Devon Quarter Sessions - Easter 1784 [DRO - QS32/64]
Transcribed by Brian Brassett
Devon [to wit]. Traverses to be Tryed at Easter Sessions 1784.
John Squire | 16 July 23rd Geo 3rd For wilfull & Corrupt Perjury at Midsummer Sessions last on hearing of an Appeal between the parishes of Combmartin & Lintin, touching the settlement of John Litson; Elizabeth his Wife; Mary Ann; Betty; & Grace their Children, by swearing that the said John Litson was absent fromn his the said John Squire's service without his Consent for 9 Successive days before old Lady day in the year of our Lord 1775, & that he the said John Litson never afterwards returned to his the said John Squire's service, & that he the said John Squire did not at that time Rent any Tenement or Tenements in the said parish of combmartin, & that he was not then a payer or Contributor towards the support of the Poor of the said parish of Combmartin. Witness: Edward Nichols; Walter fry; Alice Hawkins. [comment - Not Guilty]. |
Sampford Courtney | 8 Oct 23rd Geo 3rd For not repairing the road in length 3 Miles & in Breadth 8 feet from Sampford Beacon home to the end of the parish in the Road leading from Northtawton towards Okehampton - to which the Inhabitants have pleadd Specially That they ought not to repair the said Highway because the same was & now is part of the Okehampton Turnpike or some of them by themselves or their Surveyor some time in the year 1773 [who were then supposed to be liable to repair the said Highway] did enter into an Agreement with the said Inhabitants to accept & take from them the Annual sum of 4£ in Compensation for & in full of all Labour & duty which used to be performed by the said Inhabitants. And that the said Trustees did then Agree to repair the said Road out of the Tolls arising from the said Turnpike Road. And that they have from that time home to the present paid the said Anual sum of 4£ to the said Trustees. And that John Luxmore Gent: & Thomas Pierce Hockin Clerk & the rest of the Trustees ought to have repaired & still ought to repair the said Highway. Witness: Josias Gard; George Durant. [comment - Not Guilty]. |
Down St Mary | 7 Oct 23rd Geo 3rd. For not repairing the Road in Length 1Mile & half & in Breadth 8feet from a Lake of Water called Stentabridge Lake home to another Lake of Water called Ball Lake in the Road leading from Down through Lammacott Village towards Chulmleigh - To which the Inhabitants have pleaded specially That. [comment - Not Guilty]. |
Benjamine Bousounge | 29th Nov 24th Geo 3rd for Assaulting Sarah wife of William Johnstone at the parish of Stoke Damerall - to which he hath pleaded a Misnomer. Witness: Sarah Johnstone; Elizabeth Trewman; Richard Tall. [comment - Recog forfd]. |
John Cater Christian Cater | 3rd Sept 23rd Geo 3rd. For a Riot & an Assault [with others] on William Cuddaford. 2nd Count - Common Assault. Witness: William Cuddaford; Elizabeth Cuddaford. [comment - Recog forfd]. |
Felons | |
John Berry Alexander Nevan William Bridle Elizabrth Stutt Charles Ashman Elizabeth Bickett Robert Northover John Fishley | All arraigned |
William Staddon John Hayman Stephen Mitchell | All arraigned |