1901 Census - Directions to the Enumerator
[From Public Record Office document RG13/4825, Folio 42 Page ii]
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Immediately after the completion of the Enumeration-
(l.) Arrange and number the Occupiers' Schedules, Shipping, Insitution and other Scedules in such Order that all those relating to One Civil Parish, one Ecclesiastical Parish, one Municipal Borough, or other local subdivision, follow each other.
(2.) COPY THE SCHEDULES VERY LEGIBLY IN INK into this Enumeration Book, in accordance with the following directions:-
- Insert first, in the spaces at the top of the page, the name of the Civil Parish; Ecclesiastical Parish; County Borough, Municipal Borough or Urban District; Ward of Municipal Borough or of Urban District; Rural District; Parliamentary Borough or Division; and Town, Village or Hamlet, in which the houses referred to on that page are situated, drawing' your pen through such of the headings as are inapplicable; see Example. No Schedule is to be entered on a page unless it belong to each of the local sub-divisions named in the Heading. See also Instruction No. 6.
- In the first column, write the No. of the Schedule you are about to copy, commencing with No. 1; in the second column the name of the Road, Street; Square, &c., in which the. house is situated, and the No. of the house, .or any distinctive name by which it is known; then insert in the third column the figure 1 for an Inhabited House. As regards an Uninhabited House, i.e., a House in which no person abode on the Census night, its number or name should be entered in column 2, and a figure 1 inserted opposite in column 4 if the house be in occupation for business or other purpose, but in column 5 if not in occupation for any purpose. For a house in course of building a figure 1 should be inserted in column 6.
- Under the last entry for each house draw a strong DOUBLE line, as in the example on the opposite page, to separate such entries from those for the house next following; and where there are two or more occupiers in the same house, draw a single line to distinguish the separate families, as in the example, [NOTE-- The occupier of a separate tenement, even if living alone without wife or family, must be treated as a separate family.]
Enter in the same manner the contents of all the other Schedules, in strict numerical order.
- Insert in- col.7 against the name of each occupier the number of rooms occupied if less than five.
- Copy from the Schedule into the other columns. all the particulars concerning the persons returned therein, without any omission, or any abbreviation except those authorised in the Instruction at the foot of this page, taking especial care to enter the ages of MALES and of FEMALES in their PROPER COLUMNS, and to copy front columns 6, 7 and 8 of the Schedules without any omission, alteration or abbreviation, into Columns 13, 14 and 15.
- When the particulars of all the Schedules belonging to the Civil Parish; Ecclesiastical Parish; County Borough, Municipal Borough or Urban District; Ward of Municipal Borough or of Urban District; Rural District; Parliamentary Borough or Division; and Town, Village or Hamlet named in the Heading have been entered, write across the page, "End of the Civil Parish of ----," End of the Municipal Borough of ----," or end of any other local sub-division which happens to he included on that page. See the printed Example. on page iii. The rest of the page must then be left blank, and the following Schedule must be entered on the first line of the next page.
- At the foot of each page, on the line for the purpose, enter (a) the total number of Schedules; (b) of Houses in the respective columns 3, 4, 5 and 6; (c) of Tenements of less than 5 rooms; (d) of Males in column 11; and (e) of Females in column 12, as in the example.
- If you have enumerated any persons in Canal Boats or Barges; enter the particulars from the Schedules for Vessels in the same manner as from the Occupiers' Schedules, stating in col.2 the locality in which the boats, &c., were enumerated.
- If you have obtained information and noted it in your Memorandum Book, respecting persons not dwelling in houses but in Barns; Sheds, Caravans, &c., the particulars, whether complete or not, should be entered under the proper Road, Lane, or other locality; in making up the totals at the foot of that page, however, the Barns, Sheds &c., must not be counted as Houses.
- Before proceeding to make up the Abstract on page v., satisfy yourself (1) that all your Schedules have been correctly copied into this Book, (2) that the ages have been correctly entered in columns 11 and 12 for Males and Females respectively, and (3) that the additions at the foot of each page are accurate; then enter the totals in the Abstract and cast such figures to an aggregate for the whole Enumeration District. Finally, fill up Summary Table 1 on page iv and sign the first Declaration on page vi.
ROAD, STREET, &c. - Write "Rd." for Road; "St." for Street; "Pl." for Place; "Sq." for Square; "Ter." for Terrace.
NAMES - Write the First Christian Name in full; adding the initials, or the first letters of the other Christian Names of a person who has more than one.
When the same surname occurs several times in succession, write "Do" for all such surnames except the first; which must be written in full.
Where the name or any other particular, is not known and cannot be ascertained, "n.k." should be entered in its place.
In the column "RELATION TO HEAD OF FAMILY" write "Head" for Head of family; "Daur." for Daughter; "F.-in-law" and "M.-in-law" for Father-in-law and Mother-in-law respectively; "Serv." for Servant.
In the column "CONDITION AS TO MARRIAGE" write "M." for married; "S." for unmarried; "Wid." for widow; or "Widr." for widower.
In the columns for "age" write the number of years in figures very distinctly in the proper column for "Males" or "Females" as the case may be; in the case of children under One Year of age, as the age must be expressed in months, write "Mo." distinctly after the figures.