


Norfolk: Norwich


Voting Registers

Entries are followed by the description & publishing information where known.

  • 1710
  • 1714/5 - candidates - Waller Bacon Esq. & Robert Britiff Esq.
    • An alphabetical draught of the poll (in the City of Norwich) taken 2nd Feb 1714
      • [&Norwich: Henry Cross-grove, 1714]
      • [Bibliopolis CD Books, 2005]
      • [ISBN-10:1170718493, Gale Ecco, 2010]
  • 1722
    • Robert Britiff Esq. and Waller Bacon Esq. elected unopposed on Apr 3rd.
  • 1727
    • Robert Britiff Esq. and Waller Bacon Esq. elected. Other candidates were Miles Branthwayt and Richard Berney. No poll list known for 30th Aug 1727.
  • 1734/5
  • 1735
  • 1741
    • Horatio Walpole and Thomas Vere elected on 6th May. Defeated candidate was William Clarke. No poll list known for this general election.
  • 1747
    • Lord John Hobart and Horatio Walpole elected unopposed. No poll list known for this general election.
  • 1761
  • 1768
  • 1780
    • The poll for members of Parliament for the city of Norwich taken the eleventh day of September, 1780
      [Norwich: Berry, 1780]
      [Norwich: John Crouse, 1780]
  • 1781
    • Proceedings at the contested election for a citizen to serve the office of Sheriff of Norwich, along with Elias Norgate: Candidates Mr Thomas Colman, Mr John Patteson: also poll for an alderman for Mancroft ward. 1781
      [Norwich: M. Booth, 1781]
  • 1784
    • The poll for members of Parliament for the city of Norwich taken the 5th day of April, 1784
      [Norwich: J(ohn). & C(hristopher). Berry, 1784]
      [Norwich: J(ohn). Crouse, 1784]
  • 1786
    • A copy, from the original poll book for a member of Parliament for the city of Norwich taken at Norwich on the 15th and 16th days of Sept. 1786
      [Norwich: J. Crouse & Co., 1786] (Voters and Occupations)
      [Norwich: Chase & Co., 1786]
  • 1787
    • A copy, from the original poll book for a member of Parliament for the city of Norwich taken at Norwich on the 15th of March 1787
      [Norwich: Chase & Co., 1787]
  • 1790
    • The poll for members of Parliament for the city of Norwich taken 18th day of June, 1790
      [Norwich: James Bowen, 1790]
  • 1794
    • The poll for a member of Parliament for the city of Norwich, taken the 12th day of July, 1794
      [Norwich: Richard Bacon, 1794]
  • 1796
    • The poll for members of Parliament, for the city and county of Norwich, taken the twenty-fifth of May, 1796
      [Norwich: R. Bacon, 1796]
      [Norwich: Crouse, Stevenson and Matchett, 1796]
  • 1797
    • The poll for the freeman's sheriff, for the city and county of Norwich, taken the 29th of August, 1797
      [Norwich: Bacon, 1797]
  • 1799
    • The poll for a member of Parliament for the city and county of Norwich, taken the twenty-seventh of May, 1799
      [Norwich: Stevenson & Matchett, 1799]
  • 1802
    • The poll for members of Parliament, for the city and county of Norwich, taken the fifth of July, 1802
      [Norwich: Stevenson & Matchett, 1802]
      [Norwich: Bacon, 1802]
  • 1806
    • The poll for members of Parliament for the city and county of Norwich, taken the third and fourth of November, 1806
      [Norwich: Stevenson & Matchett, 1806]
      [Norwich: Richard Mackenzie Bacon, 1806]
  • 1807
    • The poll for members of Parliament for the city and county of Norwich, taken the fourth day of May, 1807
      [Norwich: Stevenson & Matchett, 1807]
  • 1812
    • The poll for members of Parliament for the city and county of Norwich, taken the seventh and eighth of October, 1812
      [Norwich: Stevenson, Matchett & Stevenson, 1812]
  • 1818
    • The poll for members of Parliament for the city and county of Norwich, taken the seventeenth and eighteenth days of June, 1818
      [Norwich: Burks & Kinnebrook, 1818]
      [Cinderford: Archive CD Books,CD #0733, ISBN 1845516260, 2002]
  • 1820
    • The poll for Aldermen of Wymer in the city of Norwich (by the Freemen), taken the first and second days of May, 1820
      -also contains nominees contested in Wards in March 1820
      [Norwich: Stevenson, Matchett & Stevenson, 1820]
  • 1824
    • The poll for Freemen's Sheriff of the City of Norwich taken the thirty first day of August, 1824
      [Norwich: Matchett & Stevenson, 1824]
  • 1826
    • William Smith and Jonathan Peel elected unopposed on Apr 3rd.
  • 1830
    • Poll for members of Parliament for the city and county of Norwich, taken on the 29th and 30th days of July, 1830
      [Norwich: Bacon & Kinnebrook, 1830]
      [Copy at www.archive.org (various formats)]
  • 1831
    • Poll for members of Parliament for the Northern Ward of the city and county of Norwich, taken on the 30th day of April and the 1st and 2nd May, 1831
      [Norwich: ---?, 1831]
  • 1832
    • Register of the electors with the poll for members to serve in Parliament for the city and county of Norwich, taken on the 10th, 11th and 12th of December, 1832
      [Norwich: Matchett & Co., 1832]
  • 1835
    • The registers of the 632 electors (compiled before 1st Nov 1834) with the poll for members to serve in Parliament for the city and county of Norwich, taken on the 6th and 7th of January, 1835
      [Norwich: Matchett & Co., 1835]
      [Copy of register online at "familysearch.org" website]
  • 1847
    • Norwich poll taken on Thursday, July 29th 1847
      [Norwich: Bacon & Kinnebrook, 1847]
  • 1852
    • The poll of the city of Norwich election, taken on Thursday, June 8th, 1852
      [Norwich: Josiah Fletcher, 1852]
  • 1854
    • The poll to elect one member to serve the city of Norwich taken on 28th Dec 1854
      [Norwich: Matchett & Stevenson, 1854]
  • 1857
    • Poll for two members to serve in Parliament for the city and county of Norwich, taken on the 28th day of March, 1857
      [Norwich: Matchett & Stevenson, 1857]
      [Norwich: Mercury Office, 1857]
  • 1859
    • Copy of the entire register of electors, with the poll for two members to serve in Parliament for Norwich, taken on the 30th day of April, 1859
      [Norwich: Mercury Office, 1859]
  • 1860
    • The poll for two members to serve in Parliament, for Norwich, taken on the 29th day of March, 1860
      [Norwich: Samuel Daynes, 1860]
  • 1865
    • The poll for two members to serve in Parliament for Norwich, taken on July 12th, 1865
      [Norwich: Samuel Daynes, 1865]
  • 1868
    • The poll for two members to serve in Parliament, for Norwich, taken on November 17th, 1868
      [Norwich: Matchett & Stevenson, 1868]
  • 1870
    • The poll for a member to serve in Parliament for Norwich, taken on July 12th, 1870
      [Norwich: Samuel Daynes, 1870]
  • 1871
    • The poll for a member to serve in Parliament for the city and county of Norwich, taken on February 21st, 1871
      [Norwich: Samuel Daynes, 1871]
  • 1845-1915
    • Electoral Registers
  • 1918-39
    • Electoral Registers
  • 1945-73
    • Electoral Registers

Online Copies

Online images of some Norfolk Voting registers are available at the

  1. Go down the "Historical Record Collections"
  2. Select Title - "England, Norfolk Register of Electors..."
  3. Select "Browse through xxx images"
  4. Under County pick - "Norfolk"
  5. Under Division pick either :-
    • 1. "xxx Division" - see list of elections in Norfolk. Note that the vote history page describes the areas covered by each division.
    • 2. "Norwich" or "Yarmouth" as required.
  6. Select required election.

See also :-

See also Norfolk Voting Registers and the Norwich pages.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
January 2015