


Norfolk: West Beckham


Population: 1831

This 1831 Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference PD 652/50] is on one sheet of paper. It is the standard printed form that was issued to parishes and contains only statistics ie. no names.

It contains the following information [on the outside]:-

County of Norfolk
Division of ------
Hundred of South Erpingham
Parish of West Beckham

Formula, No1.

When the entries in this Formula shall have
been totalled and properly transferred to the
Overseer's Schedule, this
Formula No 1. is
to be delivered to the Churchwarden of the
Parish, and preserved by him and his
Successors in Office [under IX. Section of
the Act]

         Males    81
         Females  75
         Total   156
 Population Enquires
 30th May 1831
     [The following was on the other side of the printed form]

Formula, No 1. County of Norfolk, Parish of West Beckham

  1.| Inhabited Houses. ___________________________________   34
    | Families.         ___________________________________   37
  2.| House building.   ___________________________________   --
  3.| Houses uninhabited. _________________________________    1
  4.| Fa  { Employed in Agriculture _______________________   30
    | mi  { In Trade,Manufacture, &c. _____________________    7
    | lies{ All other Families.   _________________________   --
  5.|            {______________________________________________
    |   Males    {______________________________________________ 
    |            {________________________________________    81
    |            {______________________________________________
    | Females    {______________________________________________
    |            {________________________________________    75
  6.| Males upwards of 20 years ____________________________  50
  7.| Agric   { Occupiers 1st Class.________________________   7
    | ulture. { Occupiers 2nd Class.________________________  --
    |         { Labourers in Agriculture.___________________  31
  8.| Manufacturers.________________________________________  --
  9.| Retail Trade and Handicraft___________________________   7
 10.| Wholesale & Capitalists, Clergy, Office - Clerks, }
    | Professional, and other Educated Men              }____ --
 11.| Labourers, not Agricultural.___________________________ --
 12.| All other Males of 20 Years.___________________________  5
 13.| Male      { Upwards of 20 Years._______________________ --
    | Servants  { Under 20 Years.____________________________  4
    | All Female Servants.___________________________________  6

(Signed) Cook Fuller

[End of Census Document]


  • 1. There was also a page of printed text detailing how the form was to be filled out.
  • 2. The form had /// ie. strokes marked on each line as each instance of the questions was answered. These strokes (omitted here if present) were then added up to produce the number at the end of the line.

See also the West Beckham parish page and the main Population page

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
February 2007