Norfolk: Wells-next-the-Sea
Census: 1793
Wells-next-the-Sea is one of the few places in the county for which a census before 1841 containing names survives.
This 1793 Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference FX 215/1] is a facsimilie of the original as written in the church records. I have split my transcription up into pages where each represents an individual street or area as indicated in the text.
[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]
Page Index
Name Index
The following surnames are contained in the document. The numbers following each are the Page numbers which contain one or more occurences of the name.
Aggs (27) Alderson (5) Aldus (42) Alford (39) Allen (2,17,25,27,28,44) Alyard (17,47) Anderson (24) Askew (28) Baker (4,9,43,46,47,48) Balcombe (42) Baldwin (48) Balls (23,41) Banham (4) Barton (10) Base (7,9) Batchelor (22) Bates (37) Battram (38) Beckerton (1) Beecroft (25) Belcham (28) Bell (24,39) Bidwell (19) Bircham (28) Bird (6,48) Bloom (4,31,44) Bloy (48) Bond (25,35,45) Boon (32) Bottomley (36,44) Bouch (34) Boyles (4) Brick (22) Brightmen (9) Brightmer (1,21,28,42,47,48) Brightwell (4) Brinn (6) Brown (25,43) Bryant (25) Buck (22,50) Buckler (27) Bulley (4) Bullin (27,28,32) Bullock (48) Bunn (1,3,28,53) Burcham (1) Canfor (2) Carman (16) Cawston (27) Chadd (11,18,19,23) Chamberlyn (1) Child (1,17) Clamp (4) Clarke (1,42,53) Cock (9,46,47) Coe (1,21) Colls (23) Cook (2,18,25,28,50) Cooke (42) Cooper (28) Crawford (18,21) Cringle (37) Cubitt (48) Cullin (11,28,32) Curson (28) Cursons (40) Curtis (19) Custance (48) Dale (16) Daniel (1) Davey (2,9,27) Davy (9) Dean (39) Deek (1) Dennis (22,25) Dixon (10) Dodman (46) Doyley (27) Drake (6,47) Draycot (12) Drewell (41) Dunsby (6) Eaton (2) Eccleton (47) Edwards (19,26,44,45,47) Elgar (27) Ellenor (18) Elliot (4,24,28,33) Elsden (42) Elsdon (42) Elvin (28,42,48) Emerson (9) Emms (3) Everitt (19,47) Faircloth (2) Fairweather (29,39) Farist (3) Farrer (53) Faux (15) Fenn (9) Fiddy (1) Flaxman (2,48,52) Footer (1) Foreman (42) Forster (6) Fox (27) Framingham (45) Franklin (31,37,53) Frost (2,20,27) Fryer (32,37,45) Gamble (27) Gardiner (5,30,53) Gardner (45) Garnet (21) Garrit (22) | Gibbs (3,28,43) Gilby (2) Girdlestone (18,51) Glover (9) Godfrey (6) Goldsmith (28,32) Goss (29) Greenacres (2,44) Groves (20) Haddon (53) Hadley (27) Hall (6,35,44,47,51) Halliday (44) Hammond (51) Hamond (45) Harmer (1) Harper (2) Harrison (35,44,47) Harrod (47) Hart (21) Harwood (22) Hasleton (49) Haycock (6,9) Hayden (40) Haydon (19) Henderson (39) Hendry (22) Herring (4) Heyhoe (19) Hill (1,26,27) Hinson (4) Hipworth (21) Hook (19) Horsfall (1) Howard (29) Howe (1) Hubbard (37) Hudson (4,22,33) Humphry (39,47) Impson (10,44,47) Isaac (37) Isaacks (5) Jeary (3) Jickling (22,31) Johnson (18) Juby (1) Keed (47) Kemp (39) Kendell (4,6) Kerrison (44) Kerson (28,46,50,53) Kidwood (4,18,21,22) Lambert (5) Lanch (48) Learner (9) Leeder (14,44) Legget (1) Lesley (2) Lester (21) Levi (27) Libbis (9) Lines (22) Long (53) Lounds (16,41) Lovel (38) Lown (1) Lynn (12) Madwell (47) Magmus (52) Magnus (46,53) Makefield (48) Makins (38) Man (19) Mann (2,4,19,47) March (53) Markinson (38) Mase (42) Massingham (12) Matsell (25,39) Matthews (19,50) Mayes (37) Metcalf (29) Middleton (18,22) Miller (52) Millington (22,53) Mindham (8,9,25,28,48,52) Minns (1) Misstead (47) Mitchell (2) Moll (45) Money (2,14) Monument (6) Moorhouse (40) Mott (24) Mountain (47) Moy (9) Mussit (4,22) Neale (41,47) Nettle (46) Nettleton (28,47) Newson (17) Nichols (44) Nicholson (1) Norton (6) Notts(34) Oakes (1) Olands? (1) Oldfield (19) Oldman (37,38,39) Oliver (28,53) Orton (1,7) Oughton (30) Outlaw (3) Overman (44) Oxenborrow (53) | Page (28) Parker (7,11,29) Parnell (6) Parsons (48) Patrick (9) Peace (27) Pearce (1) Pearson (4) Pennington (47) Pentney (1,6,39) Pestell (47) Pinchin (40) Plane (17) Ploin (6) Plowman (9) Plumb (47,49) Pond (43) Poole (26) Potts (26,36,42) Poulter (52) Powditch (21,22,25,37,40) Press (3) Proudfoot (1,10,13) Pull (1,4,8) Race (28) Randall (2) Ransom (10) Ransome (2,29) Rayner (37) Reeder (39) Rhodes (12,26) Ringer (1) Ringstead (27) Ringwood (2,16) Rix (3,4) Roddle (4) Room (25) Rous (2) Rowlings (2,6) Royal (34) Rudd (2) Rump (12) Russel (1,53) Savery (22) Sayr (6) Scales (32) Seales (2) Sharp (51) Shaw (3) Shekel (48) Shorting (29,38) Silence (4) Simmonds (28) Skeet (7) Skippon (28) Smith (18,19,21,26,28,37, 38,40,47,48) Soffley (12) Souter (36) Southgate (1) Spencir (50) Spooner (6,14) Stacey (1,27,34,45) Standforth (43) Stapleton (52) Starkins (39,41,47) Starkyns (23) Steel (11) Stoney (7) Stoughton (27) Straycock (19,27) Swann (4) Tertius (27) Thompson (28) Thurgate (4) Tickell (27) Tingay (9) Tinkler (9) Toll (53) Tooley (7,49,52,53) Tuff (46) Tyzack (44) Wabon (3,15,18,23,28) Walden (5) Walker (8,11,25,31) Waller (1) Wanfer (36) Wardle (34) Wassey (28) Watson (21,32,42) Webber (2,4) Webon (48) Wells (2) Wesson (46) West (7,47) Whatley (44) Whitehead (27) Whitesides (48) Wickham (1,31) Wiggen (38) Wilkerson (27) Wilkins (27) Williamson (17) Wilson (23,25,27) Winn (3) Wodehouse (23) Wood (1) Woodbine (41) Woodcock (27) Woodrow (23) Woods (31,48) Wright (4,13,23,26,31,35, 38,41,42,44) Young (14) Youngs (2,30,44) |
Note that some names also occur additionally as places in the Page Index above eg. Jickling.
This census contains the following information :-
Wells Census 1793
Samuel Horsfall
Inhabitants of Wells taken Easter
No | |
In Parsonage Street | 187 |
In Burnt Do | 117 |
Plummer's Hill & Butt Lands | 142 |
Turning to the Fighting Cocks & Church St | 285 |
Church Marsh | 76 |
From the East End to Jno Hill 3rd Esqre | 513 |
From Kerrison's to the Dogger | 675 |
West End or Houses beyond the Dogger | 106 |
Dogger Lane with Base Houses | 92 |
Ex: Off Row. with the turning to the Butt Lands | 43 |
Tinker's Corner & Little London | 78 |
----- | |
Total | 2310 |
The 2310 according to this Acct is the number of Inhabitants yet allowing for Errors we may venture to Ascertain them about 2300 which is 100 less than in 1757.
A correct list of the Inhabitants residing in Wells taken the 8th, 9th,10th & 12th April 1793 by Saml Horsfall, Curate
Name | No | Name | No | |
[Page 1] Parsonage Street | [Page 1 contd] B/F | 109 | ||
Samson Wood Esqr | 8 | John Harmer | 3 | |
Mr Howe | 3 | Widow Proudfoot | 4 | |
S Horsfall Clk | 2 | Widow Pull | 1 | |
Mrs Bunn | 2 | Widow Chamberlyn | 1 | |
Wm Fiddy | 4 | Robert Lown | 4 | |
John Oakes | 4 | Mr Brightmer | 3 | |
Mrs Waller | 2 | Thos Olands? | 3 | |
Isaac Proudfoot | 3 | Robt Pearce | 6 | |
John Juby | 5 | Mr Nicholson | 4 | |
John Minns | 2 | Mr Southgate | 6 | |
Sam. Legget | 5 | In the Wk House | 43 | |
Robert Coe | 3 | --- | ||
James Burcham | 6 | [Total] | 187 | |
James Ringer | 5 | [Page 2] Burnt Street | ||
Widow Clarke | 3 | Mr Eaton | 2 | |
Widow Wickham | 2 | Mr Lesley | 10 | |
Widow Deek | 6 | Richd Ringwood | 2 | |
James Orton | 10 | Saml Ringwood | 4 | |
Richd Hill | 2 | Widow Canfor | 3 | |
Thos Stacey | 2 | Thos Mitchell | 10 | |
Wm Beckerton | 5 | Wm Ransome | 7 | |
Chris: Pentney | 3 | Ambrose Greenacres | 5 | |
John Child | 6 | Henry Money | 4 | |
John Daniel | 10 | Matt: Randall | 4 | |
Robt Footer | 4 | Philip Davey | 7 | |
Miss Russel | 2 | John Rowlings | 2 | |
[Total] | --- | Mrs Seales | 2 | |
109 | Mr Wells | 4 | ||
--- | ||||
66 | ||||
[Page 2 contd] B/F | 66 | [Page 3 contd] B/F | 45 | |
Mr Webber Senr | 3 | Widw Emms | 3 | |
Mr Davey | 4 | --- | ||
Thos Youngs | 2 | 48 | ||
Mary Frost | 4 | [Page 4] Butt Lands | - | |
Susan Faircloth | 1 | Mr Banham | 3 | |
Widow Flaxman | 6 | Peter Thurgate | 6 | |
John Harper | 4 | Wm Pearson | 4 | |
Thomas Allen | 6 | Mrs Brightwell | 1 | |
Mrs Faircloth | 4 | Mr Silence | 4 | |
George Cook | 5 | Benjn Bulley | 2 | |
Robert Mann | 6 | John Baker | 3 | |
Mrs Gilby | 2 | Peter Kidwood | 4 | |
Mr Rous | 2 | Mr Boyles | 3 | |
Isaac Rudd | 2 | Henry Mussit | 4 | |
--- | Mr Webber | 6 | ||
117 | John Clamp | 3 | ||
[Page 3] Plummer's Hill | Widow Wright | 4 | ||
Mrs Rix | 3 | Widow Hudson | 2 | |
Edd Jeary | 5 | Wm Herring | 6 | |
Alexander Shaw | 5 | James Pull Junr | 3 | |
Thos Outlaw | 2 | William Swann | 3 | |
Will: Farist | 4 | Robt Baker | 3 | |
Michael Press | 3 | Thomas Roddle | 4 | |
John Rix | 5 | Mr Kendell | 1 | |
Wm Wabon | 5 | Stephen Mann | 2 | |
Thomas Bunn | 5 | Widow Rix | 6 | |
Willm Gibbs | 5 | Lee Hinson | 8 | |
Mr Winn | 3 | Mr Bloom | 7 | |
--- | Widow Elliot | 2 | ||
45 | --- | |||
94 | ||||
[Page 5] Towds the Fightg Cocks | [Page 7 contd] B/F | 114 | ||
John Lambert | 4 | John Skeet | 7 | |
Nath: Isaacks | 5 | Widow Orton | 5 | |
Miss Alderson | 3 | Wm Base | 4 | |
John Gardiner | 3 | [Page 8] Mindham's Yd | - | |
John Walden | 5 | Mr Mindham | 4 | |
[Page 6] Church Street | John Walker | 1 | ||
John Norton | 2 | James Pull Senr | 3 | |
Widow Hall | 4 | [Page 9] Towds Mrs Emerns | ||
Thomas Hall | 7 | Thos Patrick | 8 | |
Mr Pentney | 3 | Widow Moy | 1 | |
Wm Spooner | 5 | Zack: Fenn | 5 | |
Mr Forster | 3 | Will: Cock | 4 | |
Mrs Hall | 2 | Mrs Emerson | 2 | |
Robert Hall | 2 | Mrs Tinkler | 1 | |
John Brinn | 2 | Mr Jo: Haycock | 12 | |
Mr Godfrey | 8 | Mrs Glover | 2 | |
Widow Sayr | 1 | Mr Tingay | 2 | |
Mrs Dunsby | 5 | Mr Libbis | 10 | |
Mr Sayr | 7 | Mr John Davy | 5 | |
Wm Parnell | 2 | Widow Learner | 1 | |
Mr Kendell | 2 | James Davey | 2 | |
Mr Monument | 3 | Wm Base Senr | 2 | |
Widow Rowlings | 2 | Robert Baker | 4 | |
Mr Haycock Senr | 4 | Mr Brightmen | 4 | |
Widow Drake | 1 | Mr Mindham | 9 | |
Susan Bird | 3 | Mr Plowman | 7 | |
Wm Ploin | 9 | --- | ||
[Page 7] Kendall's Yard | 235 | |||
Thos Parker | 4 | [Page 10] Ransome's Yard | ||
Wm West | 5 | Thos Barton | 4 | |
Charles Stoney | 6 | Wm Impson | 6 | |
Wm Tooley | 2 | John Dixon | 4 | |
Widow Proudfoot | 1 | |||
John Ransom | 1 | |||
[Page 10 contd] B/F | 16 | [Page 17 contd] B/F | 56 | |
[Page 11] Church Row | Thos Child | 2 | ||
Mr Parker | 2 | Robt Allen | 2 | |
Wm Cullin | 1 | Gilbert Plane | 3 | |
Mrs Walker | 7 | Meshech Plane | 3 | |
Widow Chadd | 3 | Wm Newson | 5 | |
Mr Steel | 8 | Widow Alyard | 5 | |
[Page 12] Towds the Ch Marsh | --- | |||
Thos Draycot | 2 | 76 | ||
John Massingham | 3 | [Page 18] East End Begins at | ||
Mr Rump | 8 | top of the Wounded Heart Yard | ||
Robert Soffley | 7 | Widow Smith | 4 | |
Wm Rhodes | 7 | Robert Chadd | 7 | |
Thos Lynn | 2 | James Ellenor | 8 | |
--- | Richd Johnson | 5 | ||
66 | Elijah Smith | 5 | ||
[Page 13] Church Marsh | John Girdlestone | 2 | ||
Thos Wright Esqr | 7 | Philip Cook | 7 | |
Jnon Proudfoot | 4 | Wm Middleton | 4 | |
[Page 14] Spooner's Yard | Wm Kidwood | 2 | ||
Wm Spooner | 2 | Wm Crawford | 6 | |
John Leeder | 4 | Widow Wabon | 1 | |
Robert Money | 2 | [Page 19] N. Everitt's Yard | ||
Edmd Young | 6 | Francis Smith | 6 | |
[Page 15] Faux's Yard | James Matthews | 3 | ||
Mr Faux | 2 | Robt Smith | 3 | |
Christor Wabon | 5 | Richd Bidwell | 3 | |
[Page 16] Ringwood's Yard | John Haydon | 2 | ||
Wm Ringwood | 8 | Mark Mann | 3 | |
Widow Dale | 1 | George Edwards | 3 | |
Thos Lounds | 5 | Widow Mary Man | 1 | |
Hm Carman | 4 | Francis Chadd | 2 | |
Rob: Carman | 4 | Thomas Hook | 5 | |
[Page 17] Turn Stile Yard | Mr Curtis | 2 | ||
Wm Williamson | 2 | |||
[Page 19 contd] B/F | 84 | [Page 22 contd] B/F | 85 | |
Thomas Heyhoe | 9 | John Lines | 7 | |
Wm Straycock | 4 | Stoughton Hendry | 8 | |
Mr Oldfield | 4 | Widow Powditch | 3 | |
Mr N: Everitt } John Everitt } | 12 | John Brick | 6 | |
--- | Mr Augt Dennis S. | 9 | ||
113 | Collector Jickling S. | 5 | ||
[Page 20] Staithe | Mr Batchelor S. | 6 | ||
The Lett: S. signifies Staithe till we come to the Dogger | --- | |||
Widow Frost S. | 4 | 129 + H. M. G = 135 | 135 | |
Henry Groves | 4 | [Page 23] Standard Yard | ||
[Page 21] Kidwood Yard | Thos Chadd | 10 | ||
John Kidwood | 2 | Wm Balls | 8 | |
Saml Hart | 4 | Widow Woodrow | 4 | |
Widow Powditch | 3 | Mrs Wright | 2 | |
Mary Brightmer | 1 | Henry Starkyns | 4 | |
-- Crawford | 1 | John Wabon | 3 | |
Isaac Watson | 6 | Edmd Wodehouse | 2 | |
Robert Garnet | 7 | Widow Wilson | 1 | |
John Coe | 2 | Solomon Colls | 4 | |
Wm Smith | 4 | [Page 24] Houses Beyd Mr Bloom's | ||
Thos Hipworth | 4 | Mrs Bell | 2 | |
Robert Lester | 2 | Edwd Elliot | 7 | |
Robert Coe | 3 | Wm Mott | 5 | |
[Page 22] Woundd Ht Yd | James Anderson | 2 | ||
Widow Harwood | 3 | [Page 25] Captn Bryant's Yd | ||
Willm Millington | 5 | Widow Brown | 2 | |
Christr Savery | 2 | Widow Bond | 2 | |
Joseph Buck | 5 | George Beecroft | 5 | |
James Hudson | 3 | Captn Mindham | 6 | |
Thomas Kidwood | 9 | Robt Room | 5 | |
Henry Garrit | 4 | Captn Bryant | 2 | |
Clemt Middleton | 7 | Wm Powditch | 4 | |
Henry Mussit | 6 | Peter Wilson | 6 | |
Wm Cook | 5 | |||
[Page 25 contd] B/F | 91 | [Page 27 contd] B/F | 64 | |
Thomas Allen | 11 | Widow Stacey | 5 | |
Widow Powditch | 6 | Mrs Bullin | 7 | |
Mr Dennis S. | 4 | Widow Aggs | 2 | |
John Matsell S. | 8 | Thos Wilson | - | |
Mr B: Walker S. | 7 | Mr Elgar | 10 | |
[Page 26] Ship Yard | Mr Tickell Clk | 9 | ||
Peter Edwards | 7 | Mr Hill Tertius | 7 | |
Francis Wright | 3 | --- | ||
John Rhodes | 8 | 104 | ||
Elijah Smith Senr | 3 | [Page 28] Lt Hd down High St | ||
Thomas Potts | 3 | John Kerson | 4 | |
Mrs Poole | 2 | John Askew | 4 | |
Mr Hill: Mercht S. | 8 | Thos Page | 3 | |
--- | Thos Belcham | 2 | ||
161 | Mr Bircham | 10 | ||
[Page 27] Lt Hd Up High Street | Robert Wabon } Widow Thompson } | 6 | ||
George Peace | 8 | Mr Skippon | 4 | |
Edwd Wilkerson | 2 | Henry Bullin | 6 | |
Captn Stoughton | 3 | Mr Curson | 2 | |
Mr Gamble | 3 | John Goldsmith | 1 | |
Saml Fox | 3 | Widow Allen | 2 | |
John Hadley | 5 | Widow Cullin | 2 | |
John Whitehead | 5 | Widow Cooper | 1 | |
Danl Doyley | 2 | Mrs Nettleton | 1 | |
John Wilkins | 4 | Mr Brightmer | 4 | |
Mr Frost | 2 | Widow Cook | 1 | |
Mr Davey | 3 | Widow Oliver | 5 | |
Mr Ringstead | 6 | Mr Bunn | 4 | |
Widow Allen | 1 | Thomas Wabon | 2 | |
James Woodcock | 5 | Wm Wassey | 3 | |
Wm Straycock | 2 | Captn Race | 5 | |
Mr Levi | 4 | Widow Mindham } Mrs Simmonds } | 8 | |
John Cawston | 3 | Widow Elliot | 2 | |
Widow Buckler | 3 | |||
[Page 28 contd] B/F | 82 | B/F | 78 | |
Widow Race | 1 | [Page 33] Tunn's Yard | ||
Widow Mindham | 5 | Mr Elliot | 4 | |
-- Smith | 10 | Mr P Hudson | 7 | |
John Gibbs | 5 | [Page 34] Royal's Yard | ||
John Elvin | 6 | Mrs Royal } Thos Bouch } | 5 | |
[Page 29] Fleece Yard | John Stacey | 6 | ||
Widow Goss | 2 | Widow Notts } Widow Wardle } | 5 | |
Peter Fairweather | 2 | [Page 35] Greyhound Yd. | ||
John Shorting | 5 | Captn Hall Senr | 3 | |
Wm Howard | 6 | Matthew Wright | 2 | |
John Metcalf | 10 | Widow Bond | 2 | |
--- | Wm Harrison | 2 | ||
134 | [Page 36] Glebe | |||
Mrs Ransome S. | 4 | Thos Potts Senr | 3 | |
Thos Parker | 1 | Mr Bottomley | 5 | |
[Page 30] Sun Yard | Captn Wanfer | 2 | ||
James Youngs | 5 | Edwd Souter | 5 | |
John Gardiner | 2 | [Page 37] The Court at the Bottom of the Glebe | ||
Mrs Oughton S. | 7 | Mr Fryer | 4 | |
[Page 31] Mr Jickling's Yd. | Widow Isaac | 1 | ||
Mr Jickling | 7 | Captn Mayes | 2 | |
Edwd Wickham | 3 | Captn Thos Fryer | 5 | |
Nathanl Woods | 10 | Robt Oldman | 4 | |
Captn R. Franklin | 4 | Widow Franklin | 1 | |
Captn Heny Walker | 7 | Widow Do | 1 | |
Captn Heny Bloom | 4 | John Bates | 4 | |
Widow Wright S. | 1 | Thos Powditch | 5 | |
[Page 32] Red Lion Yard | Simon Smith | 3 | ||
John Boon | 3 | Ben Rayner | 5 | |
David Fryer | 2 | Widow Hubbard | 2 | |
John Watson | 2 | Henry Cringle S. | 5 | |
Mrs Bullin | 1 | --- | ||
Thos Cullin | 4 | 169 | ||
Captn Goldsmith | 7 | |||
Captn Scales | 4 | |||
[Page 38] The Yard leading to Mr Langtons | [Page 41 contd] B/F | 135 | ||
Nich: Wright | 9 | Widow Neale | 3 | |
Joseph Battram | 3 | Thos Starkins | 4 | |
John Wiggen | 9 | John Wright | 4 | |
Robt Markinson | 6 | Wm Drewell | 5 | |
Christ:r Makins | 2 | Widow Lounds | 2 | |
John Shorting | 3 | [Page 42] Brightmers Yd | ||
Robert Lovel | 3 | Thos Brightmer | 5 | |
John Oldman | 5 | John Balcombe | 2 | |
John Smith | 2 | John Aldus | 8 | |
[Page 39] Langton's Yd | Widow Mase | 1 | ||
John Kemp | 4 | John Elsdon Senr | 1 | |
Joshua Humphry | 4 | John Elsden Junr | 6 | |
James Alford | 5 | Wm Aldus | 5 | |
Captn Fairweather | 2 | Mr Mase | 5 | |
Thos Oldman | 5 | Wm Cooke | 5 | |
Henry Dean | 4 | Widow Watson | 3 | |
Thos Henderson | 5 | Peter Elvin | 2 | |
Widow Matsell | 1 | Peter Potts | 2 | |
Robt Starkins | 3 | Widow Clarke | 2 | |
Mrs Reeder | 7 | Wm Wright | 3 | |
Mrs Bell | 3 | John Foreman S. | 6 | |
Captn Pentney | 7 | [Page 43] Gibbs Yard | ||
[Page 40] leading down -- | Mr Gibbs | 4 | ||
John Hayden | 4 | Mr Brown | 5 | |
Thos Moorhouse | 5 | George Bacon | 4 | |
Wm Powditch | 2 | Widow Standforth | 2 | |
Thos Smith | 10 | Rachel Pond | 6 | |
James Cursons | 5 | [Page 44] Bridge Yard | ||
Christr Pinchin | 6 | Captn Thos Bloom | 7 | |
[Page 41] Balls Yard | Ed: Bottomley | 4 | ||
Mr Balls | 2 | Widow Tyzack | 2 | |
-- Woodbine | 9 | Richd Impson | 5 | |
Robt Leeder | 4 | |||
And: Hall | 2 | |||
[Page 44 contd] B/F | 254 | [Page 47] West End or houses Beyd Dogger | ||
Matt: Kerrison | 4 | Nicholas Misstead | 3 | |
And: Hall Junr | 3 | Francis Bacon | 4 | |
Widow Whatley | 4 | Mr Nettleton | 5 | |
Wm Wright | 6 | Mr Harrison | 7 | |
Edwd Edwards | 1 | Wid: Brightmer | 4 | |
Edwd Edwards | 4 | James Pennington | 5 | |
John Nichols | 4 | James Madwell | 4 | |
John Greenacres | 4 | James Keed | 3 | |
Ri?: Halliday | 1 | James Humphry | 4 | |
Mr Overman | 3 | Hen: Eccleton | 1 | |
Thos Youngs | 6 | Wm Starkins } Wm Smith } | 4 3 | |
John Harrison | 3 | Math:w Pestell | 7 | |
Widow Allen | 1 | James Madwell Senr | 2 | |
[Page 45] Mr Gardner's Yd | Joseph Plumb | 4 | ||
Mrs Fryer | 4 | John Neale | 8 | |
Ed: Framingham | 4 | Susan Harrod | 1 | |
Mrs Gardner | 2 | Wm Mountain | 4 | |
Edwd Edwards | 7 | Allen Drake | 3 | |
Wm Stacey | 4 | Widow Pennington | 1 | |
Robt Moll | 3 | King Everitt S. | 5 | |
Wm Bond | 4 | Thos Hall | 2 | |
Mr Hamond | 10 | Philip Impson | 4 | |
[Page 46] Cocks Yard | John Pennington | 1 | ||
Thos Cock | 3 | Wm West | 2 | |
John Dodman | 4 | Matt: Edwards | 4 | |
John Bacon | 4 | Widow Alyard | 2 | |
Wm Tuff | 3 | James Mann | 4 | |
Edmd Wesson | 7 | Thos Cock | 5 | |
Robt Nettle | 3 | --- | ||
John Kerson | 4 | 106 | ||
Mr Rd Magnus | 8 | |||
--- | ||||
372 | ||||
[Page 48] Dogger Lane | [Page 51] Turns towd Bt Lands | |||
Henry Woods | 8 | Mr Girdlestone | 10 | |
Matt:w Bullock | 6 | Captn Hall | 8 | |
Robt Mindham | 2 | Captn Hammond | 7 | |
James Makefield | 6 | Mr Sharp | 4 | |
Widow Baker | 2 | [Page 52] Tinker's Corner | ||
Widow Brightmer | 1 | Richd Magmus Senr | 6 | |
Wm Custance | 1 | Widow Stapleton | 6 | |
Wm Baker | 2 | Elizabeth Flaxman | 1 | |
David Elvin | 3 | Elizabeth Tooley | 1 | |
Willm Cubitt | 9 | Mrs Poulter | 2 | |
Henry Bloy | 5 | John Mindham | 2 | |
Wm Lanch | 2 | Mr Miller | 2 | |
Wm Parsons | 6 | [Page 53] Little London | ||
Henry Baldwin | 5 | Captn Haddon | 3 | |
Willm Smith | 2 | Magnus ye Taylor | 5 | |
Francis Flaxman | 1 | John Russel | 7 | |
Thomas Bird | 2 | Thos March | 3 | |
James Shekel | 5 | Mr Oxenborrow | 3 | |
John Whitesides | 3 | Mr Thos Bunn | 3 | |
Widow Webon | 3 | Mrs Gardiner | 2 | |
[Page 49] Base Houses | - | Capt: Oliver | 5 | |
Joseph Plumb | 4 | Thos Kerson | 2 | |
John Hasleton | 7 | Captn Franklin | 6 | |
John Tooley | 7 | Widow Farrer | 2 | |
[Page 50] Ex: Off: Row | John Toll | 3 | ||
Mr Spencir | 4 | Matt: Long | 4 | |
Widow Cook | 3 | Robt Tooley | 3 | |
Robt Kerson | 4 | Henry Clarke | 3 | |
Mr Buck | 2 | Wm Millington | 2 | |
Wm Matthews | 4 | Mr Clarke ..... Farmer | 7 | |
--- | --- | |||
109 | 112 |
[End of Census Document]
Abbreviations used in this document
Abbrev iation | Meaning | Abbrev iation | Meaning | Abbrev iation | Meaning | ||
Beyd | Beyond | Fightg | Fighting | Mrs | Mrs | ||
Bt | Butt | Hd | Hand | Towds | Towards | ||
Ch | Church | Ht | Heart | Wk | Work | ||
Emerns | Emersons | Lt | Left | Woundd | Wounded | ||
Ex: Off: | Excise Office | Mr | Mr | Yd | Yard |
- All shorthand contractions in the document have been reproduced as written.
- Jno Hill 3rd Esqre refers to Mr Hill Tertius.
- At the end of Page 22 we have H.M.G. containing 6 people. A possibility for this is His Majesty's Gaol?
See also the Wells-next-the-Sea parish page and the main Census page
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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
July 2007