


Norfolk: Kings Lynn Voting Registers


King's Lynn elected 2 people to represent the Borough in Parliament from at least 1298 until 1885 after which only one person was elected. Before the secret ballot of 1872 Poll Books were published for many contested elections indicating how the voters (only Freemen of the Borough until 1832) voted.

Entries are followed by the description & publishing information where known.


  1. 1747 - Candidates and Votes polled were:-
    • Mr. Walpole (199), Sir John Turner (184) and M. Folkes (131)
  2. 1768 - Candidates and Votes polled were:-
    • The Hon. Thomas Walpole (200), Sir John Turner (174) and Crisp Molineaux, Esq. (159)
    • The number of voters was 312.
  3. 1784 - Candidates and Votes polled were:-
    • The Hon. H. Walpole (151), Crisp Molineaux, Esq. (136) and B. P. Fountaine, Esq. (72)
    • The number of voters was 207.
  4. Freemen were the only people who could vote in the elections (until 1832) and larger numbers than usual were created by the Corporation just before certain elections. The number of freemen declined in the late 19th century.
  5. Search for "Kings Lynn Borough Archives" at Norfolk Record Office .
  6. People from "King's Lynn" also voted in the county elections.


(No author)
A Calendar of the freemen of Lynn 1292-1836.
[Norwich, Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, 1913]

See also the main Voting page, County elections page and the Kings Lynn pages.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
August 2012