [26]Committed by J. Hawker esq for violently assaulting and beating James Dumble, one of the watchmen of the parish of Stoke Damerel. Warrant dated 27th May, 1825. [comment: Guilty of common assault. Imprisoned in Bridewell 2 months].
William Back [34]Committed by S.F. Milford esq for frequently beating and threatening to take the life of Elizabeth Back, his wife, and with seizing her by the throat and injuring her. Warant dated 18th June, 1825. [comment: No prosecution].
Emanuel Gifford [29]Committed by P. Glubb clerk for want of sureties to keep the peace towards Grace Williams of the parish of Frithelstock. Warrant dated 25th June, 1825. [comment: No prosecution].
Nicholas Croote [50]Committed by R. Lane and W. Kitson clerks for want of sureties to keep the peace towards John Wills of the parish of Bickington. Warrant dated 28th June, 1825. [comment: Articles Peace - continued in Bridewell - self £50 and 2 in £25 to keep the peace for 1 year].
Humphrey Tucker [20]Committed by R. Tanner clerk for want of sureties to idemnify the parish of Burrington in bastardy. Warrant dated 13th June, 1825.
Joseph Cook [25]Committed by Richard Rosdew esq for want of sureties to indemnify the parish of Harford in bastardy. Warrant dated 9th July, 1825.
John Sullivan [44]Committed by W.A.H. Arundle, as a rogue and vagabond found wandering and begging in the parish of Broadwoodwidger. Warrant dated 9th may, 1825. [comment: discharged].
George Douglas [32]
John Smith [17]
Committed by G. Gregory clerk for begging from door to door in the parish of Moretonhampstead. Warrant dated 13th May, 1825. [comment: discharged].
Henry Ryley Palmer [26]Committed by G. Gregory clerk for begging from door to door in the parish of Moretonhampstead. Warrant dated 4th June, 1825 [comment: discharged].
Elizabeth Dolling [18]Committed by T. Husband esq for wandering about the streets of Devonport. Warrant dated 8th June, 1825. [comment: discharged].
John Harmer [19]Committed by W.B. Coham, clerk as a rogue and vagabond, found wandering in the parish of Beaworthy. Warrant dated 20th June, 1825. [comment: discharged].
James Carter [45]Committed by W. Ellicombe clerk, as a rogue and vagabond. Warrant dated 24th June, 1825. [comment: Rogue & Vagabond - Imprisoned till next Sessions].
Margaret Mathews [35]Committed by T.C. Shiells esq as an incorrigible rogue, who had been wandering abroad in a disorderly manner and returning after having been duly convicted as a rogue and vagabond to the parish of St Budeaux. Warrant dated 6th July, 1825. [comment: continued a fortnight as a Rogue & Vagabond].
In the Bridewell
INDEX to PRISONERS for TRIAL:-Back William
Carter James
Cook Jospeh
Crapp Roger
Dikes John
Dolling Elizabeth
Douglas George
Croote Nicholas
Harmer John
Mathews Margaret
Palmer Henry Ryley
Gifford Emanuel
Smith John
Sullivan John
Tucker Humphrey
Phillips Samuel
Adams ThomasOffence against Game Laws; 6 calendar months
Alam BenjamineVagrancy 1 month
Brooks RobertAssault 6 calendar months
Bootyman JamesFelony 9 calendar months
Bullen SamuelFelony 9 calendar months
Brewer SamuelFelony 6 calendar months
Broom AnneFelony 6 calendar months
Burkpit CharlesMissing Militia Training 6 months
Bickham ThomasDisorderly Apprentice 3 months
Brewer WilliamDisorderly Apprentice 1 month
Belcher JamesVagrancy 2 months
Barfoot WilliamDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Brannan WilliamMissing Militia Training 6 months
Banks JohnHawking without a Licence 1 month
Bond JamesVagrancy 1 month
Broom RichardVagrancy 1 month
Braund EdwardVagrancy 3 calendar months
Bartlett EdwardFelony 9 months
Boon LilyFelony 6 months
Carpenter RichardFelony 12 months
Copp HenryFelony 12 months
Copp JohnFelony 12 months
Collings GraceFelony 12 months
Chapman ElizabethFelony 6 months
Chammings WilliamFelony 3 months
Camp JohnFelony [Death] 9 months
Cotton WilliamDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Cann SamuelDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Cousins WilliamDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Coffin JohnVagrancy 1 calendar month
Cox JohnVagrancy 1 calendar month
Carr JamesVagrancy 1 calendar month
Cavey RichardMissing Militia Training 14 days
Cotton FrancisBastardy 6 weeks
Dennay JohnFelony 12 calendar months
Defreze Richard CollingsFelony 12 calendar months
Davis JaneFelony 6 calendar months
Denham WilliamLeaving his family 1 calendar month
Davey JamesLeaving his family 1 month
Duff WilliamVagrancy 1 month
Duff MariaVagrancy 1 month
Dutton James ForsamVagrancy 1 month
Dunston JohnVagrancy 1 month
Dethbridge JohnMarine Court Martial 3 calendar months
Edwards JohnFelony 6 calendar months
Evans MargaretMisbehaving in a Workhouse 21 days
Edwards RichardMarine Court Martial 3 calendar months
Flee JohnMisdemeanor 2 years
Frien AndrewMisdemeanor 2 years
Farley ThomasFelony [Death] 12 calendar months
Foster AnnFelony [Death] 12 calendar months
Fisher MatthewDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Groves JohnFelony 12 calendar months
Gunner WilliamFelony 9 calendar months
Gooding RobertFelony 9 calendar months
Goss Thomas EllisFelony 3 calendar months
Goodhind ElizabethVagrancy 1 month
Hawkins ElizabethFelony [Death] 2 years
Helyer MaryFelony 12 calendar months
Hill IsaacFelony 12 calendar months
Havill JohnFelony 12 calendar months
Hamlin JamesFelon 12 calendar months
Harris JohnFelony 4 calendar months
Harding JohnFelony 3 calendar months
Hobbs William TuckerFelony [Death] 18 calendar months
Hawkins JosephDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Hevens WilliamDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Hooper MaryVagrancy 3 months
Handford HarrietVagrancy 3 months
Hughes JohnVagrancy 1 month
Harmer JohnVagrancy 1 month
Jones SarahFelony 18 calendar months
Jones ElizabethConfined for Nurture with the Mother 18 calendar months
Johns ElizabethFelony 9 calendar months
Jackman ArthurFelony 6 calendar months
Johns CharlotteVagrancy 3 months
Jones JohnVagrancy 3 months
Kitto ElizabethFelony 12 calendar months
King ThomasFelony 12 calendar months
King JohannaBastardy 12 months
Knapper WilliamBastardy 12 months
Knight ElizabethBastardy 12 months
Kelly ElizabethVagrancy 1 month
Kemp RichardDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 calendar months
Loud DavidDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Lenroy ThomasFelony 6 calendar months
Luke ElizabethFelony 6 calendar months
Lethbridge RobertFelony 6 calendar months
Lee JohnFelony 6 calendar months
Lewis MaryBastardy 12 calendar months
Lang SusanVagrancy 2 months
Lamb JamesVagrancy 1 month
Lisbon RachaelVagrancy 1 month
Lober SamuelVagrancy 1 month
Lethbridge JohnDeserter from N.D. Mlitia 3 calendar months
Madge JohnFelony 12 calendar months
Menhensniek ThomasFelony 12 calendar months
Marshall ElizabethFelony 12 calendar months
McCann MaryVagrancy 1 month
McCann ThomasVagrancy 1 month
McCormie MaryVagrancy 3 months
McQuay PeterVagrancy 1 calendar month
McPharson ThomasVagrancy 1 calendar month
Mills ElizabethPledging a Piece of Nankeen 2 months
Manning ThomasFelony [Death] 2 years
Moore JohnFelony [Death] 2 years
Nelson JohnVagrancy 1 month
Owens RobertDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Parker RichardDangerous and Insane for want of sureties
Pickard JasperDangerous and Insane for want of sureties
Pike WilliamFelony 12 calendar months
Payne JudithFelony 12 calendar months
Pethebridge JohnFelony [Death] 18 months
Potter JohnFelony 6 months
Parker MaryFelony 6 months
Philips NicholasMisdemeanor 4 months
Potter SusanDisorderly Apprentice 3 months
Pengelly JohnDisorderly Apprentice 1 month
Parkins JohnVagrancy 3 months
Potter AnnVagrancy 1 month
Pawley JosephOffence against the Game laws 6 calendar months
Pope AndrewUnlawfully possessesing Kings Stores 3 calendar months
Passmore JohnHawking without a Licence 1 month
Renfree JohnFelony 18 calendar months
Rodgers JohnFelony 12 calendar months
Rentfree MaryVagrancy 3 months
Rose MatildaVagrancy 3 months
Renowden MaryVagrancy 3 months
Riley MargaretVagrancy 1 calendar month
Richards DanielMissing Militia Training 4 months
Robinson GeorgeDisorderly Apprentice 1 month
Rundle AnneDisorderly Apprentice 1 calendar month
Straw PhilipFelony 2 years
Sherrill JospehFelony 2 years
Shearer GeorgeFelony 2 years
Staddon ElizabethBastardy 12 calendar months
Sanders ThomasFelony 12 calendar months
Sandy JohnBreach of Contract 1 month
Slade FannyDamaging Underwood 3 calendar months
Stapleton ElizabethVagrancy 1 month
Shoebrook CarolineVagrancy 2 months
Simmons EdwardVagrancy 3 months
Stansbury AnnVagrancy 3 months
Smith WilliamVagrancy 3 months
Smith ElizaVagrancy 3 months
Summers JamesVagrancy 3 calendar months
Summers WilliamMisbehaviour in a Workhouse 21 days
Stephens ThomasDisorderly Apprentice 1 month
Stratton WilliamCourt Martial 60 days
Teed HenryFelony 6 calendar months
Terry ThomasFelony 9 calendar months
Taylor WilliamDisorderly Apprentice 3 calendar months
Trevillion ThomasDeserting from the Militia 3 months
Tambling ElizabethPledging Wearing Apparel 3 calendar months
Tidson WilliamCourt martial 2 calendar months
Turner RobertCourt Martial 1 month
Veale WilliamFelony 12 calendar months
Veysey GeorgeFelony [Death] 18 calendar months
Vinicombe BenjamineDangerous and Insane for want of suretiesDangerous and Insane for want of sureties
Wadland NicholasDangerous and Insane for want of sureties
Warn WilliamFelony 6 calendar months
Whitehouse ZachariusFelony 6 calendar months
White HenryFelony 12 calendar months
White WilliamFelony 9 calendar months
Wescott RobertFelony 4 calendar months
Willis ElizabethDisorderly Apprentice 14 days
Williams MosesFelony 1 calendar month
Wilson EleanorFelony 12 calendar months
In the Bridewell
INDEX to PRISONERS for TRIAL:-Back William
Carter James
Cook Jospeh
Crapp Roger
Dikes John
Dolling Elizabeth
Douglas George
Croote Nicholas
Harmer John
Mathews Margaret
Palmer Henry Ryley
Gifford Emanuel
Smith John
Sullivan John
Tucker Humphrey
Phillips Samuel
Adams ThomasOffence against Game Laws; 6 calendar months
Alam BenjamineVagrancy 1 month
Brooks RobertAssault 6 calendar months
Bootyman JamesFelony 9 calendar months
Bullen SamuelFelony 9 calendar months
Brewer SamuelFelony 6 calendar months
Broom AnneFelony 6 calendar months
Burkpit CharlesMissing Militia Training 6 months
Bickham ThomasDisorderly Apprentice 3 months
Brewer WilliamDisorderly Apprentice 1 month
Belcher JamesVagrancy 2 months
Barfoot WilliamDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Brannan WilliamMissing Militia Training 6 months
Banks JohnHawking without a Licence 1 month
Bond JamesVagrancy 1 month
Broom RichardVagrancy 1 month
Braund EdwardVagrancy 3 calendar months
Bartlett EdwardFelony 9 months
Boon LilyFelony 6 months
Carpenter RichardFelony 12 months
Copp HenryFelony 12 months
Copp JohnFelony 12 months
Collings GraceFelony 12 months
Chapman ElizabethFelony 6 months
Chammings WilliamFelony 3 months
Camp JohnFelony [Death] 9 months
Cotton WilliamDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Cann SamuelDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Cousins WilliamDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Coffin JohnVagrancy 1 calendar month
Cox JohnVagrancy 1 calendar month
Carr JamesVagrancy 1 calendar month
Cavey RichardMissing Militia Training 14 days
Cotton FrancisBastardy 6 weeks
Dennay JohnFelony 12 calendar months
Defreze Richard CollingsFelony 12 calendar months
Davis JaneFelony 6 calendar months
Denham WilliamLeaving his family 1 calendar month
Davey JamesLeaving his family 1 month
Duff WilliamVagrancy 1 month
Duff MariaVagrancy 1 month
Dutton James ForsamVagrancy 1 month
Dunston JohnVagrancy 1 month
Dethbridge JohnMarine Court Martial 3 calendar months
Edwards JohnFelony 6 calendar months
Evans MargaretMisbehaving in a Workhouse 21 days
Edwards RichardMarine Court Martial 3 calendar months
Flee JohnMisdemeanor 2 years
Frien AndrewMisdemeanor 2 years
Farley ThomasFelony [Death] 12 calendar months
Foster AnnFelony [Death] 12 calendar months
Fisher MatthewDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Groves JohnFelony 12 calendar months
Gunner WilliamFelony 9 calendar months
Gooding RobertFelony 9 calendar months
Goss Thomas EllisFelony 3 calendar months
Goodhind ElizabethVagrancy 1 month
Hawkins ElizabethFelony [Death] 2 years
Helyer MaryFelony 12 calendar months
Hill IsaacFelony 12 calendar months
Havill JohnFelony 12 calendar months
Hamlin JamesFelon 12 calendar months
Harris JohnFelony 4 calendar months
Harding JohnFelony 3 calendar months
Hobbs William TuckerFelony [Death] 18 calendar months
Hawkins JosephDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Hevens WilliamDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Hooper MaryVagrancy 3 months
Handford HarrietVagrancy 3 months
Hughes JohnVagrancy 1 month
Harmer JohnVagrancy 1 month
Jones SarahFelony 18 calendar months
Jones ElizabethConfined for Nurture with the Mother 18 calendar months
Johns ElizabethFelony 9 calendar months
Jackman ArthurFelony 6 calendar months
Johns CharlotteVagrancy 3 months
Jones JohnVagrancy 3 months
Kitto ElizabethFelony 12 calendar months
King ThomasFelony 12 calendar months
King JohannaBastardy 12 months
Knapper WilliamBastardy 12 months
Knight ElizabethBastardy 12 months
Kelly ElizabethVagrancy 1 month
Kemp RichardDisobeying n order in Bastardy 3 calendar months
Loud DavidDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Lenroy ThomasFelony 6 calendar months
Luke ElizabethFelony 6 calendar months
Lethbridge RobertFelony 6 calendar months
Lee JohnFelony 6 calendar months
Lewis MaryBastardy 12 calendar months
Lang SusanVagrancy 2 months
Lamb JamesVagrancy 1 month
Lisbon RachaelVagrancy 1 month
Lober SamuelVagrancy 1 month
Lethbridge JohnDeserter from N.D. Mlitia 3 calendar months
Madge JohnFelony 12 calendar months
Menhensniek ThomasFelony 12 calendar months
Marshall ElizabethFelony 12 calendar months
McCann MaryVagrancy 1 month
McCann ThomasVagrancy 1 month
McCormie MaryVagrancy 3 months
McQuay PeterVagrancy 1 calendar month
McPharson ThomasVagrancy 1 calendar monthMill
Mills ElizabethPledging a Piece of Nankeen 2 months
Manning ThomasFelony [Death] 2 years
Moore JohnFelony [Death] 2 years
Nelson JohnVagrancy 1 month
Owens RobertDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Parker RichardDangerous and Insane for want of sureties
Pickard JasperDangerous and Insane for want of sureties
Pike WilliamFelony 12 calendar months
Payne JudithFelony 12 calendar months
Pethebridge JohnFelony [Death] 18 months
Potter JohnFelony 6 months
Parker MaryFelony 6 months
Philips NicholasMisdemeanor 4 months
Potter SusanDisorderly Apprentice 3 months
Pengelly JohnDisorderly Apprentice 1 month
Parkins JohnVagrancy 3 months
Potter AnnVagrancy 1 month
Pawley JosephOffence against the Game laws 6 calendar months
Pope AndrewUnlawfully possessesing Kings Stores 3 calendar months
Passmore JohnHawking without a Licence 1 month
Renfree JohnFelony 18 calendar months
Rodgers JohnFelony 12 calendar months
Rentfree MaryVagrancy 3 months
Rose MatildaVagrancy 3 months
Renowden MaryVagrancy 3 months
Riley MargaretVagrancy 1 calendar month
Richards DanielMissing Militia Training 4 months
Robinson GeorgeDisorderly Apprentice 1 month
Rundle AnneDisorderly Apprentice 1 calendar month
Straw PhilipFelony 2 years
Sherrill JospehFelony 2 years
Shearer GeorgeFelony 2 years
Staddon ElizabethBastardy 12 calendar months
Sanders ThomasFelony 12 calendar months
Sandy JohnBreach of Contract 1 month
Slade FannyDamaging Underwood 3 calendar months
Stapleton ElizabethVagrancy 1 month
Shoebrook CarolineVagrancy 2 months
Simmons EdwardVagrancy 3 months
Stansbury AnnVagrancy 3 months
Smith WilliamVagrancy 3 months
Smith ElizaVagrancy 3 months
Summers JamesVagrancy 3 calendar months
Summers WilliamMisbehaviour in a Workhouse 21 days
Stephens ThomasDisorderly Apprentice 1 month
Stratton WilliamCourt Martial 60 days
Teed HenryFelony 6 calendar months
Terry ThomasFelony 9 calendar months
Taylor WilliamDisorderly Apprentice 3 calendar months
Trevillion ThomasDeserting from the Militia 3 months
Tambling ElizabethPledging Wearing Apparel 3 calendar months
Tidson WilliamCourt martial 2 calendar months
Turner RobertCourt martial 1 month
Veale WilliamFelony 12 calendar months
Veysey GeorgeFelony [Death] 18 calendar months
Vinicombe BenjamineDangerous and Insane for want of sureties
Wadland NicholasDangerous and Insane for want of sureties
Warn WilliamFelony 6 calendar months
Whitehouse ZachariusFelony 6 calendar months
White HenryFelony 12 calendar months
White WilliamFelony 9 calendar months
Wescott RobertFelony 4 calendar months
Willis ElizabethDisorderly Apprentice 14 days
Williams MosesFelony 1 calendar month
Wilson EleanorFelony 12 calendar months
Visiting JusticesE.P. Lyon esq
Rev. Josiah Drury. D.D.
S.F. Milford esq
James Pitman esq
J.B. Creswell esq
R. Stephens esq
James Coleridge esq
Baldwin Fulfod esq
John Kennaway esq
Edward Divett esq
William Ellicombe clerk
David Horndon clerk
Keeper of the Gaol and House of Correction for DevonWilliam Cole.