


Norfolk: Weston Longville


Census 1801

This document shows the heads of households, with the number of residents in each household in brackets. There is no other information, such as the names of other family members or their ages. There were a total of 365 people. The original is held by the Norfolk Record Office (NRO). The reference is PD 92/35.

[Transcription copyright © Bonnie Ostler]

An Account of People in Number of each House in Weston taken by Stephen Andrews Jr, April 1801.

John Custance Esq (16), P ? Custance Esq (4), James Woodforde Rectore (7), John Girling (17), William Howlett (10), Robert Emery (9), John Mann (7), John Baker (7), Stephen Andrews Sr. (2), Stephen Andrews Jr. (5), Michael Andrews (7), Thomas Baker (5), Thomas Salisbury (5), William Bidewell (7), James Pegg (3), Henry Case (3), --- Pratt (4), William Curson (8), Thomas Arthurton Sr (2), Thomas Arthurton Jr (7), William Large (10), William Woodcock (7), John Leeds (6), William Richmond (7), Henry Chubbuck (7), Henry Briggum (8), John Beales (7),Thomas Chambers (5), James Pollard (4), Joseph Bowles (9), Robert Downing Sr (3), Roger Sherwood (4), William Walker (7), John Clarke (7), Paul Bowden (9), John Elliott (3), John Daines (3), John Denny (5), William Spraggs (8), Andrew Spraggs (9), Widow Capper (8), John Hubbard (8), William Bushell (5), James Hardy (6), Henry Baker (9), Charles Cary (3), Robert Cary (2), Richard Wiseman (5), George Gunton (2), John Auck (4), James Knights (3), John Whisson (4), John Harrison (6), John Norton (2), William Hardy (2), Timothy Tooley (1), Widow Case (1), Widow Warton (2), Henry Dunnell (8), Widow Dunnell (1), Woman Woods (3), Joseph Adcock (1), Widow Ward (1), William Betts (4), James Chapman (5), Phillip Chapman (3), Robert Downing Jr (2), John Heavers (3)

This is followed by a page of baptism, marriage and burial statistics by year from about 1784 onward. As only numbers, not names, are given, it has not been transcribed.

See also the Weston Longville parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
April 2000