Genuki Norfolk -
All of the web pages for Genuki Norfolk are copyright. This includes (and is not restricted to) the text, the images, the layout of the pages, and the underlying code. It also applies to transcriptions when the original works are out of copyright, because in this case it is the transcription that is copyright, not the text.
There are many links to pages at other sites. The copyright for those pages belongs to the owners and maintainers named within them, and that copyright must also be respected.
Please do not use Genuki Norfolk as a source for links to use on your own pages. It is very easy to check the What's New page, or to use a link-harvesting program, as you know that all the Genuki Norfolk links are useful and relevant, but it does not recognise or acknowledge the care, the time, and the effort that has gone into finding these links.
You are welcome to link to the pages from other web sites, to quote extracts (eg in email messages), and to download or print pages for personal use, provided that Genuki Norfolk is mentioned as the source, the URL is given, and all included attributions, including the author (or authors), are retained.
Note that no one may take a copy of a page and put it online, in whole or in part, or in a modified form. We are able to recognise pages, even when the headers, footers and copyright notices have been removed, and we take action against people who infringe copyright.
Copyright © Pat Newby, Mike Bristow, Genuki Norfolk, and the other authors and transcribers whose names are shown on the pages.
April 2004