Norfolk: Foxley
Population in 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, 1841-1891
These population statistics come from Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference PD 233/58 and microform MF/RO 681/2] and are at the beginning of the Parish Register Baptisms for 1813-2006. They contain only statistics ie. no names.
Population years available
1801 1811 | 1821 1831 | 1841 1851 | 1861 1871 | 1881 1891 |
The Population of Foxley in 1811 was 224, in 1801, 187
May 28th1821
136 Males } 114 Females } | Total 250 | { 47 inhabd houses { 2 uninhabited { 51 families |
An Account of the Population of Foxley taken May 30 1831 by Henry Dye
Males 148 } Females 126 } | 274 Total Number | { 60 houses { inhd by { 64 families |
Increase since 1821 - 24
Population June 7th1841 - taken by the Revd L. A. Norgate and Robert West
Males 153 } Females 140 } | 293 Total |
Increase since 1831 - 19
March 30 1851 by Robert West
Males 176 } Females 145 } | Total 321 |
58 Houses and 2 uninhabd & 4 having lodgers.
Apr 7th 1861 by Robert West & Revd L. A. Norgate
Males 153 } Females 125 } | Total 278 |
60 houses and 2 uninhabited
April 2-3 1871 by Robert West & Reverend L. A. Norgate
Males 108 } Females 122 } | Total 230 |
In 53 inhd houses + 3 uninhabited
Apr 3/4 1881 by H. Purdy & Lay
Males 110 } Females 110 } | Total 220 |
in 48 houses + 4 uninhabited
= 52 + 3 Church, chapel and Sun[day] School
5/6 April 1891 by Purdy
Males 97 } Females 88 } | Total 185 |
in 47 inhab. houses
+ 4 unin ------
51 + 3 Church, chapel, & Schl
Population averages (1812-1842) 262
N.B. In 30 years ending Dec 31st 1842, the actual
number of | Baptisms in Foxley was Burials Marriages 54 (B) + 5 (Li) | 295 150 59 | 9 5/6 per year 5 per year 2 nearly |
The proportions estimated in a population of 1000 by the Poor Law commissioners (1836/7) was
Births 29 7½ | Deaths 19 5 | Marriages 8 2 | nearly per year being equal to for a population of 262 |
[End of Document]
- B=Banns and Li=Licence in the Population averages table.
See also the Foxley parish page and the main Population page
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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
April 2008