This section summarizes the information one can expect to find in the various censuses from 1841 onwards.
- Census place (parish, township, etc.)
- Address (street, number, etc.)
- Uninhabited or Building
- Inhabited
- Surname / Forename / Relationship to head / Marital condition
- Age / Male or Female (rounded to nearest 5 years. Under 15 yrs is exact)
- Occupations
- Whether born in same County ( Y or N ).
- Whether born in S(cotland), I(reland),or F(oreign) Parts.
1841 - extract from Buxton, NFK
* 1841 Census of Buxton HO 107
* ---------------------
Parish or Township of Buxton (Part of)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
PLACE U I Names AGE/SEX Profession,Trade Whether born Else-
N N M F same county. where
Mill Street 1 Charles Gould 34 Gardener Yes
Sophia do 34 Y
Wm do 9 Y
Martha do 7 Y
Charles Frankling 15 Ag. Lab Y
Eliz/h do 12 Y
1 Martha Dunning 70 Ind(ependent) Yes
Sarah do 35 Y
Emily do 25 Dressmaker Y
George do 1 Y
1 John Bell 40 Carpenter Yes
Maria do 35 Y
Rob/t do 15 Y
John do 15 Y
Maria do 12 Y
Emma do 10 Y
W/m do 7 Y
Caroline do 5 Y
Jane do 2 Y
1&1 Thos Sturman 92 Ind.. Y
Sarah do 85 Y
1&1 John Hannant 37 Ag. Lab Yes
Marg/t do 37 Y
John do 10 Y
1 Esther Copland 86 Yes
Total in 2u6 11 14
Page 1..
ie. 2 u(nihabited) [One between Bell and Sturman households and
the second between Sturman and Hannant households]
and 6 inhabited (separated by //)
of which Charles Gould's contains 2 families (separated by / in column 4).
The Ecclesiastical Census of 1851 [search for - "HO 129" "census" - date range 1851 to 1851 in the "Keyword search" box] only gives average numbers of worshippers at all churches throughout the County. Do not just overlook the other information it contains because as well as the name for each Parish of the Church of England ie. St Michael's it also lists all Non Conformist ones. These are useful pointers to where baptisms etc. might have taken place if they can not be found in the Anglican church.
The parish of Buxton is given as an example.
Church of Parish of Buxton, St. Andrew. Square tower contains 2 ailses with clerestories, a chancel and a porch at the south end.
Parish, Ecclesiastical Division. Sup. Reg. County and Diocese
------------------------------- --------- ------------------
Buxton Aylsham Norfolk
Ingham and Sparham Deanery Diocese of Norwich
Free sittings 220
Other sittings 140
Estimate No. of persons attending divine service Average
am pm evening
Gen 57 149 - 80 139
Sunday Scholars 56 52 - 50 50
--- --- -- ---
113 201 130 189
George Jarvis, Curate, Vicarage House, Buxton
Wesleyan 1825 Separate building Entirely Worship Free Other
Chapel Yes Yes 65 60
Free space 120
am pm evening
- 60 60
Benjamin Passon, Steward
Friends or Quaker meeting House at Lamas (erected before 1800)
...(numbers of worshippers)....
Ransom Bransby (a member)
Particular Baptist Lamas with Before 1800 A room in a range of
Chapel Hautbois Parva buildings entirely
separate from others
...(numbers of worshippers)....
George Copland, Minister
The Heath Chapel Baptist Before 1800 Separate building
...(numbers of worshippers)....
F(?)aber Dawson, Minister.
- Norfolk Record Society Vol LXII
- 1851 Census of Religious Worship for Norfolk
Editors J. Ede & N. Virgoe
[ISBN 09511-600-87, 1998]
- House of Commons Sessional Papers, 1852-53, Vol LXXXIX
- Census of Great Britain, 1851: Religious Worship, England and Wales - Report and Tables [London, 1853]
Reprinted in the Irish University press Series of British Parl. Papers, Population, Vol. 10
[Shannon, 1970]
The following article contains 131 references to this census.
- Field, Clive
- The 1851 Religious Census of Great Britain: a Bibliographical Guide for Local and Regional Historians
(Series title: The Local Historian, Journal of British Assoc. for Local History).
[ISBN 00245585, Vol 27, No 4, 1997]
These contain the following items, but see notes afterwards:-
- Census place (parish, township, etc.)
- Address (street, Schedule number-NOT house no., etc.) [14 characters]
- Surname / Forename (sometimes swopped around)
- Relationship to head / Marital condition
- Age / Male or Female
- Occupation [13 characters]
- County of birth / Parish of birth (sometimes swopped around).
- PRO and GSU references[transcription only]
The 1851 and 1881 transcripts have some fields truncated as indicated in [square brackets]. The "blind, deaf, dumb" heading doesn't appear - but where applicable, there is a reference across to the "Miscellaneous notes" fiche, which then has the full details.
1851 - extract from Buxton, NFK
* 1851 Census of Buxton HO 107 / 1810 f 585--> 604
* ---------------------
*The whole of the Parish including Mill Street, Brook Street, Townsend
*and Scotland Common, Lion Street the Hall and Buxton old Workhouse.
Schedule | Street |Surname,
27 Coltishall Rd Bell, Robert H M 27 Carpenter, Jour. Catton , NFK
Bell, Ann W M 27 Dressmaker Hevingham , NFK
28 Coltishall Rd Woodhouse, Samuel H M 34 Ag. Lab Brampton , NFK
Woodhouse, Ann W M 37 Oxnead , NFK
Woodhouse, James S 11 At Home Hevingham , NFK
29 Coltishall Rd Coman, James H M 44 Ag. Lab BX , NFK
Coman, Elizabeth W M 29 Palling , NFK
Coman, Robert S 7 Scholar BX , NFK
Coman, James S 4 At Home BX , NFK
Coman, John S 1 At Home BX , NFK
Watts, Sarah Sw? 18 Palling , NFK
30 Coltishall Rd Frankling, Elizabeth H Ww 78 Gressenhall , NFK
Frankling, Harriet Gd 11 Scholar BX , NFK
31 Coltishall Rd Everitt, Jane H M 28 Tea Dealers Wife Unknown , ?
Everitt, Edward S 6 At Home BX , NFK
Meares, Mary Ann Sv 14 House Servant No. Walsham , NFK
32 Coltishall Rd Saul, Thomas H M 49 Ag. Lab Cawston , NFK
Bradley, Joseph L M 50 Engineer Tipton, , STS
Bradley, Mary Ann L M 30 Glover Yarmouth , NFK
* -- --
* 10 9
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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
April 2006